i lold
*dancingly descends down from the sky to the group, tossing HotHands to everyone* =D
nonono I said The { lowercase L }mpossible Box?
This bothered me because I noticed during the low periods of my life when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow and defeat, I could...
The lmpossible Box?
Refresh it a few times. =?
"Rumour Three: Banjo and Kazooie travel back through time in pursuit of the witch's giant T.I.T. Grunty drives her Time Interfering Tr...
Take what? o.o
NEVIIIIIILLE ='( SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!!!!! =( The man died in, like, every one of his movies, too bad he had to kick the bucke...
Hell, it seems like only last week you could legally view porn. =o
So he's on a diet. =D
Kristoph GavinDoubt it. He has no "Desk" Sprites. Unless they put him in the witness bench/attorney assist spot.
Yeah, the second one on that list is the one I found.
Don't look at me, that was imageshack. ARG @ Objection! That damn "secret" thing doesn't tell you a thing!! What's th...
XD They have Klavier now! Cool. Also, I must confess....I didn't make it, it's official. But it's still awesome, that...
Now if only someone other that RPer's ~used it~
Happy Birthday, Hot Coffee Mod!
That's like an anarchist convention.
Heheh our Skittles are little chalky candies in rolls. also awesome @ oldschool pics in HSW's avatar
XD Sorry, I wrote that too quick, I meant Oprah.
(S)he was on Opera Yesterday.
No but that's what Rico calls him. Goddammit I made that up. >>>>=(
lmao @ not one, not two, but FOUR links in that pictures. Also two marios
EDIT: oops o.o
Cindy is female. Yes, she is. So she will post here. ?
I know, but that specific problem has been in every 3D Sonic game. I just seems lazy that they haven't found a way to solve it by now. HAVOC engi...
So far: The Impossible Box [*]Box the Fox [*]NumlFox [*]UnachievableContainer [*]Nosliw Neb [/list:u:3622ba53ab]Keep...
I have a Gamecube. I just don't want DX.
"Stairway to Heaven" Never heard it all the way through before.
Tibby. =D
*sigh* Will they EVER fix that?
*compiles a criminal report on this "Impossible Box" character, including all known aliases*
2. There are a couple of them, but you can only get them in the Tiny Chao Garden in Sonic Advance 1, 2, or Sonic Pinball Party. Hah. I have to go ou...
Will they cancel each other out? Or will that annihilate both universes if they make contact?
Yeah, saw this coming from a mile away. ^_^
o.o ...*awkward handshake* >> << *runs off*
What is that, GT?
Curse you Yuku, interfacing with a image client that my schools content blockers stop. =( Why must you all use Photobucket? WHY? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
1: A subject can't survive without a verb. 2: "Any questions?" CONTRADICTION perhaps
I agree to an extent, too much customization without enough given content is pretty lame. That's why I hated Eliteboard.
Man, I KNOW I know that kid in those first four pictures. I'm sure he goes to my school, or he used to. Never seen the sweater before, though.
GT's Mind: "reading: 'Baby for sale on Craig -' Craig-' Craig-' "
*beats a dead topic*
Behold Sonic Kirby. Relevant.