Mobius Forum Archive

Reputable Member
Joined: Jan 25, 2005
Last seen: Jun 3, 2011
Topics: 5 / Replies: 434

Quote:that ORB uniform embodies everything I hate about Destiny Yeah as if Athrun hadn't lost enough dignity, he then had to wear one of those awful c...

19 years ago
RE: Ask Joe about Sonic X (ongoing series).

Nelson Thorndyke lies about his age. Seriously, he's had work done on the face. He can afford to! Although I wouldn't mind stories about a promiscuou...

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

That's not WHAT WE were asking, but who knows, maybe thats what the Japanese Sonic community wanted to know? Who knows... What was the question we wer...

19 years ago
RE: What was your favorite Sonic Game?

Sonic 3 & Knuckles, 'cause it has my favourite Zone ever - Marble Garden Zone. Sonic 2 comes second, and Sonic Adventure DX is the best 3D Sonic ...

19 years ago
RE: #157 is Here

Quote:why do I have a nagging feeling that M's and Metal's boss is Eggman-Nega? While theoretically that could work, the fact is this story would've b...

19 years ago
RE: Fifth Season of Digimon in 2007 (Release Date Changed)

I had hoped there would've been a subplot involving the Dark Ocean. That entire episode had so much potential. That's because that episode was writte...

19 years ago
RE: I have a simple question about Sally's father

King Acorn will be fine. Nuff said, question answered, lock thread plz mod

19 years ago
RE: It's almost Christmas (Sonic Style)

I'd rather go play Christmas Nights. Best game I ever recieved free with a Sega Saturn magazine!

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Riders (now w/ possible spoilers)

Quote:Hey, it's just my personal opinion. The only Sonic game I've played and disliked is Spinball. o.o Ironically I can't stand pinball games, but I ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Riders (now w/ possible spoilers)

*passes Toms Hotdog stand* Tom: 'ey Sonic! Wanna try one of my special chilli dogs? They're groovy man! *starts dancing* Sonic: ... *runs off* Tom: Ya...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Riders (now w/ possible spoilers)

Maybe they'd have Ethan from Phantasy Star Universe as a secret character. In the videos he's seen riding a hoverboard, it seems only natural to inclu...

19 years ago
RE: Is the DS really worth buying?

DS is cheaper, has a good selection of games, and some promising ones up on the horizon. Being able to play Mario Kart DS on the Internet for free is...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic voice actors replaced by Sonic X voice actors!!!

I didn't watch the Sonic X dub much myself either, but I'm pretty sure it's the same guy doing Knuckles voice in Shadow. Being one of those "Yugi-Oh! ...

19 years ago
RE: Little things I noticed...

Quote: Also The Commander says that the closest he had to family was Maria then he says something about Maria dying but his family dying was worse. Wh...

19 years ago
RE: What Sonic spinoffs would you like to see.

An Amy spin-off, that has you chasing after Sonic in each level by QTE-ing your way through the game. Or maybe I just seriously want Shenmue 3. I'd ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic #158 and SX #5 Preview

If it were up to me the echidnas would be used as live shields for all of Eggmans bots. Or perhaps, living bombs! *too much Gundam for me* Shame its a...

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

Thanks Swifthorn, I have all A ranks now!! The rewards are never worth it. What happened to cool stuff like unlocking Metal Sonic, and Green Hill Zo...

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

I'm working my way through the A ranks, I only need 15 more. But I'm stuck on Space Gadget. The Hero Mission is to get to the chaos emerald (presumabl...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Rush

What was the point of the 'Merging of Worlds" indicator on the Zone Map? I thought it might change the levels somehow as I remember reading in an inte...

19 years ago
RE: Top/Bottom 3 of StH pencilers

Frank Strom did the story and art for the majority of the Monkey Khan stories, including Khans first story (Sonic #55). I'd say he created Khan, but c...

19 years ago
RE: If Archie's Sonic were to made into a movie:

Just reading this thread makes me wish Tarrantino directed the cut scenes for Shadow the Hedgehog. And I'm surprised there was no actual bullet time i...

19 years ago
RE: Top/Bottom 3 of StH pencilers

Quote: Spite, I happened to like Many Hand's art, especially in Naugus Games. Ok then. Well to be honest I didn't mind the first few pages of Naugus ...

19 years ago
RE: Top/Bottom 3 of StH pencilers

EnergyEmerald needs to revise his "bottom" list. I've looked over and over his post, but I don't see Many Hands on the list yet Art Mawhinney is on th...

19 years ago
RE: Moments in Sonic That Gave You The Heebie-Jeebies

Water levels... why did it have to be water levels? They scare me. I can't stand them. I wish I could god mode my way through them. Especially that o...

19 years ago
RE: Anyone miss old school boss styles?

Quote:Me too. I don't really like the fact that in SAdv2 that for EVERY boss battle you had to run to keep up with the guy. I didn't mind it. Except ...

19 years ago
RE: Rouge the bat's B day

Well if you're good at understanding star signs and related personality traits maybe you can guess approximately what month she was born around based ...

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

Now that I think about it, Shadow is a lot of the N64 game Yoshis Story. It had 6 worlds, and depending on how you prgress through the game you'd end ...

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

I'm finding it ironic that this game is sort of Sonic Adventure 2 1/2, considering Archie did the Sonic Adventure 2.5 story that also featured aliens ...

19 years ago
RE: Shadow the Hedgehog game, with spoilers and such

I don't see how you can compare the map in SA2 to the one on the Shadow website. The SA2 map is hardly a large scale map that covers the entire planet...

19 years ago
RE: Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

Quote:You are all aware that slowly, but surely, torrents of japanese-dubbed episodes of Season 2 have been trickling out lately, yes? Where would one...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic voice actors replaced by Sonic X voice actors!!!

Quote:The weird thing is, Jason Griffith also does Shadow's voice as well as Sonic's in Sonic X. Yet we can clearly hear David Humphrey in the Shadow ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Riders (now w/ possible spoilers)

I'd like courses based on levels from older Sonic games, besides the usual *whatever* Hill Zones. *is dissapointed the announcement isn't Sonic Battl...

20 years ago
RE: Sonic #154 Preview (Spoiler topic)

But Dr. Robotnik has two more aces up his sleeve namely, the long-awaited return of popular Sega game characters Heavy and Bomb Since when are Heavy...

20 years ago
RE: Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

Yes it is Lacus, I'm a big Gundam SEED fan. Though to be honest I really wouldn't know where I got this avatar from (and the set it came with), it ...

20 years ago
RE: Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

Yes it is Lacus, I'm a big Gundam SEED fan. Though to be honest I really wouldn't know where I got this avatar from (and the set it came with), it ...

20 years ago
RE: Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

Cool I got it, thanks Samanfur. I'm not familair with the Sonic X music after episode 39, as I have only seen up to that point in Japanese. So unle...

20 years ago
RE: Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

Cool I got it, thanks Samanfur. I'm not familair with the Sonic X music after episode 39, as I have only seen up to that point in Japanese. So unle...

20 years ago
RE: Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

Can anybody tell me the name of the song that plays in episode 26 when Sonic goes into his super form, I really liked it. And possibly where to down...

20 years ago
RE: Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

Can anybody tell me the name of the song that plays in episode 26 when Sonic goes into his super form, I really liked it. And possibly where to down...

20 years ago
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