^is a ray of golden sun <*bursts into flame* v *is hugged by me, burning also*
That's awesome. Nn @ cover I wanna read that.
o.o @ Delta What's he from?
Yeah, sour things don't numb me. They may leave open sores on the top of my tongue, but darned if I can't feel em.
It barely even looks like Sonic X animation. A close imitation from the middle on (the wavy hair thing at the beginning was crap), but nothing more.
The new what?
Quote:Marijuana smoke has a pungent and distinctive, usually sweet-and-sour odor. I smell that all the time around my apartments. >> Populated ...
The only thing I would like out of that is if Blaze became Sonic's love interest..... SonicXBlaze supporter ) Wait. Blaze = Sonic from another dem...
^ blinds me < stumbles about, hitting people with a stick v is thwacked
Quote:One of the things that gives Mario the edge over Sonic is the fact that Mario is simply a far-more flexible character. Mario has something that ...
Quote:The Dead Eyes Eggman Turtle boss looks like it was reject boss from Sonic Heroes. Quote:Oddly enough he resembles how he look on the cover Sonic...
^is secretly HOLYPIECEOFCRAP <is secretly Dana Carvy V smells of cabbage
Really wierd looking. He's flat as paper and rolled to the shape of the glass, gleaming lifelessly from the cockpit. ^^ The graphics in this game are ...
Movie? o.o I remember that show, but not very much. Not as much as the Static Shock crossover.
lol gotham is poor
Quote:1- easy: I'm not a pro player, for me to finish a sonic game that fast has to mean the game was incredibly easy. The only real difficulties I fe...
Why did someone do that. o.o
I don't get it. All I see it a picture of some guy flipping me off. How is this racist, or even related to Sony?
Metropolis, from Sonic 2. 1) closest to pre genocide Sonic 2 Beta had a level called Genocide City. That level seems to be what replaced it. 2) spin...
Can we just call this a draw and let someone else go? Gyser's being mean.
Now that this fine game has been out for almost a year, I have a question. A fine question, 3 letters in length. And here it is.
Waaaait a minute. Hasn't Sonic 1 already been on the GBA? In a compilation game with the dolphin, Eco-something. I saw it advertised on the back of th...
Shadonic that is so totally awesome. =D I am SO going to print that out and make it as soon as my printer gets some ink.^____^
OMG REALISM @ Eggface's fat legs
Hidden Palace, S&K? The Knux fight, specifically? 1) "I see a window and I want it painted black." No clue. Maybe a metaphor for Knux's...
gah @ Game Gear games My one weakness! =(
Quote:Sonic C.D. had cameos by Amy Rose No. o.o Sonic CD = debut of Amy Rose
I've seen this (and linked it here) before. =D As for the gibberish, it really all depends on what you want to hear. It's like a Ink Blot test with ...
Quote:COOOOOOKI cookicookicooki i haven't talked to you in 38483 years. = Hyperbole
"...or revealing their location for the whole world to see and come and rape them in the night." Dude. PM. XD
What happened to "Bully"? Wasn't Rockstar supposed to make a game about schoolground bullies As their next project? After a quick Google, ...
I seriously doubt it, as Black Doom is alive in it, but it takes place after he is destroyed.
Wonder, you complained about us thinking you were joking in the chat. You said that it wasn't a joke, and that you were being serious.
Edit: Okay, seems fair enough. Sorry.
To SHADONIC: Green Gibbon later corrects himself over that in an update, but has been too lazy to actually put it on the SA2 page. Quote:The main pro...
Quote:I'll take your word for it since I've never played Sonic Battle...yet. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Quote:Amy has yet to show off her own tarot skills, but since when was the last time Sega mentioned that? Sonic Battle, actually.
What do you mean, Craig? Doesn't Jason Griffif do Sonic and Shadow's voice in the game, like in the show?
Question. Why is there still a "?" in the topic title? Someone hunt down janucheese or someone get a mod to edit it, please. ...Cuz I'...
I am usually barefoot or in tennis shoes, but right this moment I'm wearing socks inside of sandals. Ow.
Quote:I remember the good ol' days when there was some decent shows on there. No you don't, because they NEVER EXISTED. Wonder, I have many fond mem...
Quote:You know I've been thinking, if 4kids allowed TMNT to show a weakened body disslove into ooze as well as the sklenton of this body, then what wa...
ohnoes Craig-bot @ Bayleaf. Or isn't that a pokemon? And that's what I got from that. @ "Rouge was concerned, at least ORIGINALLY, because Sha...
Gerald WAS the leading scientific mind in the world, you remember. Using his superior scientific knowledge, he probably designed and built a wireless ...
Oh that's simple Craig. he...he just...no, but he...well maybe he....*HEAD ASPLODE*
I just love how sassy Knuckles is this season. It's hilarious. Like his "THAT'S JUST PEACHY" when Sonic+co take the ME, and him yelling at C...