Mobius Forum Archive

The CjTails
Reputable Member
Joined: Sep 22, 2001
Topics: 17 / Replies: 283
RE: A gross dereliction of duty...

Dubsey, no offence, but I did ask for it to be stopped, you can see it in James' log. However, since nothing was done, I decided to leave to. I didnt ...

20 years ago
RE: A gross dereliction of duty...

But I'm siding with James on this one, There's playing around and theres Over The Top. To me this is blatantly Over The Top. Some people were wanting...

20 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

Zak hurried along "If you can get me to the others, I can lead you all to the safe location I know." "It may not be anything special, ...

20 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

Zak jumped as he felt the paw resting on his shoulder. The headache was dissipating...but it wasnt the first time he had suffered with them. "I...

20 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

"All this crazy fast healing" Cj muttered to himself as he flexed his free arms again "I swear, this is going to have some crazy side e...

20 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

Zak was holding his head in his paws. Obviously he wasnt in too fit - a state.

20 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

The tracking signal has been activated...we can monitor his every move But what happens if he gets rid of the key? We know Zero-Five is rebellious, w...

20 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

Despite the hardships and distrust he faced, Zak had been trained well. He faced the disbelievers and spoke out. "Well, would you rather me leav...

20 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

Zak sighed and hug his head "Truth be told, I dont have any physical proof" he admitted "But look at it this way and what you do know&q...

20 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

"We shouldnt split up" Zak quickly intervened, trying to quell the idea of the group going their own ways "Afterall, if we split up, th...

20 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Oh, and the sound test is wonderful, too. That helps a good deal, seeing as the PS1 version had NOTHING of the sort. The PS1 Symphony does have a so...

20 years ago
RE: the KNUXLEE is back!

But since i have the memory of a goldfish....

20 years ago
RE: Yaaaaaay!

Im a Batchelor of Science now... and I feel no different odd

20 years ago
RE: Yaaaaaay!

I now get to dress up in a graduation gown thingy ma jiggy on November the 1st. Thats going to be interesting to do. and Southampton Institute also ...

20 years ago
20 years ago
Replies: 23
Views: 113
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

"But why should I need to do this...I mean, they're like me right?" "Wrong, they are not like you. You belong to us, you work for us. C...

20 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

Zak nodded and stepped forward, a paw grabbing hold of the padlock which held the entire set of chains together. He looked it over "Standard fac...

20 years ago
Replies: 13
Views: 120
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

The kit only blinked "Huh?"

20 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Ahhh...Alucard....what is your business here....? SoTN, thats a fantastic game. I had to spend 40 for it on Ebay and omg. I just love to replay the...

20 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc Three

The kit twitched, his eyes opened wide. Something had happened, something big. But he had no strength to get up and find out. Cj Kitmyth stared at ...

20 years ago
RE: Hello

You do have hot dogs right?

20 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

"We dont have time for questions" Zak quickly responded, knowing full well what to do in these conditions. He had been given his instructio...

20 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

"The facility?" Zak continued, flinching a little at the response he had recieved. He'd been trained in how deal with these kind of replies...

20 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

"I'm Ze-" he stopped abruptly, his training and leassons coming back to him. "I'm Zak...Zak Durden" the figure explained, steppin...

20 years ago
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

He made his way quietly over the top of the small hill, making sure to keep low so as to avoid being seen. His eyesight was top notch and he easily l...

20 years ago
20 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 133
RE: Oakenfield [escape/survival]

Feel free to slap me silly if it doesnt work, but here goes nothing. IC: "You know what you're doing then?" he was aksed roughly as the sm...

20 years ago
RE: ... 😀

Whats wrong with people fursuiting may I ask? Why should people being who they are cause such problems. If you dont like it, dont view it, simple as...

20 years ago
RE: STAR WARS : Shroud of the Dark Side (NEED PEOLE)

But I just noticed somethng in the original rules that I had to edit. Please re-read them to make sure you know the changes. Thank you for your supp...

20 years ago
RE: The Forum Tally v3.0 - (2005) - Closes Aug 26th

and cos you can't make extra replies = 3 *pats a VERY stuffed belly* Lunch was served = 3 *belches* 'scuse me o.o;

20 years ago

What it entails eh? Well, its a shift work job, so I work 4 days on, 4 days off. Work Earlys, Days, Evenings and Nights, in a rotary fashion. WCI w...

20 years ago
RE: Big Brother, anyone?

Id never watched it, so well, I cant comment....

20 years ago

Honest I swear! I didnt eat the other guy o.o; I only partake of random forumers in IM's and thats only when Im in a random odd mood = p But either ...

20 years ago
RE: Big Brother, anyone?

Yeah, what you said. What you said all the way... Though I do laugh sometimes when programs time it just right so that anything remotely 'bad' is pl...

20 years ago
RE: Big Brother, anyone?

Not here in the UK, it isn't. Not after 9pm, anyway. You mean that still exists. I sometimes wonder nowadays <<

20 years ago

Im still nervous and really unable to beleive Im getting out of retail now. It's like, well, like it didnt happen. I woke up, had an interview, came...

20 years ago
20 years ago
Replies: 26
Views: 161
Replies: 27
Views: 187
RE: Who are all you crazy people!?!

Welcome Back all the same = 3

20 years ago
RE: Bristol Comic Expo 2005 - Second Wave of Pictures UP!

Im hosting all the pics of the comics con, so send them on to me = 3

20 years ago
RE: I... uh... *Windows Firewall/Security Center help*

Well, For starters, Id use a stand alone firewall like ZA or Kerio home personal over Windows' firewall. They're more, helpful to the end user. do ...

20 years ago
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