Mobius Forum Archive

Famed Member
Joined: Apr 20, 2002
Topics: 113 / Replies: 2325
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

"Already ahead of you, my boy," commented Cobalt to Swanson as he strode on ahead. Cobalt's long legs were mostly concealed by the glimmeri...

14 years ago
Re: Are you a man? Then you're probably a rape supporter!

Depends on how much he makes being a Kansas representative.

14 years ago
Re: Ken Penders claims rights issues to some major Archie So

The timing almost seems suspect, given the anniversary coming up. I restate my earlier position: it's good if Ken wins if Archie/SEGA really were scr...

14 years ago
Re: You know what grinds my gears?

Sock armor is totally invincible!!! Also I saw someone wearing those the other day. She had apparently been jogging in them! So they must be pretty...

14 years ago
Re: Phantasy Star Online 2 confirm for PC

That's actually the same video, although the quality of it is a lot better and it has translations into English, so that's rather nice to see.

14 years ago
Re: You know what grinds my gears?

See? Your mocking laughter bounces off my layered sock armor like it was...something really bouncy!

14 years ago
Re: You know what grinds my gears?

I am not a capitalism ho >=O this greatly offends me!! Also if you wear enough socks in layers, it can repel ANYTHING!

14 years ago
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

"Fascinating," was Cobalt's own immediate response, his pointed nose hanging over the edge of his metal collar, his mouth obscured. "I...

14 years ago
Re: You know what grinds my gears?

But why is it such a big deal??????????

14 years ago
Re: What constitutes an actual "troll"?

But how do you determine intent? If some jerk is deliberately posting or doing something to make others react with fear or anger for entertainment pu...

14 years ago
14 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 265
Re: You know what grinds my gears?

CT I contend with your point. If your socks get dirty, you can just...take off the socks and throw them away! Or rinse them out in a sink if you can...

14 years ago
Re: Matching wits like Gaston

The reason we organize things in the order they were posted is because it's linear chronologically - someone who may have posted earlier, but then lis...

14 years ago
Re: Ken Penders claims rights issues to some major Archie So

I think Penders' main flaw here is that he's milking for attention when it would be smarter to just shut down all discussion on the issue until, at th...

14 years ago
Re: Group Mission: Paradox

Inside the Sega City Public Library, a tall, thin man sat at a table piled high with a fortress of books. His figure could be best compared to a scar...

14 years ago
Re: This seems legit...

I ordered SoulSilver from some guy on who was selling it for five bucks less. At first I thought it was a good deal, except that it didn't...

14 years ago
Re: So according to one of my sources...

I'll just sit over here with my root beer.

14 years ago
Re: SEGA Spiral Knights

I'ma let you finish porting posts over Acrio, really I will. But for now, there's been a big update for Spiral Knights. Good news is, recipes that a...

14 years ago
RE: The Trackers (Pokemon Trainer RP, Placeholder title)

OOC: Such a lack of compassion to Tribel! I'm sure that anyone in the games would at least let her see her Mightyena when it's obvious Yasha got hit ...

14 years ago
RE: US gets its own "Sonic community event"!

All the free tickets are sold out last I checked. I'm relatively close and could have gone otherwise, possibly.

14 years ago
RE: Matilda the Armadillo

I can't do the pic, but have a me catchphrasing. SHAKE SHAKE, SHAKE SHAKE!~

14 years ago
RE: Friendship is magic?

I watched the My Little Pony cartoons, the original ones, when I was little. I actually kind of liked the absolutely bizarre plots, from what I remem...

14 years ago
RE: My Drawings XD

I dunno Mada, that looks like really good art to me. Dunno who's trying to tell you that you can't draw, but they best be steppin' off the hate train...

14 years ago
RE: Friendship is magic?

...image of the Joker looking at a man, with caption saying "not sure if serious." Yes I'm that lazy.

14 years ago
RE: Friendship is magic?

I'm an adult and I like the show. So apparently does a lot of the Internet, judging by the incredible popularity and the term "bronies" that has been...

14 years ago
RE: why that username?

I was playing a game called Mission Force: Cyberstorm, and in it you can name individual mechs you buy for your team. I named one "Argonaut" but then...

