Mobius Forum Archive

Tigergirl Soldier
Estimable Member
Joined: May 31, 2001
Topics: 5 / Replies: 86
RE: May you please help me with this survey for my school class?

10 Survey Questions 1) What are the side effects of depression? Angry all the time, unmotivation, feeling you are alone in the world, withdrawel...

16 years ago
RE: Annual Forum Tally v6.0

Forever lurking...:3

16 years ago
RE: Special issues and amendments in ballots

o.o I don't know much about the marriage issue specifically in Florida, but it seems to me like both sides of the gay marriage debate make a bit ...

16 years ago
16 years ago
RE: Special issues and amendments in ballots

On Florida's ban of gay marraige... I voted NO on that amendment...not only because it was the majority trying to dominate and take away righ...

16 years ago
RE: 184 Spoilers

LOL! That comic made me laugh so hard. I don't actually think that's a good thing to be know for though...o___O Gullibility must run in the family. ...

17 years ago
RE: Where Do You Work?

I am also a college student, but I have a part-time job working in the school library. Fun...this is purely for gas and food money. I also take on co...

17 years ago
RE: 184 Spoilers

I can't say much, because I haven't got my issue yet, but reading everyone's comments has just got me really depressed... You'd feel the same way too...

17 years ago
RE: Mach-A-No-Go?

LOL! It reminds me of one of those foreign asian films. The ones that base their shots and storytelling like manga. Those are the best! XD I wasn't i...

17 years ago
RE: Colleges lose federal funding if RIAA is not happy

I don't see why the many have to suffer at the cost of a few. I don't even see how this is the college's fault!? This is just a way for the RAII ...

17 years ago
RE: If you're fat, you can't go to New Zealand.

They can do that? Sounds kinda ridiculous. O___o Might visit there some day to enjoy the nature and natural beauty, but moving wouldn't be optional.

17 years ago
RE: Oh gosh the new Futurama movie is AWESOME

Must rent DVD during Xmas vacation...>___>

17 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 114
RE: STH #174 (Here Come The Spoilers)

Coolies! 🙂 I remember seeing in SSS#11 with a side panel of Mari-su and Luger saying there I do's though. Not anything fancy, but a promise none-the...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X Tracing Contraversy at Scans Daily

I have no pity for tracers...You do that at my art school they fail you. =P Quote:Geez, even "Hands" was better than this. NOOOO! PLEASE NO! My eyes ...

18 years ago
RE: The fate of the Dark legion (Spoiler alert for StH #171)

Quote:It's weird to think that, M25YL excluded, this is the first time we've seen Dimitri in five years. No wonder I've been so depressed. ;___; I h...

18 years ago
RE: SONIC ARCHIVES Graphic Novels coming

I just got my Sonic Archive 1 in the mail today from Amazon. First off the size of the book is fairly tiny to its predecessor, "Sonic Beginnings." It...

18 years ago
RE: Question: what do you think Ian should tackle next (storywis

1) Where did the Brotherhood go?! In fact, where did DIMITRI go?! ;__; 2) Knuckles solving the whole deal with Ablion wanting him dead for being so "...

18 years ago
RE: Weapon of choice

I usually run to the coffee shop across the street with my 50 cents off mug and get them to make me a C16. It's ice, lemon smoothie syrup, and a Red J...

18 years ago
RE: Why do we hate Sonic Heroes again?

Hmmm...its been awhile since I played, and no I didn't play it a lot or feel like touching it again. I think one thing that threw me off was those fr...

18 years ago
RE: Unoffical Christmas List Thread

For Christmas I would love to win the lottery and pay off my debt for college. That's a really big fantasy of mine. =P Really all I want is just a ne...

18 years ago
RE: If you're a fan of Daft Punk...

Oh Cool! I haven't seen this in FOREVER! Thanks for the link, because now I can finally find out what happens in the end. 🙂

18 years ago
RE: Sooo How's College?

I get to make animations, draw, and take acting classes at my school. I love it, but there is like NEVER any free time! ;___; FEAR MY 3D ANIMATION!!!...

18 years ago
RE: White And Nerdy

Wow...that made my day! >D Now I'm going to have this song stuck in my head! Amish Paradise is still my all time fave!

18 years ago
RE: *Throws up* Man killed baby over video game.

WTF? A young child like that doesn't know any better! That was certainly no excuse to beat your child to death. Ugh...:(

18 years ago

Interesting thing you should say about the diet thing. I remember getting REALLY chubby for some reason in middle school, and then once I entered high...

