Nintendo confirm the game is coming out in March 2010 for the Wii and DS. I guess the HD version will also come out the same month. Man, March look li...
Looks like finally we are gonna get some info about the game in January issue of the Offical X-Box Magazine. It about time.
Looks like we get to race with Sega All Stars racers outside the games.
Sheep Man? Really? C'mon Capcom you can come up with better stuff than that.
More action figures. This time is from Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing. Please let there be a Ryo Hazuki action figure.
The american box art is awesome.
Shadow, Werehog and Silver action figures spotted a Toys R' Us. They appear to be smaller than the Metal Sonic figure but are highly possable.
Btw for wondering if the game has S3&K lock on the BFFC rating leak indicate a "Knuckles in Sonic 3" to be part of the collection. Since...
So Sega finally confirm what we already known for weeks. Better late than never I guess. Btw you can find the box art for the game here.
Some old and new pics including Alex Kidd All-Star move.
LOL I hear about this last week. It pretty obvious Nights is in the game and not DLC. Edit- Screenshots of the DS version and PS3 version. I L...
Looks like Europe is getting the DS collection on March 2010.
Screenshots of the HD version. Looks awesome .
The BFFC has rated a Sonic Classic Collection. The Sonic Chronicle video might indicate that the game is coming to the DS and not PS3.
Sega probably would allow it. Archie on other hand , being more conservative probably would have shoot it down.
Developer diary. It explain the origins for the game as well as explaining who Sumo Digital are.
Look like the posibility of Toe Jam and Earl appearing as DLC is still open at least according to Greg Johnson. Sega just need to give him money .
So apparenlty one of the other reason the screens are so big is to allowed other people to sit next to you and watch you play the game. You know inste...
Halloween trailer with House of the Dead stage.There also a new character confirm but I can't tell who he is. Edit- The characters are called...
It can't be her since Dural has every Virtua Fighter special moves. He specifically mentions Akira's move only so it has to be him.
Rumor: Akira from Virtua Fighter might be in the game. If he is it be cool if he was driving the Hornet from Daytona USA since both series were create...
Game Informer scans ahoy. Cyborg Donald looks creepy and LOL at Pete dressed like a girl.
Rouge figure skating against Silver. I find it odd she doesn't have winter outfit like the other females do.
Sonic Chronicles's Twilight Cage Stage confirm. I wonder if Shade will a boss?
New trailer on french website confirm Nega Eggman and Omega as bosses. Dry Bowser, King Boo, Rouge and Jet ( you can see him at the end of the trailer...
Welcome back Ryo. Forklift FTW.
Don't expect ToeJam & Earl in this game. Sega doesn't have the license for the characters anymore. Greg Jonhson, the series co-creator, ...
So I guess Mario and Sonic are going to Rio De Janeiro in 2016 . I kind feel bad for Chicago though. They seem like they really wanted it.
Juri vs T.Hawk. Wow T.Hawk's Ultra looks pretty powerful. It took out half of Juri life bar. Juri's Ultra was pretty bad ass looking.
Screenshots of Dee Jay, T.Hawk and new hottie Juri.
Dream Events trailer. The snowball fights look pretty fun.
Rumor: All-Star Racing might get exclusive DLC characters for each console. Sonic Racing Open to DLC to differentiate PS3 SKU - not ratchet and ...
New screenshots. Looks like with Winter Olympics and Sega All Star Racing, Sea Side Hill is becoming the new Green Hill Zone.
I was going to post the anti-Sonic cycle but it contains a the "S" word.
Happy 10th birthday Dreamcast . Ah the memories of the first console I bought with my own money. I still play the Dreamcast everytime I can. Shenmue i...
Sonic 4 confirm then. If the game download, there better be a retail version. I don't have X-Box Live.
So Chip disintergrates, leaving his green orbed coller/neck-ring thing, which Sonic then picks up and finds it convieniantly fits on his wrist. ...
Hits the slope trailer is out. It shows how to use the Wii Fit board in the game.
See Knuckles all star move in action. Gotta say the game looks pretty fun.
There a new wolf deity in town. His name is Chibiterasu, a younger and less powerful male wolf.
Does this mean Marvel characters will now appear in Kingdom Hearts series?
Look like the final game will have 24 characters. I hope one of those character is Detective Washington with the ice cream truck from House of the Dea...
This could be nothing and just SEGA/OLFC renewing the title's copyright. I remember reading that this common there. Or maybe it has something t...
Looks like NiGHTS was confirm during the Summmer of Sonic Q&A. And speaking of which, here are the important points of the Q&A.
Sumo Digital Gamecom interview. He confirms online gameplay for all versions of the game and explain why Sonic and Beat are in car.
Sumo Digital mention that there would be only 7 Sonic characters in the game. Knuckles is the 7th one.