Mobius Forum Archive

Super Ferret
Reputable Member
Joined: Dec 12, 2004
Topics: 3 / Replies: 276
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: Suddenly annoyed that she wouldn't let him go he pulled forcefully away and slipped free of her grip. He staggered away towards his sister to ask ...

19 years ago
RE: Conflicts

IC: Talios relaxed a little at the knowledge that the Dusters had passed, but he also wondered where they were going. Deciding that it was time to lea...

19 years ago
RE: Conflicts

Talios looked over at Zu for a few moments then turned back to the door, there were more important things to concentrate on at the moment. He tensed u...

19 years ago
RE: Diamonds in the Shadows.

IC: Talios looked at the Doctor and rolled his eyes, "Of course I'll try and stop you but I didn't mean me exactly, I was talking about Diamond, ...

19 years ago
RE: Planet of the Pokemon RP [parody, sci-fi]

OOC: Wonder no more for I have returned IC: Jenny groaned, she looked around for the dratini she'd rescued and found that he was beside her looking...

19 years ago
RE: Conflicts

Talios kept his eyes on the door, he'd been in similar situations, only different weather conditions and a very different location. And it wasn't any ...

19 years ago
RE: Animorphs: Other Reality

IC: Jenny looked in surprise at the torn clothes and looked at the t-shirt more closely. "Hey, that looks pretty on you. I have a que...

19 years ago
RE: Diamonds in the Shadows.

IC: Talios turned to look at doctor Eggman, and raised an eyebrow. "This is the famous Dr. Eggman? Well this explains the name at least." He...

19 years ago
RE: Conflicts

Without thinking Talios leapt up and grabbed Zu's wrist, preventing him from slashing at the fox's head. "What are you doing!" Talios cried ...

19 years ago
RE: Diamonds in the Shadows.

IC: Talios puzzled over this, he decided not to ask who Dr. Eggman was and decided to ask something else instead. "Would you like some help?"...

19 years ago
RE: Conflicts

Talios helped Zu up again from falling into him, and watched as he got down and picked up the guns again, "Tempting fate" he thought, but ke...

19 years ago
RE: Gate 43

IC: "Aw hell!" She cried as she scrambled to her feet and ran again then she felt a pang of fear as the realisation that a large shadow was ...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: Raoul tried to struggle against Selena's grip, but a bout of dizziness temporarily prevented him as he tried to not black out. Once the dizzy feel...

19 years ago
RE: Invasions of the Hazzerans.[Character][General]

IC: "I've heard chameeons could turn invisible but I've never actually seen it, I hope the aliens haven't too." Tiro sighed and looked aroun...

19 years ago
RE: Diamonds in the Shadows.

OOC: No it is your char. IC: "In a manner of speaking yes but not from this." Talios looked the fox up and down, then nodded to himself, &q...

19 years ago
RE: Conflicts

Talios felt his fur bristle in distaste as the "Colonel" came in. Leaving the bear where it had fallen he moved back to an empty table close...

19 years ago
RE: Diamonds in the Shadows.

OOC: Nice RP. I'll join. IC: Name: Lt. Talios Species: Colie (or Lassie dog :P) Gender: Male Age: 22 Appearance: usual collie fur, white/cream chest ...

19 years ago
RE: Conflicts

In another corner of the bar a collie in a ragged arctic uniform watched everything from the shadows, he had been going to interveen when the stranger...

19 years ago
RE: Animorphs: Other Reality

OOC: okay, I undestand. No prob really. IC: "I'll come, but I guess everyone else would have to change back to being a human before we can go. C...

19 years ago
RE: Animorphs: Other Reality

OOC: Hey, I didn't think of it at the start, but would it be possible to make a mixed morph and use THAT as our battlemorph? IC: "Great. Ur...bu...

19 years ago
RE: Invasions of the Hazzerans.[Character][General]

OOC: I hope they fix this soon. IC: Tiro looked at Zinc and raised an eyebrow, he wondered where he learnt to speak in such a strange and confusing w...

19 years ago
RE: Gate 43

IC: Jenny felt so helpless, behind the troll she saw another girl get grabbed, that Kendra girl. She stepped back as the cat girl that reminded her of...

19 years ago
RE: Gate 43

IC: Jenny felt so helpless, behind the troll she saw another girl get grabbed, that Kendra girl. She stepped back as the cat girl that reminded her of...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: Raoul tried to push her hand away, "No, we don't have time for that, we have to get rid of these guys then get the mob over ther to safety. T...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: Raoul tried to push her hand away, "No, we don't have time for that, we have to get rid of these guys then get the mob over ther to safety. T...

