Mobius Forum Archive

Reputable Member
Joined: Jan 25, 2005
Last seen: Jun 3, 2011
Topics: 5 / Replies: 434
RE: I made Oni-Con's head explode!

That's some sexy Eggman ">

17 years ago
RE: Dear Christ Almighty...

Maybe those cats can wipe out these mice. ^^;

18 years ago
RE: Sonic Riders 2: Zero Gravity ?

Zero Excitement. Oh well since it's on PS2 then I can GET it, get it? Yes, get it.

18 years ago
RE: When you're an heiress with really bad behavior...

You gotta wonder about the mind of a girl who finds getting stripped searched in a room by like one person more embarrassing than a sex video that's b...

18 years ago
RE: The official Iron Man movie topic.

Relax, like most western games by SEGA these days, it's being made by one of those subsidiaries they seem to have a lot of, Secret Level. I don't know...

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Watched Star Wars Episode 2 for the first time in two years. It hasn't aged very well, the battles just aren't that great in retrospect compared to Re...

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Watched Star Wars Episode 2 for the first time in two years. It hasn't aged very well, the battles just aren't that great in retrospect compared to Re...

18 years ago
RE: The official Iron Man movie topic.

Quote:I refuse to pay money for a movie about the guy who has decided that removing New York from the map is a viable way of stopping The Hulk. You ju...

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Watched Zodiac last night, kinda disappointed. Too much going on and in the end not much payoff. That's what I get for watching a film about a killer ...

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Watched Zodiac last night, kinda disappointed. Too much going on and in the end not much payoff. That's what I get for watching a film about a killer ...

18 years ago
RE: I must only use this power to annoy!

Has anyone seen Quantum Leap? My power would be to inhabit peoples bodies as I feel like it. And when I get sick of one body I'll take a new one, allo...

18 years ago
RE: 1st Annual Giant Shoulder Contest!

Qubeley from Zeta Gundam. He wont spare a single one, not even the BIDOOFS!

18 years ago
RE: Meet Stripperella's new sidekick!

Quote:I think he likes the spotlight a wee bit too much Which means he's the perfect match for Paris. I was going to give Paris the benefit of the do...

18 years ago
RE: Resident Evil 5

New screenshots. Looks like the over the shoulder view is back again. Now it's only two years to go, it's like waiting for RE4 all over again.

18 years ago
RE: Resident Evil 5

Didn't Rebecca die? I like Rebecca so I'd hope it is her in the new game (RE:Zero being my fave), but I recall hearing she died. I just haven't played...

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Quote:In which one is Jennifer not hot in man? lol In Blood Diamond, MORE so!

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Quote:In which one is Jennifer not hot in man? lol In Blood Diamond, MORE so!

18 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

I finished Condemned: Criminal origin earlier today. It was fun while it lasted, but the forensic parts needed to be more interactive. If they're goin...

18 years ago
RE: Resident Evil 5

Neither did Resident Evil 4... right guys, right? =P So, these new guys probably aren't zombies either.

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Watched Blood Diamond again. It's the only one of those African guilt trip films I've seen that I like, mainly because of the performances... and Leo'...

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Watched Blood Diamond again. It's the only one of those African guilt trip films I've seen that I like, mainly because of the performances... and Leo'...

18 years ago
RE: Official PS3 Thread

Quote:I suppose doing this hurts the second-hand console market because people wont be able to make a decent amount on a used 60gig now. I dunno. I'm ...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic Rush Adventure?

Most likely. The katakana is Marin, but looking at my dictionary, that could pass for Marine, even though 'Mariin' would be closer.

18 years ago
RE: What emoticons do you mostly use?

o_0 what's that smell? >_> I didn't fart <__< gross =O oh and he just ate burritos! '_' dude... =D now I want...

18 years ago
RE: Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games

LAME! Mario obviously switched Sonic's shoes with his labrynth ones, it's just like that old (really old) Archie comic issue where Robotnik does the s...

18 years ago
RE: ReTURN of a Dream... (NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams)

Dreams Dreams - 07 Akon Remix "In the nights (REMIX!), dream delight (Step it up and keep it mellow!)"

18 years ago
RE: Sonic Rush Adventure?

