Mobius Forum Archive

Reputable Member
Joined: Jul 19, 2005
Topics: 11 / Replies: 311
RE: The Official Unnofficial Car Wreck thread.

Our car got backed into by a truck once, when we were still in the car. >< Scary. Our back door was horribly misshapen, and that stupid mean ...

19 years ago
RE: An 18th birthday for me.

DREWDREW! Happy birthday again! *gives 18 noogies*

19 years ago
RE: Teen Titans - No More?

I liked Beast Machines a lot. >_>

19 years ago
RE: Teen Titans - No More?

Anyone else a fan of the Terra episodes? I actually hate Terra as a character, but I can't help but love the plotlines surrounding her.

19 years ago
RE: Fifth Season of Digimon in 2007 (Release Date Changed)

I've about had enough of Tamers... Season one reigns supreme, in my opinion. I REEEEEEEEALLY hope they release box sets! >< I've been dying ...

19 years ago
RE: A new evil has been UNLEASHED!!!!!

Another thing that really bothered me was the art of Loonatics. It didn't flow at all, and the drawings seemed forced. Like they didn't put a whole ...

19 years ago
RE: A sudden fanaticism.

I lourve his shadow ball attack. I usually have more luck popping off a few small ones from the side when no one's paying attention, and they pretty ...

19 years ago
RE: Owner Feeds Kitten to Pit Bull

Quote:but it needs to be said: when you do get around to getting laid, you'll understand. Dude. I am not gonna "get around to getting laid"...

19 years ago
RE: Another Category Five Hurricane: Rita

Dude. We didn't get a DROP of rain. Bright clear blue sky the entire time. But get this - We could SEE the dark clouds from Rita up north. Crazy. ...

19 years ago
RE: Owner Feeds Kitten to Pit Bull

Quote:Someone's still a virgin. You say "virgin" like it's a bad thing? What's up with that?

19 years ago
RE: DUAL KILOPOST TIME Congrats. I only WISH I had the time to up my post count. How do you people do it?? ;___;

19 years ago
RE: A new evil has been UNLEASHED!!!!!

While recording snippets of Joshua Seth's commercial voiceovers, I happened to watch the premiere of Loonatics. And I'd have to say it was one of the...

19 years ago
RE: A sudden fanaticism.

I've heard it was either a rib or an eyebrow ridge that supplied Mew's DNA. They got it from a hair in the games, right?

19 years ago
RE: Another Category Five Hurricane: Rita

Quote:If you haven't gotten out and you've got cellars, hide in them. You're so silly, Harley. There are no such things as basements in the lower ha...

19 years ago
RE: So, uh, hi.

*dumps curry on the n00b* Hey. You look mighty tasty.

19 years ago
RE: A sudden fanaticism.

Plus, in Smash Brothers, the way Mewtwo moves is sexy. Watch him float around. Look at him fight and try to tell me it's not beautiful. And enough ...

19 years ago
RE: Arrrrr, matey!

Pirates own ninjas, fools. Our high school football team is the Pirates! ARRRrrrrrrg! Yep, everyone in town was talkin' like a pirate... Well, not...

19 years ago
RE: Another Category Five Hurricane: Rita

I live just north of Corpus Christi, which is right near the middle of the Texas gulf coast. *shudder* We were right in the path of Rita, but she ha...

19 years ago
RE: A sudden fanaticism.

Lessee... Mewtwo and Persion are both based off of cats. They can both be defined as being sexy. But Persion isn't the kind of sexy where you just ...

19 years ago
RE: When technology slaps you around. (Question)

*runs over and sits on Creosote's lap* Can I have a computer tablet? And the entire Ed Edd 'n Eddy series on DVD?

19 years ago
RE: My family

.....Simply amazing. I'm speechless. All I can say now is that I'm beyond happy for you. ;___; Stuff like this doesn't happen every day. Or month...

19 years ago
RE: Books.

Is it just me, or has no one mentioned Michael Crighton? Sphere and Timeline both RULE. Sci-Fi, with theories to back 'em up.

19 years ago
RE: Coming Soon - Face Transplants!

That's just...whoa, dude. I've thought about the subject before, but I never knew there were doctors willing to try. O_o I suppose it is definitely...

19 years ago
RE: Pentagon plans new strike-first nuclear policy

Quote:swatting flies with a cannon. L O L , dude. XD I cracked up laughing.

19 years ago
RE: A sudden fanaticism.

Agreed, cats can be sexy, like Arcanine is sexy. But I think there are different kinds of sexy. Cats are sexy-beautiful, while Mewtwo is sexy-attrac...

