Mobius Forum Archive

Noble Member
Joined: Aug 23, 2002
Topics: 40 / Replies: 1778
RE: Wii: Excite The PS3-Owning Pessimist.

Anyway, 'fancy 3D graphics' and 'refusing to use anything more modern than a generation or two ago' aren't the same thing, Cyc. I'm not saying if it d...

18 years ago
RE: Wii: Excite The PS3-Owning Pessimist.

Hmm. [identity hidden to protect from offboard flaming] gave me an iteresting opinion on why Nintendo's blatantly disregarding HD, processor power, de...

18 years ago

I downed at least three pints, a carbomb and a Jagerbomb, and smoked two bowls. In a bong. What? I felt I was justified at the time due to the colour...

18 years ago
RE: Official PS3 Thread

At least five? I think that's an exxageration, or a lie, or a miscount, but most likely it's a fluke. Six, actually. Five fatties and a slim. The fir...

18 years ago
RE: Official PS3 Thread

I've gone through at least five PS2s.

18 years ago
RE: Wii: Excite The PS3-Owning Pessimist.

You'll get a few (I'll take care of the easy ones: MGS4, FFXIII, FFXIII:Vs., Little Big Planet, maybe Resistance), but other than that, what is there?...

18 years ago
RE: Deodorant abusing my sexuality

Axe is basically cheap cologne. It doesn't stop you from sweating, and only temporarily masks the smell of BO. It's not a replacement for actual anti-...

18 years ago
RE: Man is arrested for cooking meth.

People who do meth are dumb. News at 11.

18 years ago
RE: Iraq Success Stories

I think you should rename the thread to "Right-Wing Circle Jerk" so that those of us looking for something positive to read won't be disappointed and ...

18 years ago
RE: The Scooter Libby Trial

highly qualified people HAH!

18 years ago
RE: Public Schools to Parents: You Don't Have a Say

I like a teacher that isn't afraid to have a discussion about a political or other topic. It makes a class less classroomlike and more pesonal and int...

18 years ago
RE: Public Schools to Parents: You Don't Have a Say

Well, same with the last one, but freedom of speach doesn't equal freedom to openly harrass students, and even clearly state that said students will b...

18 years ago
RE: Public Schools to Parents: You Don't Have a Say

harrassment based on race, age, sex, political views, etc, is considered discrimination. By you, maybe. But then, you're the one with the persecution ...

18 years ago
RE: Public Schools to Parents: You Don't Have a Say

...the First Amendment gives the right for a teacher to discriminate against certain students based on their political views? Now hold it right there....

18 years ago
RE: Public Schools to Parents: You Don't Have a Say

If you somehow missed the rest of that, I said that students, especially younger students, usually don't see fact from opinion when it comes to politi...

18 years ago
RE: Public Schools to Parents: You Don't Have a Say

There's a difference between reading, writing, and 'rithmatic, and political opinion and personal thought. Ah yes, God forbid those poor children be e...

18 years ago
RE: Iranian Weapons killing American Troops

I highly doubt the US Government acts on intelligence unless they think it's credible.

18 years ago
18 years ago
RE: The Legend of Zelda: Recovery and Pain

Normally I don't participate in these silly games, but I'm inclined to agree with Shog. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - 19 The Legend of Zelda: ...

18 years ago
RE: Posteth thy desktop!

How does one print the screen on a Mac exactly? I think you need to use Grab, which is in the ApplicationsUtilities folder.

18 years ago
RE: Iranian Weapons killing American Troops

Saint Petersburg Times: [snip]In a series of media briefings this month, the U.S. military has displayed mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and a part...

18 years ago
18 years ago
RE: Giant sinkhole swallows home, kills two

How the HELL does that happen? From Teh Wiki: A sinkhole, or cenote, is a natural depression or hole in the surface topography caused by the removal o...

18 years ago
RE: Iranian Weapons killing American Troops

But seriously, what disappoints me most about the Six Party Talks are two of the provisions in the agreement. Yeap, that's called "compromise". Nobody...

18 years ago
RE: Iranian Weapons killing American Troops

What the hell do you mean "Osama won"? Well, he managed to scare the bejeezus out of the entire American population, generate considerable strife and...

