Mobius Forum Archive

Noble Member
Joined: Aug 23, 2002
Topics: 40 / Replies: 1778
RE: Guitar Hero 2 Anticipation thread

Previously it was sort of at my belt. I'm wearing it lower now but the pain seems to have died down quite a bit.

18 years ago
RE: The Official Nintendo Wii Discussion Thread.

There's no reason for you to get a Wii because they don't have a web browser to do the same thing you do on your PC? Not to mention your PC does it at...

18 years ago
RE: Guitar Hero 2 Anticipation thread

I think I'll try that. I think it's getting worse because I stopped playing a few hours ago and my right wrist still feels almost as bad as the time I...

18 years ago
RE: Guitar Hero 2 Anticipation thread

I got GH1 on Sunday after I was unable to score a Wii. It's hell fun, but is it normal for my fingers, hands and wrists to start aching, burning, and ...

18 years ago
RE: PS3 Camper Forsakes Sony for Top-Line PC Gaming Rig

Actually they signed it in the presence of a public notary and it includes a clause stating that PC Gamer editors will visit his house twice a year to...

18 years ago
RE: Casino Royale

I take it that this isn't a good first Bond. What is? I've always felt I ought to check it out. You should start with the first three in the series: D...

18 years ago
RE: Casino Royale

One problem though is continuity; this is a prequel to every other Bond film. He isn't even a 00 agent in the first scene - Yet the prequel to Cold-Wa...

18 years ago
RE: PS3 Camper Forsakes Sony for Top-Line PC Gaming Rig

If somebody gave me the choice between not paying for a $7500 PC or paying $600 for a PS3, I'd take the computer.

18 years ago
RE: Trying to buy a Wii on launch-day

Okay, that thing I said about Zellers? Scratch that, they only got 14 machines and they sold them all. Toys "R" Us ran out too. As did Best Buy. Super...

18 years ago
RE: Student posts bomb threat online; charged with felony

Damn, you still think I regard ATlanta as like, a huge high-priority target for foreign terrorists *Who obviously go to my school.* even though I said...

18 years ago
RE: Recommendations to the democrats

It wouldn't be difficult for a potential terrorist, hypothetically with a nuke or something Ugh...

18 years ago
RE: Student posts bomb threat online; charged with felony

And have they all ended in a felony charge? Probably. If it was "just some emo kid" why was the DHS, FBI, etc, involved? Because those people have to...

18 years ago
RE: Student posts bomb threat online; charged with felony

SX, my high school got at least three of these. Calm down. It's just some emo kid. The terrorists aren't involved, and nobody is going to blow up Atla...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another out (republicans advertising terrorism)

You misunderstand, the "battle for western civilization" wasn't started in Iraq. Iraq is just the current battlefield, it is "key terrain" so to speak...

18 years ago
RE: Computer Hardware Thread

Sorry, I didn't that someone had posted here. There could be a problem with your router. Try unplugging the router's power cord, then wait 30 seconds,...

18 years ago
RE: Better, Faster, Cooler

Uh, pics? Specs? Or are we supposed to just take your word on it?

18 years ago
RE: Senator Kerry bashing the military - Again.

There's no such thing as a minority speaker.

18 years ago
RE: America Votes 2006

If she believes in the marketplace and rewarding work, perhaps she should be asked how raising the taxes on small businesses (which is what her little...

18 years ago
RE: America Votes 2006

Nancy Pelosi. Wow.

18 years ago
RE: America Votes 2006

"Somehow the American people got the idea that my perspective was simply, 'stay the course'" --George W. Bush, today I wonder how that could've happe...

18 years ago
RE: To All Americans, YESTERDAY was Election Day

Dallas uses machines where as in Austin you fill in the bubble with a pencil, I think it differs everywhere. It's absolutely ridiculous that there is...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another out (republicans advertising terrorism)

Though, unsuprisingly, it dropped this morning when the Democrats took the House... Uh, what? Is there some magical "how the economy is doing today" n...

