It was decent, but far from great. You were to busy trying to beat your opponent to the finish line to really get a feel for the level. Plus, level de...
Very lame. Then again, I always though that Sonic had the lamest dialouge on the show. He acted like a 5 year old trying desperately to be hip.
I'm just shocked that we were this close to a Sonic SatAm game coming out.Another think. From Kotaku.
Man, that sucks. Then again, Ken Penders was actually suprised I got #32.
Did you try Archie's official site? That's where I got them last year. BTW can someone tell me which STH issue the Knuckles series starts going into ...
Nice art Toby. You draw that yourself? I hope there are hidden levels. Anything that helps replay go longer is A-Okay by me.
Last thing we need is another stupid, 12 year-old Shadow fanboy keeping the Sonic gameplay in the $@#%hole it's been in since SA2. Rush was an awesome...
Good news. 1up and IGN have previews of Sonic Rush adventure, and so far it's sounding pretty good. 1.) Plays ALOT like the first SR. 2.) Sonic and ...
Around what period did the comic stop being real kiddy, and more like the SATAM style? I want to know a good time for jumping in.
The "more time in development" line was mentioned in Kotaku. I hope Sega doesn't bring anything down on Archie for that line. I doubt it th...
He doesn't dress as Elvis in the book, just on the cover, but it's still very funny inside. Doesn't quite trump "I never promised you a Chao gar...
No thanks. I hated that show. That robot chicken's laugh is still horrible. "Ha, ha. Ha HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!"
Looks like I won't be doing an early review after all. My brother didn't pick up any FCBD issues from the store he works at yet. I may have top wait t...
They don't have any of the characters from the english comic, right? I don't understand Sega stance on the Sonic X comic. The anime was almost comple...
I think Westwood is your best bet.
I believe they decided on this due to the fact that Sonic doesn't swim in the video games. He just sinks straight to the bottom where he runs along th...
I meant Advance, not Adventure. Sorry.
Two more to add to my list of Sonic games without new characters; Sonic Adventure 1 & 3 (2 introduced Cream). Sonic pinball party. Shadow the H...
I think only Kevin Nash and the Macho Man were roboticized. Hollywood Hogan tricked them.
This all leads to the biggest blockbuster of all!!! Coming in fall 2008 SONIC: THE COUNTDOWN TO WORLD WAR OF 52 INFINITE CRISIS'!! It ends with eve...
LOL @ 32X Good joke. I hated playing as Big.
Okay, I've taken my ritalen and I'm calmer now. I'm hoping this is a hoax as some have stated, but if it is, it's well drawn and follows in Sega's p...
WTH IS THAT THING?!! Great, just what we need. ANOTHER new character, and it's a youth that looks to be about the age of Cream. SEGA ST0P GIVING US NE...
So, the ones who made the last game are not making this one? Hmmmmmm... now I'm concerned.
Espio looked pretty vaporized to me. But I doubt they'd let Flynn kill a game character, so he probably got transported to the grape container thingie...
Ummm... you guys do realize that it's not neccesarily a Civil War here. I was just guessing. I'm betting I'm more close than wrong, but none of what I...
The way I see it I think the story might go down like this; After Robotnik's big attack, Knothole is gone, and now there is New Mobotropolis. This is...
Nice to see another Joe Edkin story on Sonic X, and this looks like a fun one!! Finally!!! I've been wanting to see a Sonic vs. Tails story since.......
SCREENS!! Check them out here.
The Good: 1.) A new Sonic Rush!! 2.) Pirates! 3.) More touch screen functions! The Bad: 1.) Controlling a pirate ship to battle? No thanks. I want al...
You were bored? I thought it was a nice change of pace not to have a campy issue. Even if the plot was a bit predictable.
Snivley: I must admit sir, you glove gives off quite a power! Eggman: Yeesss, Snivley. I love the Power Glove. It's sooo bad! (Take a wild guess wha...
BTW if you buy it at Target this thursday, you get a Sonic X DVD for free!
Quote:What kind of Robotic copy, a silly one like Pseudo-Sonic or a cool one like Metal or Mecha Sonic ? It's an exact copy of Rouge. Good scheme act...
Positives: 1.) Good at character development. 2.) Good at wrapping up loose ends. 3.) Faithful to the Knuckles side of stories. 4.) Good at adapting ...
"Sonic Team USA was responsible for Shadow and Sonic 2K6. So no thanks. =P" Ooooh. Didn't know that. NM then.
No, it's not important in the least. There's nothing there that you couldn't have typed in one paragraph. Having a video review of a comic is fine, ...
"If sonic 2k6 is doing as good as he said than why are they trying to change sonic?" Because despite it being a commercial success, it was ...
You might be better off just linking to your youtube blog in you signature. I used to try to advertise my blogs in the 1UP boards, but nobody liked ...
BW1979, we already got better pics of the interior from psxphile, thanks. Oh, and that stain on your pillow?............EEEEEWWWWWW!!
Sega's sports team is handling the game, not Sonic Team. Thank god! Actually a good rival for Princess Peach would be Vanilla. They're about equal i...
Finally found a Best Buy with a few copies. ($26.99 vs. my Wal-Marts $19.96 GRRR) Also got my 360 back from the repair shop. (yay.) Too bad I have to ...
I just got back from work. (I work in the Sporting Goods department BTW.) I got to work early to pick up the Sonic DVD before I started. Unfortunatly ...
Hey BW1979, looks like I'm not the only Sonic geek that works at Wal-Mart.