Mobius Forum Archive

The Virus AJG
Active Member
Joined: Jun 30, 2001
Topics: 1 / Replies: 11
RE: Sex.

Blimeh, I'm getting shouted out at (and wow, I still have an account?). Guy called Thunder1 done linked me over, same as my cohort Silv' over there. C...

19 years ago
RE: Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

I'd rather that be the case myself Acid. But who's gonna <i>tell</i> everybody that Sonic X is separate from the games? The logical assump...

21 years ago
RE: Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

I'd rather that be the case myself Acid. But who's gonna <i>tell</i> everybody that Sonic X is separate from the games? The logical assump...

21 years ago
RE: Ryan Drummond Interview

Indeed, 'tis a shame about that. Okay, Sonic's main selling point has never been the presentation of the story, but they could at least put a little e...

21 years ago
RE: Full Story Scans (Sonic STC #30 &amp; #31, Metamorphia, adde

Yeep, Swift, how come your Running Wild files are like 8 megs a piece? O.o That seems a little excessive somehow. Especially when the host is so slow....

22 years ago
RE: Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

It kinda resembles a Demon Chaos Chao. Perhaps a robotic one. What's with all the rings? Think they'll have some sort of gimmick with the rings in th...

22 years ago
RE: Official Japanese Sonic X Discussion Topic (and French!)

It kinda resembles a Demon Chaos Chao. Perhaps a robotic one. What's with all the rings? Think they'll have some sort of gimmick with the rings in th...

22 years ago
RE: Coolio! THREE new Sonic Nintendo Games!!!!!!

GameSpot clarifies "According to a representative from Sega of America, the game will be a brand-new addition to the franchise instead of a rema...

22 years ago
RE: Evalc's RP: Disc 1 (Saved for historical reasons)

Rocky, Jeremy and Zak walked through the quiet village. "So you guys hungry?" asked Zak. "We should find some place to eat." Th...

23 years ago
RE: A buck a PiE! For everyone!

*taps Evil Jin on the shoulder. He stops cackling and the thunder abrubtly cuts off* Dude, "eviller" isn't a word.

23 years ago
RE: A buck a PiE! For everyone!

*grabs various PiEs* Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go binge on PiE and Sonic Adventure 2. *Takes crate of Cola and locks himself in his room* ...

23 years ago