18 years ago
RE: To All Americans, YESTERDAY was Election Day

Don't you not get to vote for both of your legislative houses in Canada? Nope. Senators are appointed for life by the Governor General on the advice o...

18 years ago
RE: To All Americans, YESTERDAY was Election Day

I don't understand this. Polling stations miles from where you live? Complicated machines that don't leave paper records, or break down and lose hundr...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another out (republicans advertising terrorism)

I just want to point out that "stay the course" and "cut and run" aren't the only two strategies being presented. Joe Biden's ideas - John Murtha's ...

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another out (republicans advertising terrorism)

What are you, a communist? The invisible hand of the free market will fix everything as soon as peace in Iraq becomes profitable.

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another out (republicans advertising terrorism)

I dunno, but every time the US tries to "spread democracy", the government busts the budget and the economy tanks.

18 years ago
RE: Keith hits another out (republicans advertising terrorism)

There is only one issue in this election that will matter five or ten years from now, and that's the War on Terror. That's because it's the only real ...

18 years ago
RE: Saddam to be hanged.

Yes, so I can watch it, Cycle. Please tell me you're joking. Because wow, that's messed up.

18 years ago
RE: Saddam to be hanged.

But, hanging works well, too, as you can get f**ked up by that if it doesn't work properly. But, they need to videotape that, and put it up on the int...

18 years ago
RE: Four-legged chick killed by extra anus

Obviously this bird is the first step in an evolutionary chain of disaster that will lead to the human race being wiped out by hyperevolved birds. Yes...

18 years ago
RE: Saddam to be hanged.

The verdict is no surprise, because it was reached two weeks ago and held until two days before the US midterms.

18 years ago
RE: Senator Kerry bashing the military - Again.

You're right. I'll try to be more mature from now on. Also this line of discussion is not really where I wanted to go with this. What I'd rather be t...

18 years ago
RE: Faith-Based Movie Productions

I hold no affection for any American news outlets. I simply find that when it comes to bias and total disregard for real journalism, Fox outclasses th...

18 years ago
RE: Senator Kerry bashing the military - Again.

You didn't say "joining the military, in my humble opinion, is a dumb choice made by otherwise smart people" you said "joining the military is somethi...

18 years ago
RE: Senator Kerry bashing the military - Again.

No, it's not. The speech was given a mere four days before SX posted it. Thank you, though, for submitting a prime examples of one of the most popular...

18 years ago
RE: Senator Kerry bashing the military - Again.

Cyc didn't say that people who join the military are often stupid. He said that people who are stupid often join the military. And yes, it is differen...

18 years ago
RE: Faith-Based Movie Productions

No, see, the BBC focuses on real issues, doesn't waste time talking about stupid crap like how secular other countries are, and doesn't wilfully parti...

18 years ago
18 years ago
RE: Faith-Based Movie Productions

I linked it because it was funny, topical, and didn't deserve its own thread. Grow up. NEVER!

18 years ago
RE: Senator Kerry bashing the military - Again.

1) What he meant to say was "you get us stuck in Iraq". Meaning Bush. 2) Even though it wasn't what he meant to say, he was technically right. As a g...

18 years ago
RE: Is Halloween officially dead?

You guys think that's bad? My local government has put a blanket ban on the sale, possession and use of fireworks of any kind. No longer are we able t...

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

Ultra, overpopulation refers to whether the resources of a given area are sufficient to sustain its population. A region can be considered "overpopula...

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

Ah yes, terrorist attacks in... uh... Baqubah. And Narathiwat. And Baramulla. Oh, and Muzaffarnagar. Clearly this spells doom for the Western world. ...

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

Why don't you brush up on the goals of islamists? If the concept of a worldwide caliphate doesn't bother you then smoke another one bro. Islamists con...

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

That's what I gathered from it. I'm also curious as to why the author failed to mention India, as it has a high birth rate and is democratic. Because...

18 years ago
RE: The World We Know Is Ending (The Death of the West?)

Here is the real question, do we want to live under Sharia law? And if not, what will we do to avoid it? Uh, how about by continuing to live in countr...

18 years ago
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