Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Jun 9, 2010
Last seen: Jun 4, 2011
Topics: 5 / Replies: 144
14 years ago
RE: Sonic Generations! Let's celebrate 20 years of Sonic!

I find it a little strange to be complaining about the 3D games being on rails when the early games were 2D. Perhaps being 3D makes it seem more on-ra...

14 years ago
RE: ENTIRE MOBIUS FORUM! I challenge you to a DUEL!

YOUR MOBIUS FORUM IS NOT FORFEIT. Oh good, I was worried there for a moment.

14 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

Have you actually read Pride And Prejudice? Technically I only read maybe half of it. I stared into that abyss and haven't been able to come fully bac...

14 years ago
RE: Ages

Twenny-Eights REPRESENT!

14 years ago
RE: So if you could, what superpower would you have?

No wait, I got it now... We'll call him Greedonaut, because his superpower is the superhuman (in)ability to be satisfied with anything he's given in l...

14 years ago
RE: So if you could, what superpower would you have?

A suit isn't a power? Sweet! Then I can have the suit AND some other power instead! God, you REALLY are SO greedy.

14 years ago
RE: Sonic Generations! Let's celebrate 20 years of Sonic!

After seeing Sonic get chased by the Piranha, I'm hoping to see more of those action setpieces from the Adventures, Heroes, and even 06 games. I misse...

14 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

>>>It is something so unimaginably horrible so dastardly that you cannot bear to look at it without turning your manly self away a moment aft...

14 years ago
RE: So if you could, what superpower would you have?

" I could settle for simply having their ability to enlarge body parts at will" looking at your avatar i'm getting an idea how to reply to...

14 years ago
RE: So if you could, what superpower would you have?

The ability to transform body parts into deadly weapons ala Battletoads. I'd be able to perform an axe kick with an actual axe. Or put my arms togethe...

14 years ago
RE: Wii 2?

those perverts >____ i'm going to cover that camera! Or you could just stop dressing like a skank. OH SNAP! (Braces for the double-impact)

14 years ago
RE: TONIGHT ON SMACKDOWN : Sony Exec Calls Nintendo Products "Babysitting Tools"

Well, actually the question isn't "Which is better?", it's "Which should you buy?" And that, boys and girls, is up to you to decide. SNES or Genesis? ...

14 years ago
RE: TONIGHT ON SMACKDOWN : Sony Exec Calls Nintendo Products "Babysitting Tools"

Dare I say that the DS (and any Nintendo handheld) are really more like mobile gaming systems, whereas the PSP is more like a mobile gaming system... ...

14 years ago
RE: Wii 2?

Corrections: - One other 'huge surprise' about the systemA better production rate than the Wii?

14 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

Show up for poker, suggest 52 Card Pickup instead, then steal the keys while they're busy.

14 years ago
RE: Ignore This Topic

Changing it back now (although the bacon flag WAS gonna be my original avatar coincidentally.) My avatar and custom title work in perfect harmony. Or ...

14 years ago
RE: Ignore This Topic

It seems a little off and on. It's been an X every other time (marking 3 complete sets) I've been here. Except now this marks 2 times in a row it's fi...

14 years ago
RE: Ignore This Topic

What the hell... Okay, now that y'all are busy not ignoring this topic, maybe now it can actually serve a purpose. Is my avatar appearing for you guys...

14 years ago
14 years ago
Replies: 10
Views: 156
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

Drink the potion and hope it does something awesome, like invisiblilty or super strength, and not something lame, like healing. Besides...

14 years ago
RE: The True Foe Lies Within The Self - Parasite Eve/The 3rd Birthday

2 protips: #1: Beat the game on Easy first, then Normal, and then Hard (if you're the completionist type.) You get to keep your ending stats. I just ...

14 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

Stick your head through the bars and scream as loud and as long as humanly possible.   (Actually did this during an r...

14 years ago
RE: Mind your language!

In all honesty, I don't get the problem with swearing. Its just a simple word. There are other words that have the exact same meaning, and are sometim...

14 years ago
RE: The True Foe Lies Within The Self - Parasite Eve/The 3rd Birthday

I just beat the game. It only took 10 hours and 12 minutes (don't know if that includes cutscenes or not.) Upon watching the ending, I stood up, laid ...

