Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Mar 13, 2011
Topics: 0 / Replies: 162
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

Shylarah tenses, wings flaring partially open. The dangerous feeling that crackled through the air as Kairus summoned his weapons has her on edge. &...

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

As Lani was sent flying, her precious sword was ripped from her hands. She swiftly untangled herself from Serenity, but now was presented with a prob...

14 years ago
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

Shylarah sticks close to the boy, one hand on her sword hilt, violet eyes sweeping the area. She also casts around with her mental senses, trying to ...

14 years ago
Re: Search For Nothing

"Yew c'n call me Angie, kiddo," the tigress says gently. She eyes the girl's blood-soaked clothing and makes some quick size judgements. &...

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

((Hm, what to do. I'm always so uncertain of the capabilities of my opponents in a battle...))

14 years ago
Re: Caustic Metropolis

The young woman watches the gathering around the cookie tray through tilted eyes. She is a most unusual sort, with pale grey fur not as thick as that...

14 years ago
Re: Chat QOTW

shylarah (9:06 pm): I could be a superhero for you, James. Hukos (9:06 pm): shy as a superhero scares me Hukos (9:06 pm): tbqh

14 years ago
Re: Legacy of the Authors

Raia turned in a slow circle to take everything in, and then twirled around one in sheer glee. She waved a hand at Ash in response to his warning, he...

14 years ago
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

99Cy, that's terrible.))

14 years ago
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

"God?" Shylarah echoes , confused by the new word. Some of the resonances she picks up from the others make things clearer, however. "...

14 years ago
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

Shylarah's wings flare to help her keep her balance, and she stares at the tall fox through slitted eyes. In her vision he shines with power. She li...

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

The Raven Blood Child's hand closed around Lani's head, and the female warrior was thrust suddenly into an unfamiliar world. It was the village of el...

14 years ago
Re: Chat QOTW

Rapidfire (2:43 pm): *doing something spicy and Mexican with Ramza behind closed doors* Ramza the Fox (2:43 pm): You're still wearing your bra. Take i...

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

((Can even sealed memories or ones that have been wiped from a person's mind be replayed? What if the memories are stored elsewhere? I'm going to co...

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

((Lani wears travelers' clothes, not armor. Just sayin'.)) %Anything Illiachen is keeping from me, it is for my own good,% Lani thought to herself a...

14 years ago
Re: Legacy of the Authors

Raia's eyes lit up. "Yes, you're probably right. I wonder...." She trailed off as she recalled what Zeta had said earlier. The area insi...

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

"Let's go, everyone." Lani didn't fool around. She summoned her strength and dashed forward, closing the distance between herself and the ...

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

((It's alright, Vi. I have Asperger's too. I didn't see the post, but Pachi does have a point about your interactions in the rp. I wish you the bes...

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

Lani just nodded. "Glitch is right. Now is not the time for self-pity or doubt. This fight is not yet over." She was sore and tired, but...

14 years ago
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

((Ramza reminds me of Lelouch from Code Geass.))

14 years ago
Re: Search For Nothing

Angie shrugs. "'Aven't known 'im very long," she replies. "But I'mma ask th' same question. What are ya, 'xactly? Yew talk like ya ...

14 years ago
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

((Beautifully done, Rappy!)) By now everyone has likely felt the gentle brush of another mind against their own, as the strange girl does her best to...

14 years ago
Re: Legacy of the Authors

"I hope neither of them is one of the ones you warned us about," Raia said, shifting uncomfortably. The mention of secret passages intrigue...

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

Lani allowed herself a brief reprieve before she started towards the edge of the platform where Nathan had fallen over the edge. She was weary from f...

14 years ago
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

She glances down at her feet, then back up at Srol. "Feet am noh hurt," she answers. She is quite used to walking around barefoot, though ...

14 years ago
Re: Search For Nothing

Angie glances briefly at the rabbit, frowning. "You believe him," she says, not quite stating but not really asking either. "More imp...

14 years ago
Re: Search For Nothing

The tigress snarls, tail lashing, her ears folding back. "I asked you a /question/, mister. I want a straight answer, and I want it /now/."...

14 years ago
Re: Search For Nothing

Angie, having just exited the third room -- whose door closes with the definite sound of locking -- has a pistol pointed at Smith's head in mere momen...

14 years ago
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

%So this place is called "Sega City",% she thinks to herself, one of her initial questions answered. "Reg-es-ter'd?" she asks, co...

14 years ago
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

Shylarah frowns at him, having trouble following the rapid torrent of words, but she can make out a few. "Sordh?" she repeats carefully, in...

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

((Kenneth actually also drank the sedative, not that he was going to be conscious for long anyhow. Also, this is the point where I try to stalk find ...

14 years ago
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

((the electronic network might have picked up a strong magical flare from when Shylarah appeared. Not sure, but I'd think it would register. Certain...

14 years ago
Re: Chat QOTW

if you post the yaoi pic, I'm posting the yuri one!

14 years ago
Re: Chat QOTW

Ramza the Fox (11:58 pm): What exactly does it mean when your ex asks you to send a picture of your member to another man that she knows?

14 years ago
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

Again that shiver of mental contact, as she softly repeats a few of his words to herself. "Problem -- dah, j'h s'hrenni." She looks around...

14 years ago
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

Shylarah recognizes the gesture as one of appeasement and denial of threat, also noting that he appeared not to have any weapon. She lowers her sword...

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

((Wanted takes liberties with physics. I totally knew that was where you got the idea, though.))

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

%A whole life I've forgotten....% Lani repeated silently to herself. %And apparently I'm the one that sealed off my memories.% She was deeply troubl...

14 years ago
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

Near the bookstore, an arched door-shape of pure energy suddenly manifests, arcs of magic-infused lightning trailing their fingers along the nearby wa...

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

((Just a note, but it's not actually possible to curve a bullet. ^.^; Also, lovely pictures, Pachi. <3 I can't wait to see what you come up wi...

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

((Lani has long, straight white hair. It probably goes to about her waist. Her eyes are a very pale grey, and her bust size is actually proportional...

14 years ago
Re: Legacy of the Authors

((one of those two characters we were warned about should find Eve first...*cackle*)) Raia's eyes were alight with excitement, and she returned the s...

14 years ago
Re: Foundations: Star Crossed

Redwater Castle, Mera Jessie just nods, eyes wide. She's heard a little about the Foundation -- some sort of group of heroes or something, living in...

14 years ago
Re: Legacy of the Authors

Raia blinked, and turned around. "Oh -- yeah, I can make out the gist of it, given time. I really want to know what that barrier was saying.&qu...

14 years ago
Re: Legacy of the Authors

Raia muttered a mild curse under her breath. "Media blackout! And I was trying to read what it was saying, too! Pesky WEAPONS people -- gettin...

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

((*squeal* I wanna join the new rp too!))

14 years ago
Re: Chat QOTW

NelStone (12:38 am): We're digging in Shifty's pants for chocolate cake. Join us.

14 years ago
Re: Chat QOTW

shylarah (7:37 pm): Dr Fexusfan x Shifty - DISCUSS! shylarah (7:37 pm): O.o

14 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

Lani didn't hesitate. She immediately swung her blade back around in an attempt to slice off the fake Xell's head, even as he tried to convince her h...

14 years ago
Re: Legacy of the Authors

Raia's attention immediately shifted to Yulan and the computer. "News from Arcadia?" she asked, walking over, dropping her left hand to res...

14 years ago
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