"You know, the horse you bought for your sister?" "Whaaat sister?"
I am both somewhat confused that Psx has never heard California Girlz and filled with hope for the human race that Psx has somehow avoided hearing Cal...
Yuri ka?
Well, I dunno about the moth head (although they say it's dead) but the rat neurons were grown in a lab and the connections between them were formed n...
20 now; I was probably 13 when I joined. Wow.
I like Dr. Pepper. o.o
Silv wrote:I also do not associate bad behavior or murder, or any of that nonsense, with religion. People that say there would be no war in the middle...
Well, clearly not, or it would actually be in the dark. Instead of right here.
Well, clearly not, or it would actually be in the dark. Instead of right here.
Just did, loved it. But what's this about it being a 3D convert? I'm speechless. I've seen 3D converts before (Narnia:VotDT most recently) and they...
Well damn.
I don't GET it. The movie didn't hit theatres until last night but people have been talking about it as if they've seen it all week. What gives?
Aw, man. XD That picture...
ONE PIECE MOAR LIKE #1 PIECE LOL No seriously One Piece is f**king perfect.
So I caught most of tonight's (encore) episode completely by accident. It was on in the downstairs lounge at my college rec center and I was all, "Wa...
Got my hair cut! Then: Now: I'M A NEW MAAAAN oh god what is happening to my hairline need rogaine don't panic don't panic
Hah, my turtle kinda does that @ first video. If you tilt her left and right, her head stays in place. It also kinda looks like contact juggling. You ...
called SPvTWFTW
I never saw the original Who, but I knew of its existence (that being, it was a weird British scifi show). When New Who premiered on the SciFi channe...
The Nintendo 3DS confirmed to cost €24999 or ~$335/£210. Preeetty steep. Over a hundred more than a 4GB Xbox. *willbuyitanyway*
I imported Last Window (the Hotel Dusk sequel) from Europe. (When CING went out of business, it became likely the game would never be localized to the...
Hah, I remember the Knuckles fight. What you've got to do is to practice against Sonic or Tails until you get one of their Runs and then just spam Knu...
Every single time you say that, I imagine a baby shooting out like a cannon. Like in Ace Ventura 2. Yeah.
It looks like its just a 3D model, but the design is the same that we've seen since the revival of DW, but this is a new colour scheme. If anything, y...
That chao garden sounds hardcore.
So, The Beast Below was brilliant. "There's an escaped fish. *taps nose*" "Basically, I rule."
Minecarts on MOTORCYCLES in videogames? This song comes to mind...
Happy Birfday, Ewika. :3
EDIT: Why did my last post disappear for a minute there? 0o
Pokemon: Michael Jackson Version. I want that now.
Got a chuckle outta me, yeah.
What's 4576 + 4425? My throat hurts now. >>
There are few who can.
You can log out any time you like, but... YOU CAN NEVER LEAAAVE~ *repeating guitar solo, fade to silence*
Yeah. It's kinda like "epicenter", or "episode", but with Sonic. Nice.
I know, I'll rip off Ultra and do a Disney song! Only with the least possible effort! =D BE PREPAAAAAARED-DAH
This is because TTG either forgot or doesn't know that Green Hills is actually the fourth Zone in Sonic 2 on the Master System, not the first.FFFFFFFF...
Yeah, that.
*has flashbacks of Wesu's Kasumi obsession from way back when*
Well, the original Alice animated film was basically Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with it's less memorable parts replaced haphazardly with bits fr...