Levels still look uninteresting, the cool soundtrack is gone, but the boss battles look sweet at least. It'll be like the first Sonic Rush, nothing to...

18 years ago
RE: ReTURN of a Dream... (NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams)

Perhaps it just seems slower because you can always see forward in this one, while the original was mostly side on like 2D games. Still, looks like a...

18 years ago
RE: J.J. Abrams' Secret Project

OMG Gabbo is coming! I'm already excited. Mention to me giant monsters and count me down as a movie ticket come release. I loved US Godzilla, screw w...

18 years ago
RE: Xbox 360's Virtua Fighter 5 to feature online play

I was over the moon when I heard the news. Now I can get beaten mercilessly by asians without even going out and paying for it, sweet! Did Microsoft ...

18 years ago
RE: Er, anyone here fluent in Japanese? I require help...

Quote:Sorry Spite, but I still say you get what you put into it. If you maintain an interest and a drive to learn something then you'll excel at it. I...

18 years ago
RE: Er, anyone here fluent in Japanese? I require help...

Quote:I hear that it's not actually that difficult to learn Japanese, except for the reading and writing bit. Perhaps, but then wouldn't it be stupid ...

18 years ago
RE: Which Internet Browser Do You Use?

I love Firefox because it's a lot safer than IE. I never have to use Ad-Aware anymore, I did last week for the first time in months and it didn't dete...

18 years ago
RE: Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games

Quote:If by bland, you mean the characters are not extremely obnoxious to the point that many wish on their gruesome deaths or at least their voice bo...

18 years ago
RE: Er, anyone here fluent in Japanese? I require help...

My computer can read Japanese text, and that ain't Japanese.

18 years ago
RE: Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games

Silver is in this? Now we know who'll win at weight lifting.

18 years ago
RE: Can you have profiles on Mozilla Firefox?

Yeah you can because I had the same thing happen as Shadow hog .

18 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

ZOE2 is truly epic, makes the original totally unplayable. How about that Mars battle that's basically Lord of the Rings The Two Towers with mechs? Gr...

18 years ago
RE: Transformers! More than meets the eye? *Spoilers*

Wow that movie was just... *EXPLODES* Okay, once my hype dies down I may be able to properly judge this film, but right now I have to say... MICHAEL ...

18 years ago
RE: Anime Thread. Because I said so Bill, that's why!

I third Gurren Lagen, best mecha anime series I've watched since Eureka Seven. This show will keep my giant robot fetish going until the new Gundam 00...

18 years ago
RE: Transformers! More than meets the eye? *Spoilers*

Going to see it tomorrow night... time is moving very slowly. Hopefully it'll pave the way for more films about giant robots kicking each others can...

18 years ago
RE: Confirmed Tv shows for 2008

Entourage season 5 (possibly the rest of Season 4 if they take a break again). 24 season 7. And before you groan, they've promised it'll be differen...

18 years ago
RE: As if we didn't know the Apocalypse was nigh...

That S Club 7 reunion can't be far off now *crosses fingers*

18 years ago
RE: Knuckles Vs Shadow

Shadow and Knuckles fought in Sonic X, remember? Shadow won, I don't remember how but it was one awesome fight (that whole episode was made of win).

18 years ago
RE: What do you think are the greatest games of all time?

Since I haven't played every single game ever made (who has?), expect just a little bias (only a little bit =P) Abe's Oddyssey - back when the PSX wa...

18 years ago
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

I pray it has an online mode. Metroid Prime Hunters online mode was almost cool, except I hated the stylus controls so it made it not so much fun.

18 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

I find Shadow has aged very poorly in the one and a half years of its existence. Even Sonic Heroes is still somewhat playable to me, yet I can't even ...

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Ah Garden State, I used to watch that all the time and tell everyone 'it's the best movie evar!!1!' Then I realized it was just because of the awesome...

18 years ago
RE: Which movie did you see last?

Ah Garden State, I used to watch that all the time and tell everyone 'it's the best movie evar!!1!' Then I realized it was just because of the awesome...

18 years ago
RE: Annual Forum Tally v5.0 - (2007)

My God, it's full of stars!

18 years ago
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