19 years ago
RE: The Welcome Stranger

Heh, I heard this story a few years ago. I had TV, a NES, and a Game Gear growing up, but I didn't get to waste hours away on 'em. My time was alway...

19 years ago
RE: A sudden fanaticism.

I think it's perfectly logical. And it's not even subconscious. Mewtwo has blatant sex appeal; plain and simple. He has a very attractive figure...

19 years ago
RE: A sudden fanaticism.

Why bash pokmon? The new series aren't that great at all, but the original games kick many buttocks. I, too, have a strange attraction to Mewtwo. W...

19 years ago
RE: Apple ditches iPod Mini, makes way for Nano

I had a 20gb iPod named Yamato. He was cool, but then the menu button quit working. Took him back to Best Buy and got another one, whom I named Digi...

19 years ago
RE: New Sonic Movie

*can't stop giggling* A th... *inhale* A th... *inhale again* A third leg? XD LOL! Imagine the innuendo...

19 years ago
RE: What are you listening to at the moment 😀

Shiroi Yami No Naka, by ShakkaZombie! I've been practicing for like four days now, and I can keep up with the insanely fast lyrics now! Huzzah! *ra...

19 years ago
RE: Hey guys, how are you all feeling?

Funny, I had an annoyingly bad sore throat yesterday. O.o I totally forgot about the salt water thing. >< Durnit! Coulda saved me hours of ...

19 years ago
RE: Auras and astral projection.

So do different color auras mean anything? You bet they do. Red means materialistic or something, green means healing, yellow means joyful or lig...

19 years ago
RE: Top five films of all time?

>_O Really, Wesu, must you poke at the Shoe at every opportunity? Ask just about any girl if Aladdin was good-lookin', and she'll say yes. I kno...

19 years ago
RE: Blasted machines.

In the future, everything's gonna be wireless. X_X It's either gonna be really really cool, or really really annoying. It was no picnic getting bot...

19 years ago
RE: Blasted machines.

Are you suggesting that we made our computers refuse to go to random websites? Who in their right mind would think that? "I'm going to preve...

19 years ago
RE: Intelligent Falling. Because Rico said I could.

LOL! Reminds me of "religious sneeze", a phrase that came up in a madlib I did once.

19 years ago
RE: Ah...New fall shows.

*relief* Ah. I don't remember any specific bad dubs with Viz, so hopefully Naruto will turn out well.

19 years ago
RE: Ah...New fall shows.

I don't know. I know I heard some sort of rumor that 4kids got a hold of it. Or maybe it was Funimation. = Argh... I'm not even a fan of Naruto, ...

19 years ago
RE: Star War: The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West

ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!111! I HAVE NOT LAUGHED THIS HARD IN MONTHS!!!!! XD I'm coughing and hacking over here!!! Oh my bejesus! LOL!!! Se...

19 years ago
RE: Two questions.

Breastfeeding? I fail to see how the existance of only one forum cause breastfeeding. = ...It's the Japanese children in yellow raincoats! THEY'RE...

19 years ago
RE: Earthquake Under Mobotropolis

Shoe dried her eyes, sniffed, and looked up at all the destruction from her place by the demolished trash bags. No sound came from the split road and...

19 years ago
RE: Blasted machines.

OUCH. O___o For me, the longest hiccup has been four or five days. *sends flowers to Tails2k*

19 years ago
RE: Top five films of all time?

Gawd, I can't put them in order... ;___; The Iron Giant - Always been a favorite of mine. Excellent tearjerker. I see a poorly written sequel in t...

19 years ago
RE: Adolescent Violence : Who's to Blame? (reread first post)

Well let's put it this way. If they have their "kill crush destroy" games, they won't be out killing, crushing and destroying things and peo...

19 years ago
RE: Someone tell me am I totally crazy and for thinking that...

Personally, I don't approve of internet romance. You only get to see one side of a person, and sometimes it's totally opposite of what the person is ...

19 years ago
RE: Auras and astral projection.

Okay. Here's the deal. The ASTRAL FORM is just a part of you that's on a higher plane. You can see the outline if you stare at your hand long enoug...

19 years ago
RE: Blasted machines.

Ever since I got this blasted wireless connection, my computer has just randomly decided not to go to some websites. It wouldn't go to ...

19 years ago
RE: DUDE! Hypnosis! Shoe! Rapping!

Yay for KnuxLover! <3 @ Wesu. In terms of hypnotism, there's really nothing to resist. O.o If you don't want to be hypnotized, then it won't w...

19 years ago
RE: Announcements 🙂

Quarter of a century?? Goodness gracious, Sam! *waves* Have fun while you're away, and don't do anything dumb!

19 years ago
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