Mobius Forum Archive

Super Rayzor
Noble Member
Joined: Mar 4, 2004
Topics: 64 / Replies: 1317
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Freakazoid was eh for me < hated Reading Rainbow V hopefully watched Denver the Last Dinosaur

18 years ago
RE: Official US Sonic X Discussion and Info Thread

When did the Mets get the other Emeralds? Last I remember Sonic and crew had at least one or two of them or did they lose those in that one episode ...

18 years ago
RE: Revolution GAME Screenshots. o_0 {Official Red Steel topic}

Well, IGN has reported it now, but shouldn't this go into the Revolution thread? I may pick up the book the next time I go to a store.

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Ah, Winnie the Pooh < It's been so long since I've seen a lot of my favorite childhood show, I can't remember any lyrics V thought the TMNT rocke...

18 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

How come, the General will be dealt with this year and Max next; I figured the King would be far more important then a general. As far as what Max'...

18 years ago
RE: Only For Kids?

Heck, I'm 21 and I could hardly get as far into story mode as I have so far! *shudders*

18 years ago
18 years ago
RE: Only For Kids?

Quote:I find mine at my local "Polly's Country Market," or a Kroger.Man, my Kroger stopped selling comics around the middle of 2003. Ninguy...

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ I think we've said everything that Pinky said < Pinky and the Brain, Pinky and the Brain, one is a genius and the other's insaneeeee!!!!! V they'...

18 years ago
RE: Paris Hilton to star as.....

Quote:Can anyone pull up a news article that can tell us what the hell they were thinking? I think the better question is what the heck were they smok...

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ who the heck is Traus < types V types as well

18 years ago
RE: Only For Kids?

Before I get to the topic at hand, I must say: Joe, you like Jake?! That show is awesome!! I wish they would air some new eps of Jake; I'm dying to s...

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ < Poit! V Alvin!

18 years ago
RE: y helo thar

Man, Kaze, you been beaten me to tellin the newbies about the EliteMove. Anyway, welcome to the MoFo, and fear not for I do not eat newbies. Enjoy...

18 years ago
RE: The Fun Q &amp; A Post

A: Si. Q: Como estas?

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Dee < Dee! V Dexter!

18 years ago
RE: Holy Hoppin' Fudgsicles! I'm like... BACK!

I regonize you from when Sage linked her intro topic. Otherwise, I don't know you from Adam, but hey, welcome back to the MoFo; hope you have fun. O...

18 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

Ian, after seeing you saying Bean and Bark are here to stay, I wonder: are they always going to be bad guys or are they gonna help the good guys from ...

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Achoo ^_^ < Bashful V Grumpy

18 years ago
RE: I can legally view porn.

Happy 18th SH. You can now also legally buy tobacco products (but why would you want to) and vote in all minor and major elections. Have fun and her...

18 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

Ian, what time does the main office at Archie close, I've been meaning to call them about a subscription question, but I've never gotten around to it....

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ No < yes V yes?!

18 years ago
RE: Possible Knuckles Solo game?

Thanks, TR! ~_^ Man, those look fairly cool; too bad, it was just a hoax it could have been good.

18 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

Okay, a few more questions. Although I don't really care for them, are we gonna see any of the Forty fathom Freedom Fighters; what about the Downuda,...

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Omega < I am me, me I am V Liked Pinky and the Brain?

18 years ago
RE: Possible Knuckles Solo game?

Can someone point to pictures of it, I'm interested in seeing how real-like these hoax pictures were. I can't find any pics in the link above.

18 years ago
RE: Official US Sonic X Discussion and Info Thread

Quote:There was only a few times, I felt Shadow's voice sounded a little too like Sonic, mostly when he was yelling at Knuckles or Tails. Yeah, I noti...

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Wha...? < Poit! V liked Pinky and the Brain

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ indeed! < Zort!! V are you thinking what I'm thinking, (insert you name here)?

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ Belong < To V Us

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ :b < : ] V : )

18 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

So, can we expect to see the Yellin' Yellow (Super Sonic) any time soon or is he down the line?Quote:Hiro0015 If you remember the Mecha Madness specia...

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ is wrong < I have life and have it more abundantly V likes my new sig

18 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ yes < yes V yes?

18 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

Actually, Ian, when I was talking about ghost, I was basically asking if you could use the ghost of Nate if your present idea about Nate was not green...

19 years ago
RE: Ask Joe about Sonic X (ongoing series).

Quote:And isn't Cheese female? Or am I thinking about Chocola? Technicially, in Sega canon at least, chao are neither male nor female they are just ch...

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ LIES *drools* < Bobobo just seems stupid to me V knows that I'm right about him being stupid

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ sez you < doesn't like Bobobo either V may or may not like Bobobo

19 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

Quote:I've got an idea I'd like to use for Nate way down the line, but I don't know if it'll be approved. So until that (or a different) story is give...

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ lies lies I say < V doesn't like Bobobo

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ is wrong < is better then a cow V is very nice person, yes?

19 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

So, Ian, is there any, and I mean any, chance that Nate Morgan(which would have to include Collin and Lady Agagtha) could come back? Nate was one of ...

19 years ago
RE: SONIC #164 and SX #10 Previews!

Quote:And by proving/showing it was a test, help bring the fallen hero back to life. (which has been done in other comics in the past) If this come tr...

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ 'Kay < is glad Kay ain't a Nintendy hater as bad as Pat but wonders why she hates it; I could be big Nintendo fan depending on the Rev's perferma...

19 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

So, if the Black Arms are gonna show up are they gonna have any connection or fight with the Xorda? If you wasn't planning on it, do you think you wi...

19 years ago
RE: Up-Across-Down Game

^ say what?! < is not a sea pony V liked "Boy Meets World"

19 years ago
RE: I have returned!

Rose Dust. KaylaTheHedgehog was her original account.

19 years ago
RE: The Fun Q &amp; A Post

A: Brown, alot say they're so dark they look black. Q: Same question

19 years ago
RE: Spring

Yeah, that's what I mean. About a week or so ago, we were having record breaking temptures(70s and 80s), but as soon as spring comes, we get winter, ...

19 years ago
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