Mobius Forum Archive

Noble Member
Joined: Aug 2, 2004
Topics: 59 / Replies: 1508
RE: Street Fighter IV is going to be 3D with 2D gameplay

It's legit, nor am I all that shocked. Not reserving yet. Not sure if I want the puny stick or the massive and quality tourney stick...meh.

16 years ago
RE: MoFo Card Exchange (CLOSED - see last post)

I also got mine from the Bayfields, lol. Thank you.

16 years ago
RE: Sonic #198 and Sonic Universe #2 Covers

I like the top part of the Sonic Universe logo. Bottom part, not so much. Looks out of place, probably just me.

16 years ago
RE: 195 Spoilers! really was an awkward term to read. Like one of those terms you come up with while in a druken stupor.

16 years ago
16 years ago
Replies: 30
Views: 1485
RE: Sonic #195 Preview/Discussion/Spoilers

I'm going with Super Scourge for now. Anywho, Eggman building yet another Metal Sonic is the height of insanity. I don't blame Snively f...

16 years ago
RE: Street Fighter IV is going to be 3D with 2D gameplay

The pads and stick (Not too sure on the pads) are being mad in cooperation with SDTekken's Markman, and he knows quite a bit about controllers an...

16 years ago
16 years ago
RE: The Unofficial Fighting Games Topic -Street Fighter X Tekken and Tekken X Street Fighter confirmed!

720 motions are easy on a pad with enough practice. Stick is much better though.

16 years ago
RE: The Unofficial Fighting Games Topic -Street Fighter X Tekken and Tekken X Street Fighter confirmed!

I'm here to announce that SF Super Turbo HD Remix (Darn that long name) is awesome. The game is very pretty and plays real smooth... ...well ...

16 years ago
RE: The comic's use of super sonic, turbo tails etc...

Once every 50 doesn't seem to crazy. I'd personally go around every 40-45 but 50 isn't too bad. Plot shaking events shouldn't be.....

16 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 213
RE: The comic's use of super sonic, turbo tails etc...

Well the last time we saw characters go super (Or even beyond that in Knux's case), it didn't really solve the issue at all. They just trade...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic Universe #1, StH #197 Previews and more!

YAY, we may finally see Zonic again! So much for my thoughts that the Scourge arc would last a bit longer.

16 years ago
RE: Rude people

Drivers using cell phones can go die please. Don't take me with you, kthxbai.

16 years ago
RE: Rude people

I get the feeling rude drivers is going to be a rampant theme here. I've had other things that bugged me but as time passed, I realized they don&...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 194 Spoilers!

Hmmm, that makes quite a good deal of sense, haha. The rest of the FF tend to be a bit more unforgiving than Sonic but remember who they have to deal ...

16 years ago
RE: Street Fighter IV is going to be 3D with 2D gameplay

Pretty much. His hurricane kick is similar to Ken's from MvC2 (Hits one and then goes straight up) and he even has a counter attack. He also does...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 194 Spoilers!

The person he was speaking to was signed in as DKA: RF.

16 years ago
RE: Street Fighter IV is going to be 3D with 2D gameplay

I'm talking gameplay wise. Ryu, Ken and Akuma all share very similar techniques. Gouken? No. Sakura? Sure she has some shoto-esque moves but she ...

16 years ago
RE: Street Fighter IV is going to be 3D with 2D gameplay

Ryu, Ken and Akuma are the only true shoto clones.

16 years ago
Replies: 21
Views: 1806
RE: Man Wants Human/Cartoon Character Marriages Legalised

Ummm, the man's efforts to have human/cartoon character marriages legalized?

16 years ago
16 years ago
RE: Street Fighter IV is going to be 3D with 2D gameplay

lol, no love for 3S characters. And yea that is Rose but I await an official announcement.

16 years ago
RE: Sonic # 194 Preview/Discussion/Spoilers

How many emeralds does Scourge need to go super? I mean he was already bathed in the energy of the ME, right? It may not take as many eternal batterie...

16 years ago
16 years ago
RE: Sonic # 194 Preview/Discussion/Spoilers

Well, with any luck, the comic will treat Silver better than what StH06 did. Sonic 06 never happened! Anyways, I see the Suppression Squad ready...

16 years ago
RE: Special issues and amendments in ballots

Colorado also voted down an anti union measure. Colorado still sucks. Also can we just legalize Mary Jane period and be done with it?

16 years ago
RE: Michael Crichton Dead at 66

I remember liking the book much more than the movie...but darn is that young.

16 years ago
RE: Greetings from Emerald Echidna! 😀

I believe I know you...welcome.

16 years ago
RE: Little Big Planet Recalled and Delayed

Not really. I'm just bored about the arguments over the one song. Most people who play it are convinced its GOY material. I don't know about...

16 years ago
RE: Well, it's about time to kick Dubya out

So if you're not voting in the presidential election, that somehow means you aren't voting at all? On another note, I sure do hear a lot...

16 years ago
RE: Annual Forum Tally v6.0

...oh time for one of those again?

16 years ago
RE: Little Big Planet Recalled and Delayed

*snore* Has anyone played this game yet?

16 years ago
RE: Well, it's about time to kick Dubya out

I'll either vote for some 3rd party candidate or ignore it altogether. Probably the latter.

16 years ago
16 years ago
RE: StH #196 Preview & Sonic Univese #1 & 2 covers

Cover reminds me of the confrontation between Neo and Agent Smith.

16 years ago
RE: Little Big Planet Recalled and Delayed

I doubt many would have even cared, lol. Sure took them long to notice.

16 years ago
RE: Is Sonic a Gary-Stu?

Sonic is nothing more than a tool.

16 years ago
RE: Dan Drazen's Reviews

I obviously don't really read his reviews much anymore but this is the first time in a while I've seen him be this positive...

16 years ago
RE: Kingdom Hearts MEGATHREAD

Spoiler [+] Yea Namine was Kairi's nobody in a way. I say in a way because it was all kinds of complicated when Sora stabbed himself ...

16 years ago
RE: Awkward moments?

The mistaken age thing happens to me quite a bit. Either people think I'm 25 or 26 because of how I act or they think I'm younger based on h...

16 years ago
RE: If you have downloaded something "illegal," the government can now confiscate every computer in your house

Hmmm, impressions so far on it: That seems way too harsh. More impressions later. Man individual elements could be considered works, meaning m...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 193 Spoilers!

I thought the art was fine, lol. Could be much much worse (Many Hands, Lim anyone?)

16 years ago
RE: My how time flies or I feel old

Man and I was there when that site first went up.

16 years ago
RE: A new Capcom VS game is coming

So since there is no American release date (If ever), how hard is it to get an America Wii to play Japanese Wii games? This is where region free c...

16 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Rogue Galaxy, which had an okay plot until it tanked once the writers decided foreshadowing wasn't needed. Now I just want to beat it so I can tr...

16 years ago
RE: My high hopes for the build-up to #200

Well at least there is a decent explaination. I'm kind of glad the Brotherhood is out of the picture because they had outlived their usefulness a...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic 193 Spoilers!

Rosy looks the same as Amy before she magically become older via magic! I can get a scan if need be...

16 years ago
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