Yeah, it was already slow shortly after it went back online let alone with the freebies!
Whoooo, the Store is back up, yeah baby!!!!!!!!!! Now time to go download some Naruto, whoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Live Area interface of the NGP in action! Also, the NGP may actually be called the PlayStation Vita! More evidence it will be called Vita.
PSN to be fully restored by the end of the week!!!
True but at the same time I'm anxious on how Spaz could pull that cover off in an interesting fashion and if anyone can do it it's Spaz!
No, but they could do the Cover of Issue Four like the intro Screen to S&K with them back to back and the DEATH EGG LANDING ON FLOATING ISLAND! CA...
It's not Knuckles, the Word of God, i.e., Ian, says so. Anyway, there is an Archie Sonic Wiki if you want to do any quick catch up.
Yeah, Ian has that on his board, which as I said earlier in the EZEVC is also a phpBB board, and it's very nice! Edit: Not that it's that big of a de...
Not really a glitch I suppose, but my joined date is listed as 6/14/04 when Yuku lists it as 03/05/04. [FIXED] Thanks!
Super Mario Bros. 3 Screw you, moving sun. >.> Ah, thank goodness for the P-wings!
New gameplay walkthrough vids of GHZ one of classic and the other modern Sonic!
Yes, perfectly, Ian has repeated several times on his board that nothing that has happen thus far has been affected by Penders lawsuit and most likely...
Wow, Sonic Generations is confirmed for the 3DS aaannddd PC!!!!
I first came to the MoFo as KaylaTheHedgehog. She, embarrassingly, started out as a fan character who was Sonic's twin sister, but as I expanded her,...
awesome video Ah, ha, ha, I never get tired of seeing that! That little jerk got what he deserved, za ha ha! The moral of this story, kiddies, is to...
Summary once again brought to you from BK's very own chaoscontrol14!
Yeah, he and all the Archie staff on the board gives us teases and stuff, some even smaller than the one up above, but hey, it seems like it must be g...
Fear not, my dear CRC, from the "2011 FCBD preview pages" topic at Ian's BumbleKing Forums: Also loved the summary of the Death Egg Saga. Ho...
Apparently, the Austrailian ratings board has given a rating for the demo of Generations! Also, Generations coming to the 3DS? However, I checked Game...
Ultra Sonic 007 wrote: I recognize the setting and poses (and Belle's face; I like that you can still see part of it) fro...
Don't it though? Though, tbh, I don't think that would even work.
Yeah, there's no doubt he is; I mean everything points to it even the blogs point to it.
Previews are up! This looks like it's gonna be epic!!!! P.S.: Thanks for the fix up on my title, Psx!
I think she's being sarcastic, Matt.
But Sega themselves have admitted to taking steps to get away from 06, and with things getting better, with Colors seemingly being the culmination of ...
Half a good game does not justify the other half. And Sonic Colors? Don't ignore that.
You all are setting yourselves up for disappointment. Just sayin' This is Sega, after all. Well, considering how the latest Sonic games of Unleashed ...
Iizuka interview and more footage of Green Hill! Note: Iizuka is speaking Japanese of course, but the translation is French still has some new footage...
More info on Stream? including possible release and price.
You..haven't been reading the comics for awhile have you, DL?
Hey, ohhhhhh!!!
Well, glad to hear all that. Did anybody notice in the gameplay vid that you can hear birds chirping in the background?
Here's a little more info to hold us some. The article says it, but I'll repeat before you read: remember all of it is speculation right now no matter...
Hey, he could still be scum and not want to kill his wife cuz I mean even evil has standards!
Well, betraying your "friends" should be a lot easier than betraying your wife or any other parts of your family.
AwesomePandaWarrior from Bumbleking says: Classic Sonic is gonna be mute. Probably for the best. Also, new screenshots. Looks beautiful, no?
Aw, man, that looks so awwweeesooommmeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Preview pages are up!
Well, this game works for me! Anyway, here's an article from Kotaku; be sure to view the video at the top of the page as it talks about concerns of mo...
I believe they are going to put most of the mini-series into the Selects, or at least, that's how I get it from what I've read on BK.
Well, I consider the Sonic Genesis cover topic the 226 thread seeing as how the preview cover and solicits are there.
Wii 2 is codenamed "Project Cafe" and that the controller will have dual analouge sticks, games can be transfered to the touch screen, etc.