Mobius Forum Archive

Reputable Member
Joined: Aug 16, 2002
Topics: 23 / Replies: 310
RE: Sooo How's College?

College is swell for me. Chaffey Community College FTW! Three classes so far, Computer Systems, Econ-1, and Human Genetics. I really needed 4 classes...

18 years ago
RE: Well people, there shall be no more 'crikey!'.

Well, nobody in my area has been taking it lightly it seems. o_o Sucks to know he's gone though... ~T2K+

18 years ago
RE: Post your DS collection thread.

I have a regular DS, but...I do wish for a Lite.... COLLECTION POST! -Advance Wars: Duel Strike -Trauma Center: Under the Knife -Castlevania: Dawn of...

18 years ago
RE: MoFoRadio?

I call dibs on movie reviews! ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: 19! Finally!

Damn you were at PAX? Talk about the best damn birthday ever. ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: 19! Finally!

Happy happy Birthday...tralalalalala You've heard all the songs before, now hear them once again! HEY! ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: Super Smash Bros...Flash!

Not as good as the original Melee (obvious) but still rather fun. ^^ One of the better flash games I've played. ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: Family Occupations.

My mother is a nurse at the hospital she had been working at my whole life. ^^ She was in the ICU for as long as I can remember, but recently switched...

18 years ago
RE: Developing story ...New Planets to be confirmed.

As always, I love to hear news of the planets! Maybe next time we can find one that is inhabitable!...which is unlikely. o_0 ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: Underwhelmed

WoW=win. But I still play Guild Wars. =b Anyway...yeah, kinda what Cyke said about Summers for gaming. There's a lotta DS stuff I'm looking forward t...

18 years ago
RE: Bye, Bye E3

The sad thing is, 2 years in a row I could've gone. I live close to LA, and my friend was connected. But the first year, I was only 17 and couldn't g...

18 years ago
RE: Smorking.

I'll take another 100 cigars before I touch marijuana, end of story. I hate it with my everything. =b ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: An Awesome Video Game homage image!

Awesome o_0 I love such creative works. Outstanding find. ^_^ ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: NEW! FF3 DS Trailer(nice CGI) and that older E3 FF13 trailer

I love my DS..... I love old Final Fantasy games too! What are the odds? ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: Smorking.

I just noticed the title of the thread is "Smorking". Acriooooooo! ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: Smorking.

Well thanks for all the replies. In all honesty, I enjoy smoking. With cigarettes though I was a wuss and refused to take it to my lungs. =b Maybe tha...

18 years ago
18 years ago
18 years ago
Replies: 80
Views: 75
RE: My reason to live is back.

I'm glad they're making TF2...but I kinda miss what TF2 was looking like 5 years ago. XD Team Fortress has always been a complete smash to me, I still...

18 years ago
RE: photoexchange!

Craig, do you have ANY idea how many MoFoers say I have "Craigy hair" o_o;;; ...biter! *kicks Craig and run* Well...glad to see you like t...

18 years ago
RE: photoexchange!

Well well, a picture I shoulda shown a while back....AND recent (bad quality) ones of the haircut forced upon me by Nikita! Baibai my beautiful ...

18 years ago
RE: Link's masculanity....

Who loves the Link? Everyone loves the Link! ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: Has it been overdone?

Well it must be hard to recapture the glory of the original StH games. Personaly, I think the Sonic Adventure games were the perfect 3d conversion to ...

18 years ago
Replies: 32
Views: 47
RE: 1st video game system?

NES ^^ First one after that would be my SNES, followed by the original Game Boy. Ohh I love my games. ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: New Smash Bros.! Solid Snake! SONIC! Not kidding!

*cues the MGS2 heavy metal theme* I love Hideo Kojima I love Nintendo I love gaming Rock on MoFo! Seriously the Wii is showing off a lot nicer th...

18 years ago
RE: New Zelda can use Revolution controller?

I too would probobly prefer the GC controller, but hopefully it'll be awesome on both. ^^ (knowing me I'm going to get both versions). I was hoping t...

18 years ago
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

It's just like using a mouse, but without it against the desk so it's even better Hopefully that'll be the case when I play it. ^^; That is, it bein...

18 years ago
RE: photoexchange!

Oh aren't we silly in Photoexchange these days. Here's one of me and my loved one at Medieval Times (my first time, her 2nd, it was awesome) I rar...

18 years ago
RE: So what are you? (Zodiac / Chinese Zodiac)

I'm an Aquarius/Dragon. ...that like makes me some sort of Aqua-dragon. o_0 Look out yo. ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: Your favorite arena from Mortal Kombat?

My favorite place would be from MK3. The Subway level and the place above it. Call me crazy, but 3 will always be my favorite one. ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: Revolution GAME Screenshots. o_0 {Official Red Steel topic}

Actually Wonderbat, I was a bit curious and in disbelief of how the Rev can pull off an FPS, but from what I've read, and from how 'easy' it sounds, I...

18 years ago
RE: Revolution GAME Screenshots. o_0 {Official Red Steel topic}

Quote:Judging solely by screenshots, Half-Life 2 looks like an average shooter. Word up. I didn't see what was the big deal about Half-Life before I...

18 years ago
RE: photoexchange!

Now my last image I won't publicly put because.... SHIRTLESS KUNG-FU ACTION DREW! BRING IT ON!!! ....and I'm done, enjoy. ^_^ ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: Revolution GAME Screenshots. o_0 {Official Red Steel topic}

Hm it looks rather authentic now. I'm pretty hyped up for this game. Lovely graphics were my first eyecatcher, but if the gameplay is as easy as it is...

18 years ago
RE: Revolution GAME Screenshots. o_0 {Official Red Steel topic}

Many game sites got the news, but they say it was "Only in Game informer" so they could just be BSing with some interesting late April Fools...

18 years ago
RE: y helo thar

Whatup foolio! Enjoy teh Mobius Forum! ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: Paris Hilton to star as.....

This....isn't....really...HAPPENING!!!!! ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: Holy Hoppin' Fudgsicles! I'm like... BACK!

Holy Hannukah! I remember you! HAS been a long time. o_0 Please stay! ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: I can legally view porn.

Happy 18th brother. It seems like just yesterday when us two were just 15. XD Ooooh the memories. ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: im new

Whadup Mon ami. ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: Man Is Charged $4,300 for Four Burgers

Musta been some damn good burgers. o_0 ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: OH SNAP! New Zelda game for the DS announced!

Ahh I love the OoT visuals. I have yet to see them as ugly. Quote:I mean, Final Fantasy 7 looked great for its time, but by just about any standard i...

18 years ago
RE: Metroid Prime Hunters Friend Code Exchange

I'll add ya ASAP. Unfortunately for a game that relies on such codes, we're better off IMing and such to schedule matches. >_> ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: OH SNAP! New Zelda game for the DS announced!

I'd say the Four Swords games and Minish Cap counts as "Wind Waker" style. ~T2K

18 years ago
RE: New data transmission record - 60 DVDs per second

Quote:Hm. That's a lot of porn. Thanks for jacking my joke! Anyway, wow, that is pretty darned amazing. o_0 I never thought I can overload my hardd...

18 years ago
RE: OH SNAP! New Zelda game for the DS announced!

This game looks awesome, but personaly I think they're doing the Wind Waker graphics a little too much. I guess I like the more 'serious' art styles t...

18 years ago
RE: Metroid Prime Hunters Friend Code Exchange

Rad, I'm online now if you like to rock

19 years ago
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