Chaos Sonic(Chaos Copy) and Chao0s 0 are both shocked. Chaos Copy: AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Knuckles tosses around the chaos emeralds. OVA Knux: Hmm. Roarey...
Eggman snickered as an vil water thing came up from the ground. Rage: What the heck is that THING?! Chaos Copy: It's Chaos 0. Right Vyborg? Vyborg: O...
I have been told of a chao known as Charcon. My question is which one is he? Pictures would be nice too.
Lookie lookie!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lookie lookie!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've seen that weird chao. Heck it's not a chao it's a cheesepicklenosepieporkmustachetootheyeball! I should know, I am an expert on nothing so I know...
Roareye: I think I see OVA Sonic. Cyber: Well that's good. Roareye: He's being chased by a fat purple thing. -----------------------------------------...
Sorry to bump this topic, but I have to set things straight. Quote:OK. What is with this talk of alternate accounts? Ok I know that this account used...
You just don't give up do you? Ugh some people. Look Sadow Hog... I changed me pic! No more stealing from for me.
Finally someone besides me and that MegaSonic person like SatAm more than SegaSonic.