Mobius Forum Archive

Toby Underwood
Noble Member
Joined: Dec 11, 2006
Topics: 29 / Replies: 2369

Mine is either this year or next. I don't remember.

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

The rabbit didn't seem to respond, instead walking quickly into a back room.  Mister Kinnear?Another explosion, this time further away.  A ...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

Her tyraid halted as the bag was snatched away, continuing the game of hot potato, by the younger lepoid this time, "Kenji's sake you're arrogant for ...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

Her tyraid halted as the bag was snatched away, continuing the game of hot potato, by the younger lepoid this time, "Kenji's sake you're arrogant for ...

13 years ago
RE: April Southern Tornados (Flood info at bottom)

More Reports in.  Finally some from Alabama and I wish the news was better.FRANKLIN COUNTY - EF4 (20 dead)DEKALB COUNTY - EF4 (30 dead)LIMESTO...

13 years ago
RE: April Southern Tornados (Flood info at bottom)

Yeah, NC got hit hard on the 16th. I think they reported 30 tornadoes confirmed. 5 EF3's... which is pretty staggering and in line with crap you see...

13 years ago
RE: April Southern Tornados (Flood info at bottom)

Sorry to double post but I wanna keep my commentary separate from the facts.  I looked at ultras pictures and link and based on those would rate ...

13 years ago
RE: April Southern Tornados (Flood info at bottom)

Reports in from the Alabama Marion/Winston county team indicate that one was an EF3.  Chickasaw/Monroe county MI tornado has be initially rated a...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

"You coddling @#+$%!  Mind your own business!  If I don't smack some sense into him he'll never...."  The rabbit stopped suddenly, eyes...

13 years ago
RE: April Southern Tornados (Flood info at bottom)

No, I'm in Oklahoma. But I know people in that area and always keep tabs on weather like this. And are media outlets really calling it an EF5? ...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

The craft shook and vibrated as it entered the atmosphere, on the bridge Robert cursed spastically while clinging to a console.    “Wh...

13 years ago
RE: April Southern Tornados (Flood info at bottom)

As far as I know only two people from here were in the path of these storms. Strike that, both have appeared.

13 years ago
RE: April Southern Tornados (Flood info at bottom)

This is as bad as the 2009 storms that hit OKC. And those were two EF4's. I've heard some spotter rumor milling there is a possibility of the tus...

13 years ago
RE: April Southern Tornados (Flood info at bottom)

Even the reports just from the local spotters are piling up a body count. Latest out of Alabama is 15 confirmed dead. That many on a preliminary...

13 years ago
RE: April Southern Tornados (Flood info at bottom)

Got word earlier that the city of Phill Campbell was completely destroyed by the massive tornado I was tracking earlier. Most of northern Alabama is...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

"Fourteen standard age albino shadow artist in the middle of Sarna? Whelp, he's as good as dead." The rabbit said shrugging his shoulders. "Tobe! ...

13 years ago
RE: April Southern Tornados (Flood info at bottom)

Can't really tell from a still shot but it's creepy looking regardless, lol. 5am my fluffy white butt. We're still getting tornadoes dropping....

13 years ago
RE: April Southern Tornados (Flood info at bottom)

Can't really tell from a still shot but it's creepy looking regardless, lol. ~Tobe

13 years ago
Replies: 36
Views: 153
RE: Search For Nothing

Kane gave both women a look of pure irritation, "You could be using this time to convey the names and appearances of the missing children to us. But ...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

He acted like he knew him. The rabbit stared hard, trying to think of any possible time he could have been on friendly terms with an Enforcer. None ...

13 years ago
RE: English is in pain

Thats the case with any public school here and foreign language's. Here you can't take Spanish or French in highschool and expect to study abroad. I...

13 years ago
RE: Plastic surgery for 7 year old

Bullying is part of school unfortunately. It's a social class for school age kids. I'm not sure how you "end" a social class short of genocide thoug...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

John's eyes softened and he let out a relieved sigh, "It's ok. She's probably right, I shouldn't lay it on you like that." He stood up and looked ou...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

OOC: Hope it works itself out Rei 🙁

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

ohn seemed to smile. There was such a mixture of sympathy, compassion, and some odd understanding of it all in the old rabbit's eyes looking from El t...

13 years ago
RE: mmorpg + mmos

Champions here because I'm lifetime so it's free till the servers shutdown plus it has a free account thing now so the kids can play it. And what V...

13 years ago
RE: Brainstorming: Trying to Turn FC into OC...

Remove references to the sonic franchise and let the character develope in the universe you're creating for it. It will usually become an "OC" just t...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

An act? Maybe. I'm getting too old and my senses just don't seem to work right anymore. The rabbit nodded, "He's got some deep seated problems and...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

"This happen often?" The rabbit said turning from the lump on the couch to Leon, "I mean with people shutting you up so you have to keep whatever it ...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

The old rabbit smirked as they ignored him and made for the kitchen. "Not the usual sibling rivalry between you two is it, eh?" He muttered to the u...

13 years ago
Re: Search For Nothing

"I can hear Ol' Kane now," John said sighing in frustration watching Kai drop on the couch. He took in a breath and continued, deepening h...

13 years ago
RE: Foundations: Star Crossed

"Middle of a old battlezone, yeah, perfect place to take a breather." The Kitsune grumbled to himself trying to get the now half conscious Pallens to ...

13 years ago
RE: Can you make it to the bottom without lol-ing?

Jin doesn't count because Mexican's don't have a sense of humor.

13 years ago
RE: Foundations: Star Crossed

"'Bout time, even this crap looks good right now." The Kitsune yapped ripping open the foil over the first ration and moving to take a bite. *WHA...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

"That is correct." The wolf stated with military precision, "I was the leader of the rebellion on Kyzarie against Sodalitas nearly two hundred years...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

The young man suddenly looked distant; her question seemed to be harder to answer than expected. But just as she was about to apologize the canary co...

13 years ago
RE: Foundations: Star Crossed

The fox looked between the mouse and the skunk a few times, as if his brain was trying to process information.  His eyes a little wider than th...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

OOC:  Pretend I characterized Rico as brash and arrogant but loyal and protective of the other two.   Pretend I subtly over the cours...

13 years ago
RE: Foundations: Star Crossed

Gone FTL?  Old Stinky must be a pilot.  Good cuz the one we got ain't gonna last much longer.   The fox's brain concluded as he sa...

13 years ago
RE: IE not working

The tally for THAT little net bug is up to TWENTY infections this month alone.  I recommend running a spybot scan and manually empty all your tem...

13 years ago
RE: IE not working

The answer is simple. Also try... OMG LANGUAGE WARNING!!!!1113243323121 Also, reboot router, check router settings, if still fail then try res...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

The young man seemed a little stunned, in all honestly he'd never seen anyone of her race before.  Not even on Sibko which had become a Mecca for...

13 years ago
RE: Foundations: Star Crossed

"Iz, leave 'em alone and get me some water wouldya?  I ain't doing too well.."   The Squirrel trailed off slightly trying to keep himself co...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

Small arms fired erupted behind the mech, or rather a single young man with a single pistol.  A standard orange fox who looked to be in his l...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

John breathed relief and put a hand to his head, "I realize we're on Sibko but jeez girl.  I grew up on Kyzarie, you start putting knives to kids...

13 years ago
RE: Search For Nothing

Thought so...  Not an innocent.  Guess my sense aren't as rusty as I thought.  The rabbit thought to himself trying to get rid of the t...

13 years ago
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