I might be up for it depending on what you had in mind, I've been meaning to get back into spriting.
Ha! Sane members, I don't think you understand where you are...
A rule of thumb, don't have a character show up and assume we know who they are, especially if it's an original character. Also, inside jokes are not ...
And...here we go, Steven Perry, not the singer, the writer and one of the creators behind Thundercats is the apparent victim of a homicide.
Farewell Dennis, have a grand time Easy Riding in the afterlife. As for Gary, it's sad but I feel the same way as Craig.
So, before I start throwing out criticism is this your actual attempt at making a spirte comic or are you still experimenting? If it's the latter, tha...
So, there I was. It was my birthday and I was getting all sorts of PiE offered to me. Then, I saw it from across the room, it was the most wonderful, ...
if I actually was a person from this forum who was here before, how could I be young?This is what TTG is referring to.
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #24 The Battle for Knothole (Part 3 of 4) With Snively getting his hands on the Sword of Acorns there seems to be nothing st...
Really? More aliens in Sonic?! I had enough of the aliens when you turned the Babylon Rouges into them! Also seems to be an obvious, "Well Super Mario...
And that's how we won our freedom!
The Swanson Abides...
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #22 The Battle for Knothole (part 1 of 4) Nack has found the location of Knothole and is leading all of the Swat-bots to tha...
STOOP KID'S AFRAID TO LEAVE HIS STOOP STOOP KID'S AFRAID TO LEAVE HS STOOP Also, shame on both Epi and Mada for not getting this. This was part...
OOC: Well, took longer than I wanted but I'm back! I was totally going to do those 2 profiles but then I decided not to, instead we'll just cons...
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #18 "The Calm Before" The gang takes a break from the action while Rotor, Tails, and Uncle Chuck decide how to break into Me...
You were gone?
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #15 Solo Story (Part 3 of 4) Uncle Chuck is on the run from the SWAT-bots when he runs into General DeCoolette! The General ...
What the!? A "music video" made by me and a couple friends?
Not if you got FLiEs stealin' your PiEs.
PiEs tend to stay away from guys with FLiEs, lest they get FLiEs as well.
(That works.) SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #12 "The End is Never the End" Sonic and Metal Sonic do battle one more time, meanwhile the rest of the F...
Because you are like him in almost every way, except your spelling is better.
(How is Sally able to find Nack if she's still robticized?)
Man, that sucks, thoughts go out to his friends and family. On a bit of a lighter note, got to love the irony of this thread.
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #9 Jailbreak (Part 2 of 4) Tails discovers something odd, Metropolis has seemingly vanished. The question is, if it's not he...
Not exactly....
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #6 "Never Say Never" (Part 1 of 2) The ultimate confrontation is here! Sonic vs Metal Sonic with Amy Rose's life in the b...
I don't even want to know what a Pizza PiE is!
Ugh...I'm stupid, I knew that I just wasn't thinking, sorry Cosmos just ignore that.
Okay....what the hell....we "evolved" past being straight? So Homosexuality is the next logical step in evolution?
He can't be Stairmaster, he hasn't made one racist comment yet.
Jin did not create the PiE, he merely discovered it's secrets and shared them with the world. He's like the PiE Buddha.
Being honest, if you work on a TV show and it get's cancelled, you do NOTHING! Mainly because there's not much you can do, you just move on to your ne...
Only on Tuesdays...
Is that supposed to be Sonic??? Are you suppose to be Sonic?
True, chocolate CREAM pie however, is disgusting.
If Ian was ignoring past events he wouldn't be focusing his time on making a Sonic Who's Who book. Also, why is it that every topic you make either de...
Matt...you can't question the PiE, just enjoy it.
"TTG: How do you make it?" See, your name is right next to it, clearly you said it.
How appropriate that LNR is the 69th poster on this thread.
You say that as if I'm not?
OOC: Sorry it's taken so long for me to post, school has been kicking my butt. IC: Of course, what Cory and his group of rebels misunderstood was tha...
*Isn't really offended since he's winning.*
So guys, what's your favorite type of PiE?
I'm glad we are on equal footing.