Mobius Forum Archive

Super Ferret
Reputable Member
Joined: Dec 12, 2004
Topics: 3 / Replies: 276
RE: The Cronicles of Asterion

I like fantasy RP's as well, and that one looks interesting, just a tad complexish 😛 If it does appear I'll have a look at joining it though

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

OOC: I hope people come back, thanks for posting Wraith IC: Angelo pushed himself along the pipe but saw the outline of Xan standing up, so the exit ...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: Amber clutched the gun she held tightly in her hands, pointing it fearfully at the door, "Do you think it's..whatever we saw on the the clip?...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: Amber nodded, "Thankyou Blood. I'll get on with my job, thankyou for the warning about White." The cat looked back at Wraith adn the lar...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: "Eternity!" Amber still fired at the living corpses as they crowded round Ruby, but felt torn between helping one friend and another. &q...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: Amber looked up at Blood and raised an eyebrow, "No invitation? Shame, Blood, where are the others, did they get out safely?" She called...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: Amber still felt a bit shaky, but dutifully took up her gun and ran with tem to med lab. "What exactly are we going to do when we get there a...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: Amber sighed happily inside, at least she managed to fulfill her promise, she would free them all, then maybe she could help the others...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: "I'm here! Ivalice is with me!" She leant against the wall to support her, the adrenaline rush having left her feeling shaky and highly ...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

OOC: Yay people seem to be still interested in this IC: Angelo looked at the pipes and after a few hesitant seconds, went in, hearing someone follo...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: Amber sighed at the sounds of the clicking and wirring and glared in frustration at the robot. She then turned to the 'thing' in front of her, may...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: Amber looked across at White, still a little sore by the strong grip she'd been held in. Unsure now wether or not she could trust her Amber slowly...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC Amber felt dizzy, this wasn't possible! The other animals... Turning to the human she felt a surge of nearly un controllable rage, to change someon...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Amber stopped jumping now that the shield was up, but she couldn't help flinching from the attacks, and wdering how long the shield would last. She to...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Amber was feeling tense her yes snapped around the room, torn between following the others and going to free the other animals. "Safety in number...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: Amber was shocked momentarily by the appearance of the creature, releived that she hadn't really shot Leon, and now alive with fear from whatever ...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: Amber's eyes widened in shock at the sight of Leon, was it possible? Or was it just another anomaly the ship was throwing at her? Feeling a deep p...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: Amber panted wearily as she continued to drag Ivalice forward after what seemed an age after several minutes of hauling, terror and increasing wor...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: Amber smiled at the touching scene, but kept apart from the others, it wasn't her area of expertise, she'd stand up for them but friendship...well...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: Amber turned to where the doors had been ripped open from below her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of what appeared to be Ivalice's arms. M...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

OOC: Lol, like Gerbil I'm also apologising for my lack of posts, just some trouble. IC: Amber was right behind Slayde, she was still numb inside from...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Amber looked back where the spider had gone, what were the humans doing now? They were dabbling in dangerous things, to animals and humans, especially...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

Amber had made sure the ship was stable and wouldn't drift off and had joined the meeting, fiddling around abit with a device on her wrist to alert he...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

IC: Amber bit her lip, a thing she did when she was thinking and worried at the same time. "Ah well here goes." She muttered, easing the shi...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: The helicopter had been flying for sometime, managing to get to where it need undetected then paused. Reva suddenly turned to face the front and b...

19 years ago
RE: Ghost Ship <New RP Format: Suspense/Thriller> [Sci-Fi]

OOC: This looks really fun I'm in IC: "Amber Kerash, pilot, reporting for duty sir." The female semi human smiled, revealing her sharp ca...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: Amber pulled Gem out of the way of the lightning bolt while the others jumped a side. The tabby cat's eyes narrowed focusing on the spider. "...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: Amber followed the Admin White, still feeling a strong sense of loyalty toward Rhymane, she now atleast knew what had happened now and felt much b...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Amber had slowed down to flank Rhymane with Ruby, she nodded, her eyes flicking around, she could sense other animals in the tree cover but couldn't s...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

Kodie took the object from Xan and read the message, handing it back he spoke, "So your the one who can't talk, well, even so, speak your mind fr...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

OOC: Glad to hear that, lets hope I can keep the plot flowing 'til then 😛 IC: The badger walked hurriedly off, watching out of the corner of his eye...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: "Rhymane I'm coming too, and don't bother telling me that you don't want me and Ruby involved and stuff, its innevitable, especially on Ruby'...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

IC: Amber walked boldly forward up beside the other two. "I don't know what this is about but I don't care, Rhy risked his life for Ruby only a ...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Amber ran to Rhymane's still form, concern written across her features, amazed that he had been flung from the train she scampered over and looked wit...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

Then the badger shushed them and motioned for them to follow. "You'll have to go now." "Wait," interrupted Angelo, "Is it pos...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Amber ran over to the tracks, looking left and right in surprise, searching for any sign of the fox, but he was gone. She turned her attention to Ruby...

19 years ago
RE: Questers of Destra [Humour]

Reuben rubbed his head and decided he had to work out a new 'show off' routine that actually served its purpose and didn't hurt. Reuben pushed the tho...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

Angelo looked over to the guards, "If that's so," he whispered "Then they musn't think much of our chances, do you suppose there's anot...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

The tabby kept her eyes on the way ahead of her, forcing herself not to run across the tracks immediately, but her ears flicked bak and forth and her ...

19 years ago
RE: Planet of the Pokemon RP [parody, sci-fi]

Jenny sighed and nodded still reluctant but willing to trust Rogers and his plans.

19 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

OOC:Hmm...the plot thickens IC: Amber paused and turned to see the squirrel just crossing the wall. The tabby was torn but fianlly decided that if it...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Amber sat watching while the foxes exchanged looks and words until finally Ruby joined them. The tabby got up and got ready to move, a look of concern...

19 years ago
RE: Questers of Destra [Humour]

"I shall join this quest for glory and show what a true hero I am." Cried Reuben bravely, deciding to show off by tossing and twiriling his ...

19 years ago
RE: Project Speedbird

I thought it was good while it lasted Wraith, I don't think this will stop anyone form joining your RP's. So don't worry. Love to see your next one

19 years ago
RE: Planet of the Pokemon RP [parody, sci-fi]

Jenny moved reluctantly with the others and joined in the conversation. "Yeah unless someone else wants to kill us themsleves. But lets be optimi...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Amber leapt after the fox, slipping through the hole with ease and following him, easily keeping up with him.

19 years ago
RE: Project Speedbird

I don't know, I'm a tad busy lately and struggling with posts, like now. *disappears off to do something, returns* Right, it doesn't look like three p...

19 years ago
RE: Questers of Destra [Humour]

Reuben nodded, "Drinks all round I say, a true way of celebration!" "Who knows, maybe it will improve your aim." muttered Lena. &q...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

The badger seemed to think about something for a moment then engaged in a whispered conversation with oe of the guards, nodding and mumbling from time...

19 years ago
RE: From Another's Eyes...[Animal RP]

Amber looked in asurprise at the fox, "What could have happened there I wonder...hmmm, recently there have been so many mysteries, a world of sha...

19 years ago
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