IC: Inside the Delta Infiltrator, Ash noticed a flashing indicator on his ship's HUD - an incoming call. He flipped the craft onto auto-pilot -...
What... the... ...how?!? Flipping heck. This guy wasn't kidding where he says "I must be the most patient man on Earth". o__O
Went and saw Yes Man. It's not the best thing I've ever seen Jim Carrey in, but it's not the worst either and it made me laugh a good f...
Actually, Chuck Norris IS Captain Falcon. Also, here's the Chuck Norris drinking game. � Take a shot every time they say CHUCK NORRIS.
Dub, what the hell.
OOC: Still here, still interested. Best tip I could give? Don't over or undersimplify. =P (Yes, I'm aware that's harder than it sound...
The Redemption of Althalus is a good read if you can find it, by David and Leigh Eddings IIRC. I'm not exactly an avid fantasy reader - I don...
You can count me in too. That said, my address might be changing in a coupla days - though if my card did get sent to the wrong address, I know my...
*Begins searching for the cookie jar Becca will have hidden somewhere in the fortress* :3
If you're using Firefox, switch off "Use smooth scrolling" in it's options. That'll fix it.
I'm somewhat relieved really that here in Dundee that although the Christmas lights are currently being put up around the city, they won't b...
IC: Ash snickered. "Hmm... so the ramifications of not signing are the possibility of not being provided certain info or equipment, and causing...
IC: Attention was focused then on the side door the crocodile had looked toward. A figure walked in, appearance masked by a loose cloak wrapped arou...
Ooh ooh I have one! So, this one time my mum was driving along a country road, and she saw a farm tractor and trailer backing out of a gate to get...
Quantum of Solace. For a Bond movie, it was spectacularly... ...mediocre.
Quantum of Solace. For a Bond movie, it was spectacularly... ...mediocre.
If you beg or if you borrow, you may never find your way.
fine then, I'll give you a real facepalm D:
Ganon: EGADS! Verily must I beg of you dear sir, cast me not into yonder pit! Its depths sear me!
@Kio: Matt's the ony one doing it for pretty much all his posts in the thread, plus he's doing it elsewhere too, so I figured I'd nip i...
Either of those would work fine - after all, both will make it quite clear what you're responding to, instead of having to wade through a huge pa...
Off-topic: Matt, please stop quoting other peoples' entire posts when replying to them, especially when your reply is shorter than the quoted tex...
IC: "It's about Modesty." The way those words were said gave the red hedgehog a slightly uncomfortable feeling. "What about he...
<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote: *can't stop laughing* Why isn't this in SPA? Is this supposed to be a serious ...
<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote: *can't stop laughing* Why isn't this in SPA? Is this supposed to be a serious ...
OMG I REMEMBER YOU! If memory serves correctly, you were friends with Diana the Cat, right? I'm pretty sure she mentioned you once or twice, ...
IC: A beep in Ash's ear warned him of someone contacting him on the radio. "Captain?" came Jason's voice. Ash smiled. "...
SS: *Wears his robe at you* :3
IC: In the cockpit of the Delta, Ash grinned and leaned back in his seat as he pushed the talk button for his communicator. "Good job guys. I...
*Joins Crim on stage and sings along joyfully*
*Lock* Consider this settled then. Oh and Stair? Kio? Keep your thinly-veiled hatred of other individuals off the forums. Having to clean up after...
Heck yes. Thank you Treasurrrre :3
Unofficial RPG Site wrote: Further investigation on our part finds the Sega Vision isn't actually a Sega-developed device at all, and in fac...