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Sonic HQ
Trusted Member
Joined: Jun 6, 2002
Topics: 8 / Replies: 60
RE: A Polykilo Celebration

LianneKa: Eh, I think basketball is kinda boring. TL: I'm so excited I can't sit still! @_@ Vector: You know what makes this game great? The cut...

14 years ago
RE: An Open Letter to Senator Obama

Hey no need to say that, which was extremely rude. If somebody had said Bush was MY president I'd be VERY insulted. Just cause he lives here does...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

That is the most uninspired "China level" music I've ever heard.

17 years ago

Stop fighting and get to the topic, which is a hilarious video.

17 years ago

the Large Hardon Collider haha Another letter to the editor mentioned that the article didn't mention any practical purpose to the colli...

17 years ago
RE: Oblivion greater than classic-bit?

Mario will be a great popular game 10 years from now when oblivion is living up to its name. As for those people whose tastes evolved, not me! I w...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic 2 HD... the fan edition

The Sonic 2 graphics look much better than the "HD" graphics which look like fan shops. But that is not surprising since Sonic 2 is one ...

17 years ago

It's popeye the sailor man!

17 years ago
RE: New Smash Bros.! Solid Snake! SONIC! Not kidding!

I just got back from playing it the first time. I experimented with most characters and beat classic mode with Fox because he's absurdly strong. ...

17 years ago
Replies: 52
Views: 298
RE: Final MFC Theme

We'll do a MST3K theme on Eliteboard because I can make it cool more easily with templates.

19 years ago
RE: Idea - Sonic, Shadow and Metal Sonic - only playables?

I disagree completely. All the characters are fast in the 2D Sonic games, even the new ones like Advance and Rush. What made multiple characters coo...

19 years ago
RE: Gather round, listen to story.

Spoilers (Select To Read): Quote:They each payed nine dollars. That means they payed 27 dollars in total. The busboy kept TWO dollars. That makes ...

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

NitroExplosion likes the game, and that's all that matters. To say he should care about something he has said he doesn't is lame, especially when the...

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

So let me get this. Team Chaotix and all the other best characters cameo and play as your helper like Tails Not true branching path level design, but...

19 years ago
RE: Wind-up records (insert derogatoy phrase here)

The person who wrote that is right on. This is a MAJOR problem with copyright law, not the fault of the band. MST3K had a similar thing. In the ear...

19 years ago
RE: Sing A Song Of White Folks, Pocket Full Of Wry...

Quote:Race itself is not a social construct. Race only refers to the color of a person's skin. Race is no more a social construct than the color of a ...

19 years ago
RE: Sing A Song Of White Folks, Pocket Full Of Wry...

Yeah, sure, it's bad, but that's pretty obvious, and I try to put a less obvious twist on any topic. So what do we actually do about racism? We need...

19 years ago
RE: FEMA Katrina email surface, Michael Brown's idiocy confirmed

Quote:Wow. Just wow. This guy was a total incompetant schmuck. How'd he ever get to RUN a federal agency? Isn't it obvious? His association with Bus...

19 years ago
RE: New EZBOARD product on the way?

Thanks for the link. I've seen it, but didn't watch the video before. That's actually much better than I expected. With our luck ezBoard will proba...

19 years ago
RE: Computer Help

Thanks, but it's apparently not the HDD. I booted another HDD and then disabled the IDE the main HDD is connected to and Windows or the boot itself r...

20 years ago
20 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 98
RE: How To Uncover Temp Internet Files

If you get no .gif files in Temporary Internet Files, go in the chat or AIM me at GameMusic. We need a list of those people. You might be able to op...

20 years ago
RE: Michael Jackson case: decision reached

The jury did its job. Every report is that the prosecution case sucked. There's something you don't understand about innocent until proven guilty. ...

20 years ago
RE: Exterminatus Now!

Virus and Silversword are awesome. I'm assuming Sam didn't know who Silversword is since his EZ account is a different name. Both were really good p...

20 years ago
Replies: 40
Views: 580
RE: New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

People need to stop whining about the "rating." The only difference ratings-wise is the that gun looks somewhat realistic and Shadow kills ...

20 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

People need to stop whining about the "rating." The only difference ratings-wise is the that gun looks somewhat realistic and Shadow kills ...

20 years ago
RE: Philosophies on emotions

Quote:If we eat only from the sweet honey of love/peace/contentment, will they lose their flavor? Or do we need a dose of bitter hatred/anger/pain to ...

20 years ago
RE: New Shadow the Hedgehog game...

This is horrendously disappointing. Not because of the gun (although it looks downright BORING and generic; if Shadow has a gun it should at least lo...

20 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

This is horrendously disappointing. Not because of the gun (although it looks downright BORING and generic; if Shadow has a gun it should at least lo...

20 years ago
RE: Top 100 Cartoons

Simpsons: Craig Bayfield:: *Posts, as there's no doubt that Simpsons will win* Sonic HQ:: yay simpsons Sonic HQ:: some bad seasons don't take away th...

20 years ago
RE: Cursing, who gives a @#$%?

I'm referring to the tendency to censor it or see a problem other than rudeness or trite language. So replace people with mass movements to censor th...

20 years ago
Replies: 91
Views: 1065
RE: Scariest. Theme. Ever.

For everybody who doesn't know what this is, it's a Japanese comedy that was featured on somethingawful. The theme really requires knowledge of it, a...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote:Every argument seems to be that Bush will take away civil rights, set himself up as a dictator, and lead America down the path of Germany under ...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

This topic was about Kerry vs. Bush at some point, correct? Now to repost. ;P If you want to keep out a candidate who will expand the mammoth state ...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

How about a separate topic for socialism?

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote:Found an interesting article. That's ridiculously biased, not in the sense that it's opinionated, but b...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Yeah, I think it was clear you didn't mean it that way, but I understand where the people who had a problem with it are coming from.

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote:Yes, there are similarities between the followers of Hitler and Kerry, and I think Phil explores that similarity better than I can. Quote:As lo...

20 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Who had the majority isn't the point. Some Democrats, and most Republicans, didn't support the bill. Therefore some Democrats and most Republicans c...

21 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

So wait, you're blaming Democrats instead of Bush for breaking the tax hike promise, but Clinton instead of Republicans for breaking the universal hea...

21 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote:at least we know where Bush stands Yeah. for everything wrong. That's exactly my problem with him.

21 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Since I had to edit my post several times (at first it was a warning because I interpreted the "you" differently), including after you repli...

21 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Hmm... By "you," he seemed to mean he had a problem with Tornadot's opinion, not Tornadot himself. Right? However, I gotta admit when I f...

21 years ago
RE: Kerry or Bush??

Quote: What we need to do is stop depending on the Middle East nations to get oil. Absolutely. Hydrogen might work, but much greater effort should b...

21 years ago
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