14 years ago
RE: The True Foe Lies Within The Self - Parasite Eve/The 3rd Birthday

Well, as for the 'slight' horror aspect, I think it's about the same level. Then again, I found the predecessors to be about as scary as the Blad...

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Like The 3rd Birthday, perhaps? Because that's what I'm playing now. Only played the first mission, so I've only got a basic idea of the game. The plo...

14 years ago
RE: 9.0 magnitude earthquake/tsunami hit Japan

Well, apathy towards death is a necessity in life. Every day, every hour, every minute, (every second?) a disaster occurs, a horrific crime is co...

14 years ago
RE: what's up mofoer

Well, I'm not sure it was really totalled or just too expensive to be worth fixing. Apparently airbags are f___ing expensive. If one goes off, it ain'...

14 years ago
RE: what's up mofoer

Sadly, my car Bruce was pronounced totalled dead. I picked up my stuff inside the car everything in his possession when it was wre...

14 years ago
RE: what's up mofoer

Well, I'm in a good mood unless I think about my car. Yesterday I got to play Dude, Where's My Car? as well as Who's Gonna Pay For It? with my insuran...

14 years ago
RE: what's up mofoer

I wasn't really complaining about my house. I guess it would be nothing to complain about compared to your lodgings. This was just me ranting to mysel...

14 years ago
RE: what's up mofoer

Ghostface Killah just wanted to celebrate. I just wanted a haircut. I've been wanting to do it all week but was always too tired to get one after...

14 years ago
RE: The Art Of Video Games

GOD DAMN IT. I voted for Earthworm Jim before I realized I couldn't also vote for Sonic CD. Aw well, I'm sure that game doesn't need any help anyway. ...

14 years ago
14 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 182
RE: what's up mofoer

If you want throw up stories I can give you some throw up stories, but since no one wants that that is all I have to say! I want. I know a bunch ...

14 years ago
RE: what's up mofoer

Well, since we're on the subjects of eating things you shouldn't and vomiting, I got frickin' sick as a dog recently. Now, I can't be sure of the caus...

14 years ago
RE: Sonic #225 Death? Cover.

Would SEGA even care? The Freedom Fighters aren't their characters (well obviously excluding the game team) and it's not like they plan to ever use th...

14 years ago
RE: Sonic Colors for Wii and DS

Has anyone been able to get all 180 red rings? This is seemingly impossible for me Actually, I JUST got them all last weekend, and was gonna ask you g...

14 years ago
RE: How will you be spending the Midwest Blizzard?

Well, I just got back from shoveling HALF of my driveway. The snow is above knee-level in most places. However, the driveway right between our houses ...

14 years ago
RE: How will you be spending the Midwest Blizzard?

Yay, my boss just called. I'm going back to bed.

14 years ago
RE: How will you be spending the Midwest Blizzard?

I get to go to work, unless the boss decides otherwise, the roads are impassable, or I get stuck and slowly freeze to death in my car.

14 years ago
RE: iRenew

I say they put it to the ultimate test: ALCOHOL! I'm willing to be a guinea pig. 

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

I just played Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. With Downpour looming on the horizon and looking pretty effing sweet, I suddenly got an urge to play th...

14 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Shinobi and Nightshade (or Kunoichi) back to back. (That's the PS2 Shinobi, in case you didn't gleam that little tidbit.) Forgot how AWESOME these gam...

14 years ago
RE: how do you feel about the weather?

Okay, the weather just went and pissed me off. It snowed and rained one day. So I wake up to go to work and I've got a thick layer of ice coverin...

14 years ago
RE: The "he/she was just a kid and didn't know better" excuse...

Well, Toby beat me to the whole "bad kids become bad adults" subject, but I can offer up a personal account of being too young to know any better. Whe...

14 years ago
RE: The "he/she was just a kid and didn't know better" excuse...

Well, Toby beat me to the whole "bad kids become bad adults" subject, but I can offer up a personal account of being too young to know any better. Whe...

14 years ago
RE: Dreamcast collection for Xbox and PC.

I can't think of any other compilations of more recent games like this, so I may be wrong, but I'm hearing "GIMMIE GIMMIE" here. 4 games doe...

14 years ago
RE: Your 2010 in review.

Stickghost's Top 3 Games Of 2010: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Sonic Colors Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City (well, the PS3 version at...

14 years ago
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