Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Apr 14, 2006
Topics: 7 / Replies: 129
RE: When did you first come across this comic?

I first came across the comic at my local grocery store back in late 2000 (I later found out it was #88). I saw from a distance the comic sitting on a...

14 years ago

Sonic 4 confirm then. If the game download, there better be a retail version. I don't have X-Box Live.-- Yeah, I really do have the urge to cal...

15 years ago
RE: Sonic #205- SNOO-PING AS USUAL, Snively?!

I love Snivleys face on the bottom pannels! Yus, the old famous AOSTH Robotnik quote! I'm really liking the art from this Jamal Peppers guy, what...

15 years ago
RE: Sonic Underground Knuckles?

... Point taken! But to be fair. Sonic Underground was pretty bizarre to begin with. XD;**snarks.** Truer words have rarely been spoke...

15 years ago

This is in america right? If it is, thats pretty sweet. I haven't seen it on TV since 2003. Too bad I don't have cable though. I actually st...

16 years ago

This is in america right? If it is, thats pretty sweet. I haven't seen it on TV since 2003. Too bad I don't have cable though. I actually st...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic gets a mention in Talking Classics

Ha ha! Sonic is the voice of the 90's.

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 201 Spoilers!

Yah know, I never thought about how ninjas usually do have a dark past.

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 201 Spoilers!

Man! I love this issue. I'm suprised that Espio has possibly a dark past that no one ever knew about? I'm a reader for life.

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Fanfilm in the works?

Heh, this thing almost got picked up by Universal pictures in 2007?? Wow.

16 years ago
RE: Sonic for 2009 - Sneak Peek Info

Spaziante!!!! Great to hear he's finally working on Sonic on a consistent basis again! Now if Ian could only get Axer back as well!

16 years ago
RE: What Sonic character would you like to see again in the future?

I wouldn't mind seeing Dr. Finitevus again! Weird dude but cool.

16 years ago
RE: Favorite Storyline

I think the issues around 118-130 were some of my absolute favorite ones. I especially liked the one where sonic had to fight his evil supersonic clon...

16 years ago
RE: This has been bugging me forever

Heh, I always wondered who that little guy was too. I just thought it was spaz's little signature character.

16 years ago
RE: What Sonic comic format do you prefer?

I get what you're saying. I perfer the present "format". I started with issue 102 and I really enjoy the "format" of that per...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic on That Guy With The Glasses

Haaa ha ha! I laughed so hard my stomach hurts! AOSTH was originally my favorite Sonic series back when I was 7 and 8 years old. Dude! The bots are st...

16 years ago
RE: The Identity of the Traitor Revealed! (Spoilers)

Silver warned of a traitor among the Freedom Fighters whose betrayal ruined his timeline. That traitor is...! VECTOR: Outraged by the cost of MP...

16 years ago
RE: 195 Spoilers!

I think Shadow is the only one having a hard time hearing the difference between Mobius and Moebius.

16 years ago
RE: Anyone here want Art Mawhinney to come back?

I just found out last night that Mawhinney was a story board artist for both Sonic SatAM and AOSTH. I thought that was pretty interesting.

16 years ago
RE: Where are my old favorite Sonic writers/artists?

Yeah! I really hope Steven Butler keeps penciling Sonic for a long time!

16 years ago
16 years ago
RE: Where are my old favorite Sonic writers/artists?

I just noticed that Steven Butler is currently one of the main pencilers for the Sonic X comic.

16 years ago
RE: Sonic HQ a little bit behind?

A little of both on my end.I understand. I'm sure your life has gotten much busier over the years since you started working on the Sonic HQ site....

16 years ago
RE: Sonic HQ a little bit behind?

So basically the staff doesn't have any desire to update it is what you are all saying.

16 years ago
RE: What's Your Time?

My time is your time and your time is mine.

16 years ago
RE: Where are my old favorite Sonic writers/artists?

Well, I doubt Axer is ever going to come back so I'd say the door is slammed shut. I think it was the same for Dawn Best. Her time with Archie ra...

