<a href=""" <img src=""" width="240" height="180" alt="Digital Robotic Exploration Worker" border="0&...
Oh....My....ROB. I will fly in the sky with baloons...and blow things up with bombs. o_o Interesting. ~T2K
Hey, welcome to MoFo! Glad to see someone who understands the glory of cake. Enjoy your addictio-err I mean...stay. ~T2K
That is just....dynamite-rad. o_o Zelda=rock, StarFox=roll. Together= Rock and roll! ~T2K
I laughed at a few times. ^^ Tis a very grand thing. God bless the U-S-of-Internet. ~T2K
Heyhey, welcome to the club Jman. I've been here since Feb 02' my fouth anniversary is coming up. ^^ ~T2K
This is truely some disgusting news indeed...I call it murder. Beyond cruelty if you ask me. I hope the twisted punk gets whats coming to him, and I ...
Kids material or not, the kids will see it anyway. =b and I'm sure there will be a lot of complaining parents when that happens. ~T2K
Way to serve it Psxphile. XD The remote thing is cool as long as the controller shell will be there. So as long as they don't ditch the shell this c...
It's a mock up, but a controler 'shell' will be there. Need I say more? ~T2K
Tribes and Counter-Strike games, nothing but. ^_^ ~T2K
I love Bruce Lee, and I believe he was a great guy. *loves his Jeet Kune Do-ness and his many movies ^_^* ...but it's almost like people are making a...
I still would love AoStH ^^; The Zelda cartoons were dynomite for their time. But I still think the Super Mario World Cartoons and and the Sonic ones ...
Okay, so should I go out tomorrow for a replacement or no? =b ~T2K
Well it worked on the living room DVD player, so I guess you're right. x.X I love laying on my bed to watch things though.... Ah and I love the volu...
Andrew Coats Sensitive, friendly and kind you look for peace and beauty in your environment and relationships. People like to be around you because o...
Even if it is OoT with better graphics, which I doubt that's all it will be, it's enough to sell me. ^^ I've been playing Zelda since the NES days whe...
I grew up with a television in my own room, my parents room, my sisters room, and the living room. ...but whenever I used one it was mostly for video...
Well there ARE things like Nintendo of Japan, America, Europe, and whatever else there may be. Maybe one of them are racist. XD Not that I think it'...
I've seen the show a few times but sometimes....I dunno. XD It can realy hilarious, if not slightly scaring me away from future sexual contact. ~T2K
I've been playing a lot of Halo 2 with some friends, and I still don't see the big deal. I just see a lot of the same. A good game? Yes, it still is, ...
Tehee ^^ I remember you! A very large weba to you! ~T2K
I think there is no point to another character battle until about 5-10 years pass. x.x People will either vote for the same person as the year before ...
Y'know, I heard that in Atlanta or something gas is about 5 bucks per gallon. o.0 Twas on the news...ofcourse. ~T2K
Oil companies should just give up and let us all let everything run on water. =( Meanies. ~T2K
I never have lived in an area with the possibility of a hurricane but....wow. New Orleans, a large city is just....destroyed. That's quite a shock to ...
The MoFo indeed rocks. I don't believe I lurked much personaly ^^;. I saw the forum all big and happening so I got straight to posting after 5 minuite...
Oh....my....GAWD. o_o ~T2K
I don't know if I can FEAR the cosplay...but I love it to wittle bits. ^_^ ~T2K
SunsetRiders (SNES) Grand Theft Auto Vice City (PC) Guild Wars (PC) Counter-Strike: Source (PC) Advance Wars 2 (GBA) Resident Evil 4 (GC) ~T2K
Happy birthday mah man. ^^ It's a good time to.....PARTY! *raves* ~T2K
....y'know as big of a stars-and-planets nerd I am...or used to be, I'm quite pissed off that I didn't see it. x_o Sounded pretty sweet though. ~T2K
I got Christianity...but I lost the link so hey, I hope everyone believes me. XD ~T2K
I know SO many people who get their wireless connection off of their neighbor, it's amazing how many people get free internet. XD ~T2K
Well look at the first computers. =b They weren't as great as they are now. So maybe...wireless internet will be like that? ^^; ~T2K
Ah yes, I'm on a wireless connection too. It has a habit of doing this for forums. ^^; Last one lasted over 3 months though. >> ~T2K
I happen to think we are quite awesome... ^^ Well...I think that way about 99% of us. But hey! At least thats above half! Welcome to the MoFo ~T2K
And I thought my mom was bad. ...and I was linked to porno shortly after >>. Dirtydirty BAD! *smacks with a hockey stick* ~T2K
Oh snap o_0. I'm so not hugging my Tails plushie anymore. ...y'know...if I had one. ~T2K
I thought you meant you were leaving the forum. o_0 Glad to see it's just a trip. Have a blast! ~T2K
Tails is indeed a boy. ....however....very cute. ^^ And if that makes him 'girly' then meh! ~T2K
The world needs only one Solid Snake. AND ONE BIG BOSS! ~T2K
IT IS I!, THE MASTER OF Y'ALLS! Not realy..but I still look...okay. ^^ Myes, what can I do for you good sir? P-I-M-P LIEK OMG! Video game gunslin...
Oh my god...that's terrible.... I will pray for the best for your mother as well as your family. There was realy no stopping to what had to be done an...
Ehh I'd only let myself die if it meant saving someone whom I cared about, or someone who looked like a good person. Or....well, many other people in ...
Part of me wished the article was true. Why? More evidence and proof that the people of this country are being teh crazy. ...Seriously, attacking ...
I think 6 movies were enough. Let the books take care or the rest, which I think it did. =b ~T2K