Mobius Forum Archive

Sonic Cronic
Active Member
Joined: May 11, 2004
Topics: 1 / Replies: 5
RE: The Fun Q & A Post

A: It's kinda hard to say right now. There a few games on the 360 that I have my eye on, DOA4 and Halo 3, but he PS3 looks really pretty. I'm worried ...

20 years ago
RE: The Fun Q & A Post

A: No, but I know they used slinkies to make the "bshooooo" sound when they turn on. Do you study for finals way ahead of time or a few nig...

20 years ago
RE: The Fun Q & A Post

A: I was studying, well supposed to be studying, at a library and I saw a book called "Gay Plays." I had to laugh at this, its just so blunt...

20 years ago
RE: Stupidest Death *ever*

How many people have played S2 or 3 and while under water you start drowning and jump up to get an air bubble and stupid Tails gets it first leaving y...

20 years ago
RE: Stupidest Death *ever*

In Sonic 2 after beating Robotnik in the second stage (I think it Chemical Plant or something like that.) one of the flipping platform spun upsidown a...

20 years ago
Replies: 27
Views: 160