Mobius Forum Archive

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Joined: Aug 3, 2006
Topics: 6 / Replies: 58
RE: Welcome to City 17 (Half-Life 2)

- OOC - Sorry for the long post, but I want to make an area transition that manages to be interesting. - IC - It was curtains for what little remaine...

18 years ago
RE: Ale and Wenches: Disc 3

No more new people? I missed that part.

18 years ago
RE: Ale and Wenches: Disc 3

A smoking crater was in the place of what was once a vertically-triumphant rabbit. As the smoke blew away in the wind, a man stood upright in the crat...

18 years ago
RE: Ok, I need some ideas.

Dude, you got it all wrong. Don't sell the Gamecube for cash. Threaten to choke an orphan with it, and if the orphanage doesn't give you ten dollars, ...

18 years ago
RE: Welcome to City 17 (Half-Life 2)

Barney stood up, rubbing his chin. "What just happened here?" he asked. "Gordon saved you from that CP!" shouted Willy. "Did ...

19 years ago
RE: The Unofficial RP Discussion Thread!

Yeah, what he said. I didn't mean ACTUAL stupid... More like, the RP wouldn't have anything to do with the usual RPs that would appear on this board. ...

19 years ago
RE: The Unofficial RP Discussion Thread!

Knowing this place, I'm sure an RP that has even the most remote anime-resemblance will be welcomed with open arms. Any RP can go here, though. I've m...

19 years ago

Your RP seems to really lack description, but every RP I've made contained a LOT of description, and they never got very far. Probably because I ran t...

19 years ago
RE: Welcome to City 17 (Half-Life 2)

"What?" Barney asked Frohman over the din of the battle without sparing a glance. "I said, can I quit now!" said Gordon more loudl...

19 years ago
RE: Welcome to City 17 (Half-Life 2)

A Combine Metrocop, a member of Civil Protection. - OOC - That is perhaps the most hilarious thing I've ever read in a roleplay. So true to the chara...

19 years ago
RE: Welcome to City 17 (Half-Life 2)

With a copyright characer like that, we should just let the festivities begin. Though the Concerned comic already contains the City 17 chapter, I gues...

19 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 123
RE: Moon

The USA faked the moon landings because they wanted to beat the Russians!

19 years ago
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