... Kill them. Kill them with fire. o_o
Quote:That's no glitch, actually... 'tis the guy's name. Seriously? I thought the game had a spaz in it. Still, I stand by the quote. XD
I am Error. - Zelda 2 NPC glitch
For font formating, it needs to use HTML to work. Also, it could possibly be too long, so you should put in some <br> tags.
This crossover thread is truely epic. o.o **repeatly bows to it** I'M NOT WORTHY! I'M NOT WORTHY!
Ooo... game quotes. I just have to put this here. Tails: Look at all thoes Eggman's robots! - Sonic Heroes
3) Get Firefox.
I'm down with a new SMRPG, as long as it retains the humor from the original & they don't go absolutely insane with Final Fantasy characters. That...
Super Mario Galaxy... 'nuff said.
Yar, mod. Silver stars means mod & gold means admin.
Heh, I removed it for you. XD Welcome to the Mobius Forum!
Happy birthday.
I'd be stoked if it weren't most likely Japan-only. XD
I think the above emoicon fits perfectly how I'm thinking. Freaking bear. GIVE ME MY SOUL BACK.
... WTF? This malarky makes me one sad panda. Come on, Christmas is screwed up as it is with its comercialness. XD I mean... at the local mall, there'...
Quote:All I can say, is that if the rumor does pan out to be true (and it likely will eventually be true at some point), then I hope it's a 3D console...
Happy birthday.
Ewww... scary part is that this stuff probably happens more often than is reported... To that end I'm happy they don't. >__<
I've had worse music stuck in my head. **closes tab after third loop**
I remember you... just barely. o.o Welcome back all the same though!
Tails Doll's out for brains to slurp... oh crap... o_o
I too would like to know. Apparently it was bad enough to need mod-ification. o.o;
Thanks, Boston. Yeah, we've been jumping servers a bit, so things've gotten muddled/lost in translation. We're working on it.
The first one had its entire drive replaced and it was still freaking out, so I felt it wasn't worth fixing. And hey, I got a new GC with a free Game ...
Yeah... I'd like to see how useful that'd be when the monitor's off.
That really bites. I hate when consoles go "frrrrp". I had a Game Gear that completely died. Also a new model 2 Sega CD, which went out a c...
I'm playing a combo of Phantom Hourglass, Dracula X Chronicles, Sonic Rush Adventure and the first Phoenix Wright game.
Agreed. XD Database and the forum itself are more important anyway.
Good times, the ezFilter going "moooo"... Okay, I've nothing otherwise useful to say. XD
Huh, I've pondered getting this game. I know it was developed by Treasure, so that alone is a very good indication of it not falling into the catagory...
The chat's on sonic-hq.net now, which I'm 99% sure means EB won't be far behind.
That's rather disturbing. >_>
I like 'im. I laugh like Japanese Eggman in everyday conversation, if that's any indication. XD Hooo hoo hoo...
That's awesome. You are the Egg-girl! That's who you are! XD
It's still jarring to see like 99% of images not working.
True indeed.
... XD I'm suprised a Haruhi account hadn't shown up here until now.
Age: 25 Sex: Dude Car: Japanese - Toyota
Try clearing browser cache/cookies, then logging in again? If that doesn't help, it may be security software or ezBoard being well... ezBarf. It's pr...
Well, Sonic's probably going to the be the same age (or at least look the same age) since he doesn't technically age in the games. He'll pretty much r...
This forum isn't for advertisments. Take it to the Spam Protection Agency. EDIT: ... I won't go as far as to edit your post, but that's still an ad. ...
Welcome to the Kiloposty Brain Mansion. =D
Sweet. I still have Super Star on the Super Nintendo, but I'll get this one. =D
Veeelcome back.