18 years ago
RE: Characters who need makeovers

OMG, does anybody remember back around the 90s issues where Bunnie walked around in daisyduke shorts and wore that gaudy polkadot tanktop. That was AW...

19 years ago
RE: Who's going to COMIC CON?

BWHAHAHAHAHa! Here I am in all my powerful glory! Ph33r Enerjak!!! :evil JOIN ME OR ELSE!!!!!! Foolish Mortals.... WHAT?! I bow to NO ONE...

19 years ago
RE: Who's going to COMIC CON?

Spoilage below!!!!!! I tried not to reveal to much. Well...there goes my Finitevus x Lien-Da fan artwork! *rips it apart* ^__^;;;;;;;;; LOL! Ho...

19 years ago
RE: Who's going to COMIC CON?

OMG, I feel so bad now for not hearing you in the autograph room! It's hard to hear things with the mask on, and I just totally zone out when I'm in t...

19 years ago
RE: Who's going to COMIC CON?

I freaked Ken Penders out BIG TIME! He had the biggest grin on his face when he saw me walk up, and ended up giving me a free signed copy of Knuckles ...

19 years ago
RE: Who's going to COMIC CON?

I'm planning on definately dressing up on Thursday and Saturday! So I'll be very easy to spot. I have no idea where to meet anybody, simply because I...

19 years ago
RE: Ask Joe about Sonic X (ongoing series).

I'm no regular to Sonic X yet, but I haven't been that impressed with the series until recently. I LOVED the Chaos with Chainsaws issue! Now THAT wa...

19 years ago
Replies: 34
Views: 192
RE: StH # 164 SPOILERS and discussion

Haven't got the issue yet, but I couldn't resist!!! Thank goodness that stupid sword and crown were destroyed! Now there is nothing to stop Enerjak i...

19 years ago
RE: Phoenix Wright's Forum Tally v4.0 - (2006)

*raises hands really high* I'm HERE!!!

19 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

*sniffles* Oh well, a girl can try. Thanks anyways, Ian. At least I'll have my fanfiction. *clings* I've never been quite sure about the guardian ri...

19 years ago
RE: The Final Storm

Spoilers (Select To Read): This was actually pretty helpful!!!

19 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

Speaking of bad continuity and the Dark Legion, Ian. I have some thoughts considering Kragok. Let's face the facts. We all know Tobor is long gone and...

19 years ago
RE: StH # 163 spoilers/discussion

You've made me a very happy Tigsie lately, Ian! *SPOILERS FOR #163* I'm glad M got the old heeve ho. I never really had a connection with her to be...

19 years ago
RE: A Topic of Misplaced Faith. (History Channel? FoxNN? Slant?)

Ugggghhhh...Fox News. ~__~ Do you know that all news channels now are basically owned by mega corporations!? It's one big conspiracy, and they'll nev...

19 years ago
RE: Was Knuckles 31 or 32 issues?

I was thinking the same thing! Perhaps it's a misprint on the order page?

19 years ago
RE: Fixed religion post; sorry for bumping the thread

I think arguing over religion is pretty pointless. You can't prove it, and you can't fully disprove it to a certain extent. I'll leave with a few thou...

19 years ago
RE: #162- The Darkest Storm, Part One (Mucho Spoilers)

Well, I FINALLY found the newest issue, but I didn't buy it because all the issues on the rack had this one page with a badly folded crease mark. Some...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic X 11 and Sonic The Hedgehog 165 Previw

Wow, I'm going to seriously have to look into both of these! The cover for Sonic X is just pure awesome! *pokes the piggy in the corner with innocent ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic X 8 Review: Big the Cat's greatest moment (Spoilers)

I do occasionaly look into Sonic X once in a blue moon. WhoaWhoaWHOA?! Big actually did something cool?! Gotta look into that issue! .____. Ewwwww......

19 years ago
RE: Sonic #166 and #167 Previews

Very well spoken Samanfur! :3 I actually loved M25YL in the beginning, but then something happened...and it's called irrelevance to a blasted POINT ...

19 years ago
RE: Ask Ian about Sonic the Hedgehog-Thanks for your time, Ian!!

"3. Will the Remington-Kragok bloodtie ever come to light? That's something I'd like to address someday soon, yes.." I'm gonna join in on ...

19 years ago
RE: Only For Kids?

For the love of spagghetti! WHY do people think they need to stop buying something just because other people "THINK" it's for kids?! Geeze, ...

19 years ago
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