And its not a download, its embedded into the page... Pretty funny though
DA Garden? Sound test, where, I cant find anything like it... Or is it one of those things that will appear in a few days or Ineed to complete a gam...
Enjoyed Fighters, although I'm very bad at most fighting games so it's an uphill struggle... Sonic R is harder than I remember, and Sonic CD is slower...
Its not the best one but its far from the worst.... I just NEED that Stardust speedway song, which version is it?
Because it shouldnt be, but it ought to be up there and competend and not dumbed down...
I said that the fact that the director wasnt scared to put that man in the picture in a cage like that, that looks like that makes me hopefull that he...
The Harry Potter books are smart, classy and speak to all ages. They are primarily childrens book but suit all ages, they arent dumbed down... Althou... has posted pre orders for Sonic Gems Collection, for the UK release. Should be here by the 30th, and if the postman is extremely nice I MI...
Square has made it pretty clear that they arent planning to remake FF7 at the moment... Nomura himself has said doing so would take 300 men just as lo...
But I dont want it dumbed down like the first 2 movies are... If the director isn't scared to be gory then the chances of it being dumbed down are mi...
But, the first 2 films were TOOO far in the oppoiute direction... If the director isn't scared to properly shock people then hopefully he wont be sca... Hmm, could be an interesting game... I'll have to see how it goes
I cant get the spoiler tags to work, so beware.... If any mods pass by and dont mind reading, please edit them so they work... I don't know whats wron...
A vat of wet cement, and Sonic's striding through it? ... Thats the only viable explanation
If that IS a level select screen you could potentially go backwards and take another path diverging from a different point.... It might look like a...
As Magma had come Swiftbomb and hom had been some of the first to dissapear, ducking to the centre of the group. Like Justin neither of them liked mag...
OOC: Sorry about that, Ireally am pressed for time at the moment but here goes... I'll be able to get on tommorow and sunday so... IC: The Next Morni...
I've put a heads up in the Staff post about it, if it's decided that it IS against board rules then well done, if it's not which I dont think it is (e...
I'm just popping in and barely have aminute to express this quesiton but I want to know... Is it? I've seen MP3 files linked to before, I've seen lot...
"I have plenty," Thomas shrugged, "None of which you'd like, but we do need to leave the RP Guild." he turned and started walking ...
OOC: Ack, dont get much time online at the moment BUT... Here goes... IC: "HALT, put your hands in the air and surrender..." the voice was ...
Hmm, agree with the spin attack thing, but then again the plyer is generally slow in those videos... Except for te running section, but APART from tha...
The nitpicks for sure HSW... And yes, I agree it WONT be available in gameplay for 2 reasons: It wouldnt work in gameplay If it did it would make thi...
I'll second that, Advent Children wont be out in the UK for at LEAST a month after it is in the US, that's the soonest we get most products... Be car...
They didn't fire him... They just stopped hiring him... Still, despite being perfectly legal it's still a pretty nasty situation to be in, my regard...
never had been and never will be... It is compiled by fans, and a lot of information on there is based on RUMOURS...
My Real Name: Your charm and confident personality assures your popularity and brings you many admirers. Your analytical mind and social concerns may...
Ryan was PERFECT as Sonic, and i hate his Sonic X voice, it's too... I don't know, I dont like it. Mick Pollock taking Eggman I could udnerstand, see...
Gone from a white tight shirt to a flowing black, not sure what it is but you're right it does look better on her... Anyway, still waiting for word o...
Hate to drag it on further, but i still believe Warrior Within's greatest problem was the soundtrack... The theme song "I stand alone" was g...
"They won't follow us in here" the stranger groaned as he appeared behind them... "Shadows are the absence of light, but in a virtual r...
Those green hoops at the start are from the SA games...
I meant before the new game... But, yeah, I forgot to specify that
It didn't SOUND like Ryan Drummond, thats for sure
OOC: Actually, I did have a small idea Mobius, I've PMed you and if you don't like it we'll go with just the fight scene. IC: "The volcano is go...
"Follow me," the stranger replied as he thrust his way forwards, cutting a path through the swarm that surrounded them... Suddenly things s...
Actually, from what I've seen with the series the most male cleavage we've had so far is Tidus's bare chest in FFX... The argument CAN be applied bot...
Oh, that's interesting... The gamespot one only mentions Ohshima in passing, but if IGN think he's properly involved... Oh, and, before anyone else ...
It IS a bit... over the top... But MOST of the problems in that trailer stem from the "doom laden" narrator who PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE probab...
Hmmm.... Well, although I'd like to stab the announcer the screens and the in game dialogue themselves dont look that bad. Sadly I want to see more o... Cant HELP but love that pic... Now, THAT is how Knuckles should be acting, doing his duty and stuff, and it'd...
Ahhh, the advantage of 2Dness... It doesnt matter that her design is crummy, we're lucky that Sonic, Tails and Knuckles designs translate well for 3D ...
That was the indication Sonic Adventure 2 gave... Shadow was the Ultimate life Form, created by man... But Sonic is his equal, and as far as we know ...
Quote:"When I first heard this song I thought 'Euchhh...' But now you know.... I really hate it." Reel Big Fish singer talking about one of...
As an enormous black shape descended from the shadows above him Silver felt something very strange happen in his gut, something that suggested that......
Male OR female... Hmm, actually tha (is it Steiner) knight bloke in FF9 could almot qualify... Or the chef who was ALSO in FF9... So, for these, a...