19 years ago
RE: A Thousand Years

IC: "Hmmm...maybe we should follow Midnight, he seems to know what he's doing." TBC OOC: Sorry its short, I have tonnes of homework.

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: Raoul looked a little stunned at first but got his act together and started hacking at them with hsi claws, kicking them and punching them while t...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: Raoul looked a little stunned at first but got his act together and started hacking at them with hsi claws, kicking them and punching them while t...

19 years ago
RE: A Thousand Years

OCC: Okay, thanks. IC: Seana nodded in agreement, thankful to have someone to talk to, it was fortunate her sister had been death really, having to le...

19 years ago
RE: Heroes and Villains (parralel world, group mission RP)

OOC: You just like putting your char's in the middle of problems don't you. IC: Angelo nodded his head, "yes, if we have to swim that might be a...

19 years ago
RE: Heroes and Villains (parralel world, group mission RP)

OOC: You just like putting your char's in the middle of problems don't you. IC: Angelo nodded his head, "yes, if we have to swim that might be a...

19 years ago
RE: A Thousand Years

IC: Seana noticed Craig's hand signals again, she paid close attention. "He's a gift from God? Huh? Why would they think that?" She looked a...

19 years ago
RE: Gate 43

OOC: Ur...I'm sure there was a window or soemthing in the way but we'll say it was open. IC: Jenny leapt up as the troll hit Zack around the head, th...

19 years ago
RE: Gate 43

OOC: Ur...I'm sure there was a window or soemthing in the way but we'll say it was open. IC: Jenny leapt up as the troll hit Zack around the head, th...

19 years ago
RE: Animorphs: Other Reality

IC: I shrugged, "Well, first I think we should find Zack. Liz, he went with you, did you make it out alright?" <Yep. We caught the bus.&g...

19 years ago
RE: Animorphs: Other Reality

IC: I shrugged, "Well, first I think we should find Zack. Liz, he went with you, did you make it out alright?" <Yep. We caught the bus.&g...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: "Thanks Selena," Raoul said briefly before chargig back into the pile, the fierce fight put on by the furries and Lokki was taking its t...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: "Thanks Selena," Raoul said briefly before chargig back into the pile, the fierce fight put on by the furries and Lokki was taking its t...

19 years ago
RE: Gate 43

OOC: Join at will IC: Name: Jenny Archer Age: 13 Gender: Female Appearance: Long brown hair and lightly tanned skin, hazel eyes, average height, slig...

19 years ago
RE: Gate 43

OOC: Join at will IC: Name: Jenny Archer Age: 13 Gender: Female Appearance: Long brown hair and lightly tanned skin, hazel eyes, average height, slig...

19 years ago
RE: Gate 43

OOC: This is a joint RP IC: 6-345-32 1st April 10:10am I still wonder what has happened to Lily, she went missing two weeks ago, and still no one's...

19 years ago
RE: Gate 43

OOC: This is a joint RP IC: 6-345-32 1st April 10:10am I still wonder what has happened to Lily, she went missing two weeks ago, and still no one's...

19 years ago
RE: A Thousand Years

IC: Seana was uncertain of what to do, she felt lost and alon, which was silly really, with the others and all. She had dawdle a little too much and l...

19 years ago
RE: Invasions of the Hazzerans.[Character][General]

IC: "Hey, watch where you're pointing those things. Anyway, you'd have help from us if there was a war. We aren't exactly war machines but we'll ...

19 years ago
RE: Invasions of the Hazzerans.[Character][General]

IC: "Hey, watch where you're pointing those things. Anyway, you'd have help from us if there was a war. We aren't exactly war machines but we'll ...

19 years ago
RE: Animorphs: Other Reality

IC: "Ur...Jason? I think the least of our worries right now would be wether or not they shed on your bed. Yeerk invasion force seems to spring mo...

19 years ago
RE: Animorphs: Other Reality

IC: "Ur...Jason? I think the least of our worries right now would be wether or not they shed on your bed. Yeerk invasion force seems to spring mo...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: Raoul had just informed Selena and Captain Meeka about the situation and had just returned to see Sparks and the captive firing upon the oncoming ...

19 years ago
RE: Eye of the storm

IC: Raoul had just informed Selena and Captain Meeka about the situation and had just returned to see Sparks and the captive firing upon the oncoming ...

19 years ago
RE: Animorphs: Other Reality

IC: I looked down at Furzy, only it wasn't Furzy, it spoke in my head. <Jenny! It's me! Lizzy! Can you hear me?> I looked down at it in shock. &...

19 years ago
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