18 years ago
RE: Scorsese finally got his Oscar.

.....LIttle Miss Sunshine should have won Best Picture.

18 years ago
RE: A Jesus Documentary: Where Was He Buried?

But.... but... this is preposterous! Next thing you know, they'll be saying Muhammad didn't ascend to Heaven on a winged horse! When will the madness ...

18 years ago
RE: Rico's computer

Vista is the new Me: sucky beyond belief. If you want proof I can find literally buttloads of articles proving that even on a technical level, let alo...

18 years ago
RE: Rico's computer

AMD is out of style these days. Their high-end chips are slower than mid-range Intel chips, and it doesn't help that those same Intel chips can overcl...

18 years ago
RE: iraq war almost same as soviet afghan war

Please cite your sources, as I am currently unaware of any "majority" of Democrats who think that "pulling out of Iraq would stop the violence".

18 years ago
RE: iraq war almost same as soviet afghan war

Just to clarify, I'm speaking of the whole 'get out now!' crowd in general. If that's the case, why did you say "the Democrats" both in this thread an...

18 years ago
RE: Ted Kennedy hits one out of the park.

Yes, the minimum wage just interferes with the free market, preventing it from magically making everything about our economy perfect through the magic...

18 years ago
RE: iraq war almost same as soviet afghan war

If pulling out of Iraq would stop the violence (according to the Democrats) So, what you're saying is this: Quote:CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Disapproving ...

18 years ago
RE: Does anyone else find this unfair?

I think there needs to be a rule against anecdotal evidence in debate threads.

18 years ago
RE: Just Shy of the Mark--A Better Way?

Depends on where you go, Cyc. My Uni requires 3 semesters of a foreign language. Well, obviously you might very well end up having to learn a new lan...

18 years ago
RE: Just Shy of the Mark--A Better Way?

what's that have to do with foreign languages? They probably wouldn't make him learn a foreign language if he took architecture, because it has nothi...

18 years ago
RE: Just Shy of the Mark--A Better Way?

However, I did wonder what the specific relevance of being able to predict how many times an 8 could turn up if I threw down three dice was to anythin...

18 years ago
RE: Top Gear!

For those who missed it:

18 years ago
RE: Can anyone truly deserve to die?

Why? Who made you the supreme arbiter of right and wrong?

18 years ago
RE: I need an MP3 player!

absolutely flat-out refusing to play a metric f*ckload of songs on my hard disk because they weren't purchased from the marketplace. Man, what? The Zu...

18 years ago
RE: Can anyone truly deserve to die?

No person or group of people possesses the moral or ethical authority to decide whether, how or when another person "deserves" to die. This is why cap...

18 years ago
RE: I need an MP3 player!

Also Zunes are made of fail and suck. Better than the iPod, by far. I don't want an iPod or Zune because 1) I don't want to hear the whole PC v. Mac ...

18 years ago
RE: Does anyone else find this unfair?

I don't "go around" saying things about religious people. I offer my opinion on them to strangers only if specifically invited, because it's not very ...

18 years ago
RE: So much for being a TrimSpa spokesperson .....

Also, I found it hillarious that all the "entertainment" and celeberties magazines that were out in the end Walmart isles I just came back from are al...

18 years ago
RE: When Mooninites Attack.....

If a complaint is issued, they have to look into it. Yeah, that's fine. But that's not what they did; instead they basically told the media the terror...

18 years ago
RE: Abortion: The Sequel

Does that mean people with PVS aren't actually people? Quote:Imbuing a fetus with all the rights of a person is akin to keeping a brain-dead woman on...

18 years ago
RE: When Mooninites Attack.....

They were thinking they were possible bombs because they were suspicious packages of circuitboards and wires wrapped in duct tape and electrical tape....

18 years ago
RE: Abortion: The Sequel

brain activity can be detected at 6 days That doesn't mean the embryo is thinking. The fact that something has detectable "brain activity" d...

18 years ago
RE: Controversial statement

Current Simpsons > Battlestar Galactica I think the main reason I don't watch TV anymore is because too much of it appeals to people like you.

18 years ago
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