Mobius Forum Archive

Tracy Yardley
Active Member
Joined: Aug 21, 2006
Topics: 2 / Replies: 6
Replies: 0
Views: 301
RE: Sonic #185 Preview pages and discussion (spoilers)

Unfortunately, whoever writes Archie's preview blurbs, seems to make a lot of mistakes with the credits. I did the basic page layouts for issues 185 a...

17 years ago
RE: SX #31 & StH #186 Previews

Just so everyone knows, Ian Flynn wrote issues 31 and 32 of Sonic X. I'm pencilling 31 and 32 of Sonic X, and Matt Herms is pencilling issues 185 and ...

17 years ago
RE: what happened to spaz?!

Sorry to hear that some of the readers are displeased with the covers I've worked on. Do try to keep something in mind, though. I only pencil the co...

17 years ago
RE: Sonic # 170 review

I know Feist is a fairly ambiguous animal. Ian's script asked for a panda, so I drew a panda. Tracy!

18 years ago
RE: Something doesnt seem correct...

The events in 167 take place in the future, 25 years to be more exact, AFTER the events that take place in issues 170 and 171, as well as 172 on. So,...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X #14, #15, and SONIC #169 Previews!

Hypershadow 77 said, "i heard about the cover to the new STH awhile back, but it looks absolutely horrible. no seriously, tracy's got to stick to...

18 years ago