14 years ago
RE: Friendship is magic?

Mada, you must stop putting quarter horses onto catapults. But yeah, what Chao said about the show. It's a kid's show that can be appreciated not ...

14 years ago


14 years ago
RE: Phantasy Star Online 2 confirm for PC

I agree, PSO's storyline was much more haunting and made you put the pieces together, rather than it being a straight-out narrative in PSU with really...

14 years ago
RE: Like a Phoenix from the Flames (MoFic)

The automatic doors slid apart, and Terrornaut staggered into the cylindrical room. The doors shut behind him with only the faintest whisper of noise,...

14 years ago
RE: The Epic Crossover Images Thread (56k = LOLno)

I'm glad I properly saw that reference, then! Ahh, maybe my high school education did manage to teach me something.

14 years ago
RE: Phantasy Star Online 2 confirm for PC

Must admit, I'm impressed so far. It's likely going to be pay-to-play, though...I may try it out if there is a free trial, and if I get some better i...

14 years ago
RE: My Drawings XD

You'll note in this most recent picture that she doesn't have her tail anymore >=3

14 years ago
RE: Brainstorming: Trying to Turn FC into OC...

No, you CAN. You just don't WANT to. There is certainly a difference there. You are the author, the creator; Reni is merely a character, and she on...

14 years ago

This year, you weren't there much longer or shorter than I was.

14 years ago
RE: My Drawings XD

Om nom nom Are you saying you wouldn't like me to eat you, Mada? With tartar sauce?

14 years ago
RE: My Drawings XD

I didn't know you drew, Mada! ...and why do I suddenly have a craving for tuna?

14 years ago
RE: PORTAL 2!! (scroll down for the lowdown)

I'd gladly play coop with anybody else who wants to - I'll try not to spoil for anyone who hasn't gotten as far as me yet, although I only got the fir...

14 years ago
RE: The Trackers (Pokemon Trainer RP, Placeholder title)

Tribel had not only been discovered, but one of the best friends had been hurt. She turned back to face Delano, but found that he was no longer there...

14 years ago
RE: PORTAL 2!! (scroll down for the lowdown)

I beat it. Took me six hours, but they were a quality six hours, and I haven't touched the co-op part at all yet. Some people are already complain...

14 years ago
RE: The Megaman Legends 3 Project Thread

Oh boy. Here comes the "Zero" of the MML franchise. ...well, kinda.

14 years ago
RE: ReiRei's Scribble Book

This is all really looking good. The designs are great - I like how you parted Justin's hair on either side of his horn like that, nice touch.

14 years ago
RE: The Trackers (Pokemon Trainer RP, Placeholder title)

On the rooftop, the Mightyena sprang up to its feet and growled ferociously. "What is it, Yasha?" asked Tribel, concerned at her Pokemon's sudden and...

14 years ago
RE: PORTAL 2!! (scroll down for the lowdown)

I'm not sure what I wanted XD; I wasn't even going to buy the game immediately, but someone else wanted the deal on the two-pack and got it for me. I...

14 years ago
RE: PORTAL 2!! (scroll down for the lowdown)

I've got two extra copies of Portal (the original) as of this posting; I'm reserving one for Vec until I find out if he got one from someone else or n...

14 years ago
RE: So if you could, what superpower would you have?

It'd be amazing...until someone put two and two together, and made you run on a giant hamster wheel forever to generate clean, safe energy for everyon...

14 years ago
RE: So if you could, what superpower would you have?

Just because the ladies like a knight in shining armor doesn't mean you gotta go on hatin'. How is Vec not greedy? o_o *points* Look at him, he's s...

14 years ago
RE: wot ho mofo user

Mada, Acrio has shown he has all day to port posts over. It won't solve anything to try to slow the move itself down by spam tactics. What is necess...

14 years ago
RE: I feel sorry for the Female Trainer in Pokemon White/Black..

don't like the people in charge of this move, Mada. Look at the EVC topic for more on my proposed solution to this problem. If people were properl...

14 years ago
Respite before the storm

The next section after this IS written already; I'll post it up later on this week or next. * * * “Terg, if Vec hadn't let me know that you were the ...

14 years ago
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