16 years ago
RE: Where are my old favorite Sonic writers/artists?

But where is Steven Butler, J. Axer..... J. Axer is a freelance artist. His time ended with the comic a couple of years ago and has moved on to othe...

16 years ago
Replies: 26
Views: 1009
RE: Knuckles the Echidna comics

I'd say 79 to 99 cents each for poor or fair condition. Cover price to 5 bucks each for mint or near mint.

16 years ago
RE: what if nicole was destroyed during satam's second season?

what if nicole was destroyed during satam's second season episode blast to the past part 2? Well, to answer the question since no one else has,...

16 years ago
RE: What's at least one thing you like most about the STH comic series?

Hmmm... at least one thing?? Well I could say a ton of things but here's my top 3: 1. Sonic the hedgehog!!!! His attitude, style, and his spe...

16 years ago
RE: StH #196 Preview & Sonic Univese #1 & 2 covers

I want Scourge's crown. SO. BAD. D: He can keep his fugly shoes, though. Also, what is it with angsty/defeated heroes on covers that ma...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

Does anyone ever visit this site? This guy is all playing Sonic Unleashed, and he's fleshing out some details on a few things. He seems to love...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Unleashed Revealed

If the 360 version is coming out on the 24th that would also mark the 16th anniversary of the American release of Sonic 2!!!

16 years ago
RE: StH #196 Preview & Sonic Univese #1 & 2 covers

. Wowza!! Scourge goes SUPER!!! I just saw this for the first time. I never really expected to see him go super because I thought he was alre...

16 years ago
RE: Obama campaign begins using in-game ads

very cool. So, is that a permanent thing in the game or is that something that's just going to be there until the election is over?

16 years ago
RE: Beware of candy with milk powder that was made in China

Jeez! I never heard anything about this. I sure as hell hope no kids are getting any of this melamine in their candy. America needs to stop getting pr...

16 years ago
RE: What are you listening to at the moment 😀

Electric Light Orchestra - "Queen Of The Hours" I'm listening to their albums and finding all these gems I've never even...

16 years ago
RE: What are you listening to at the moment 😀

The Best of Earth Wind and Fire on VINYL!!

16 years ago
RE: Satam Sonic Revival

Cool! Good luck making it happen! The revival of SatAM is such a hot topic these days there has to be some outcome from all this.

16 years ago
RE: Presidential Hooplaw! Facts about the Candidates without that silly media circus of half-truths called TV!

That chart is just trying to make Obama look bad. - Favors new drilling offshore US We shouldn't even need to be drilling!!!!!!!! We need to...

16 years ago
RE: What does Vector the Crocodile have against Julie-Su?

I thought it was funny when Vector blew Julie away with his headphones. But, you really can't blame Vector for hating her at the beginn...

16 years ago
RE: Don LaFontaine, voice of movie trailers, dies

Damn!!! I had no clue he died over a month ago!!! He actually did a spot for Sonic & Mario at the Olympic games. I don't think I've hear...

16 years ago
RE: What are you listening to at the moment 😀

DJ Shah and Pedro Del Mar on Digitally Imported internet radio.

16 years ago
RE: Ian Flynn Reveals Tons of Info on Sonic Universe!

Hmm!! I'm actually pumped for this!! I loved issue 175! I can't wait for 200 and this Sonic Universe book that's replacing SX.

16 years ago
RE: Is the Sonic The Hedgehog comic dying a slow death?

The comic is no where near dead. I think the majority of the stories have been great over the past 8 years I've been reading the comic. I believe...

16 years ago
RE: Do you want to see again the original Robotnick?

Not just Sonic 2. He also beat Sonic to the Death Egg boss in S&K. Hah. I never played that game. I think that's a major design flaw. Why w...

17 years ago
RE: Do you want to see again the original Robotnick?

You mean the one that can actually beat Sonic in a foot race? Yeah that's probably the only design flaw to Sonic 2 that comes to mind.

17 years ago
RE: Scourge's crown Design coincidences?

I guess Scourge just likes lots of accessories! The more he has, the cooler he thinks he is.

17 years ago
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