What's even more disturbing is where did those two slices he's standing on come from, seeing as they are wider than the width of his body.
I didn't know what that was until a few months ago Deckman explained it to me.
I'm kind of terrified that I'm agreeing with Stairmaster, but I thoroughly agree.
PSX: Yes, but can you sing it like Mako? Because the new guy doing his voice sure can't!
...you have a shoelace collection!?!?
Obligatory portal humor. Also, I have no idea how to play Yu-ghi-oh (Oh God Oh God, please don't explain it to me), so I used Magic:The Gathering term...
Quote:I am flookdowmataironchascreating wored viewities; you may jace porthly porned dingents here. Quote:Wrong topic? No, I'm pretty sure there has...
Please! Stop all the drinking people! We're worried about you!
You are so mean when you're drunk.
Wow, that was super-duper fast. Here I was worried no one would get mine in time since I sent them out on Wednesday.
28 Days Later set in New York. Don't get me wrong, that's a great movie to imitate. I liked both of them, and Will Smith acted his heart out. But the...
* GameMusic has joined #mf_chat <Acrioph> Hola <GameMusic> IT'S JUST LIKE <GameMusic> IT'S JUST LIKE <GameMusic> A MINI <Ga...
Thanks for bringing up Looney Labs Sam. I've had a deck of Fluxx for ages, and I'm happy to say despite the recent reorganization, I have a complete s...
I completely forgot about Apples to Apples? They actually sell that as a pre-made game? Every time I've played it, it was improvised.
It's 2:11am. I fell asleep after eating Mac and cheese and drinking bourbon. So now I'm watching Alias DVDs.
Wot Chibi said.
You know, I didn't want to believe what people were saying about Rock Band's guitar, but I've had it for two days, and after one night of playing, the...
I feel like posting just to mention that the AIM chat never died. It just horribly horribly mutated. (is in it right now)
It was "Semi-charmed" if anyone cared
Wow....my first internet experience back in 1995 was on IRC. My life has come full circle.
I said this already in the Christmas card topic, but the title of this topic makes me think of Tracy Morgan's holiday album from the TV show 30 Rock. ...
Just sent you mine. Feel the Christmas wishes shooting out of my EEEEYYYYYYYYEEES!
No. HINT: One word, hyphenated
Neither. Hint: 90's pop/rockish Also, this is not some instrumental piece. The lyrics actually are "Doo doo doo, doo doodoo doo"
Castor wins. That is all. Wait, no that's not all. Half-Life 2: "Tell me, Doctor Freeman, if you can: you have destroyed so much... what is it...
That's not my avatar, it's my sig. Also, I take it back. Your avatar looks more like Pat Morita then the dude from the honeymooners.
Little Match girl?
...that guy from the honeymooners?
It seemed like a good idea last night at the bar...
Sorry, but this topic just makes me think of one thing. Anyway, I like to have two pillows, which I sleep on face down. Yeah, I'm gonna die of suf...
Oh God....so much...science fiction...brain hurt...Dirk already has two that would be in my top five, so here goes my attempt to be somewhat original....
For the love of mints, I cannot understand why Bob Odenkirk is playing Dave. You were on Mr. Show, Bob! Mr. Show! "Who let you in here?" ...
Well, I've been out of college for a year and a half now. Every now and then I think about grad school, but to be honest I never get very far, becaus...
Currency is a source of national pride in many countries. Americans like to think the dollar runs the world, but I know some British people who are ju...
This is also a post.
You're not supposed to quote yourself. Also, good luck finding a game to play it with.
I'm joy-intolerant
What I always wondered is why, out of the two female power rangers, the pink one had a skirt and the yellow one had pants. Personal preference maybe?...