I miss the soup option
Probably we already know how the platforming will work out.
Yeah, the building pieces revealment made it seem like story 4 is the official story. I just hope a good old platforming is still around in the game
He doesn't look happy in the helicopter. o.o
Don't they all do this? Hell, why not release the good games in the summer, when most of us have more time to play them? Because it would be be...
Info from the Play Magazine interview: ~This game (Wii version) won't use the hedgehog engine for the wii version, say engine will only be fo...
BTW, here's a Fox joke: What did Fox call his new exercise treadmill? STAIRMASTER!
Massive Bump After being cancelled apperantly, it's back! Another preview: Luigi is full of win!
Now that I think about it, what's a senior doing living in freshmen dorms? Have some dignity, man! :O
If people today believed that all homosexual men were pedophilies and that homosexuality is a diease, why are people surprised the same thing was beli...
No I don't
Did you get in a car?
What did V2 say when he realized that Hiro was being a negative Nancy streak towards him for awhile? Personally, I don't have to care.
I was thinking the about the Bible tale for some reason. o.o
Are we really whiny? I thought we were just sexual degenerates and ever optimistic. also: There will be blood... But think about it, MK fan...
Deckman92: while we're at it, other other john, let's celebrate the power rings' 16th birthday too John Taylor: Man, the power rings ...
Look on the bright side, guys. With MK fans complaining about how the game will suck, at least the Sonic fans won't be considered the whiniest fa...
Tails was flying oh so high, looking for his best friend, Sonic who was running for dictator against George W. Bush. This year's election was in ...
First screenshots of the Wii. To those who still say that the Wii can't handle good graphics should just die now.
A lot of people have Sonic's ;O facial expression in their avatar. We're running to the ground.
I'd post the funniest screencap for the episode, but I'd get banned. But still, MOONLIGHT DUET. HOLY ^#$&! Mickey Mouse wit...
That's not how you spell Knuckles the Echinda, Springheart. :O
*expected a lion*
Hay guyz, this topic is on google. Go to google and search "The Mobius Forum" It's on the bottom of page 1. o.o
I hope we get the BK games on the VC soon (ha ha ha, yeah right). I think I rented one once and that was it. oh, that first news source is f...
Guys, I'm really serious. Sure it was a rickroll, but imo, it's a damn good one. The dubbing, mang. The dubbing!
I don't even wanna know what goes on in your mind. o.o
Yeah, Obama himself screwed up race relations. Nothing to do with the fact that after the Jena 6 fiasco, nooses started popping up like weeds. And...
C'mon, I wait long enough. When are you women gonna show us men some skin?
Too bad no one would probably know what I'm talking about. And it's funny how Zimbabwe's current election process is parralelling (...
...i'm a brit it says so in my profile Well it only lasts half a day in Canada as well. See English speakers who aren't Ame...
the url of that link kind of gives the game away, if it wasn't apparent in the first place also it is past midday 😮 LOL! Silly Cana...
3) This isn't Chao related, but I'm curious. Can anyone who's played Sonic Heroes all the way through tell me if Metal Sonic ever made ...
My legs ain't that hairy.
*grabs camera* Start a catfight. What else are you women good for?
Only, Psxphile gets it. lol
Yeah, I don't even think she asked for help in the series. o.o Also, the lines sound like something from cartoons during the 80s and 90s.