Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Jan 5, 2005
Topics: 0 / Replies: 233
RE: Dreams: Do they mean anything? Can you feel them?

I tend to prefer the idea that dreams are a way for your unconscious to sort through things which you haven't had time to process while awake, and gen...

19 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

Well, as I said earlier, I don't think gun ownership is necessarily a bad thing, as long as people are aware of what they are capable of, and are appr...

19 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

Quote:Also, nobody's going to pull a gun if someone's got a gun to their head, but if you hear someone breaking into your house at night, would you fe...

19 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

I have no real problems with people owning guns as long as they know how to safely use them. My view is similar to conventional approaches to cars - t...

19 years ago
RE: So who wants to expose to the world where they live?

I've also joined the UK crew. Location's only temporary, though, since I'm due to graduate from uni this summer...

19 years ago
RE: Foreign languages

Native English speaker. Limited (and largely eroded due to lack of use) knowledge of French and German, and am probably more fluent in Latin than eith...

19 years ago
RE: Dick Cheney accidentally shoots 78 year old man - UPDATE

Ummm... didn't we go over all of this in Marble Garden a while back? I think it's easier to just say "we'll do things our way, you do them yours&...

19 years ago
RE: Silly PETA, fish are for eating!

Quote:I respect PETA's beliefs, if you want to be a veitarian, so be it, if you want to go hardcore and be a vegan good for you Or if you want to go ...

19 years ago
RE: Silly PETA, fish are for eating!

Just a bit of a thought, but following PETA's biblical claims, I wonder what the theological implications of this would be given that some of his more...

19 years ago
RE: Act your race!

Stumbleina, true, 2nd wave feminism did pave the way for 3rd wave. However, it focussed a lot more (AFAIK) on creating identity and cultural recogniti...

19 years ago
RE: Act your race!

There's an interesting social concept that's been developed from feminism that seems somewhat apt here. Basically, the idea is that society as a whole...

19 years ago
RE: What is respect?

Each of these organisations still provides an outwards image of conformity within the unit, even if they encourage variety within the group. It provid...

19 years ago
RE: Sport hunting and conservation.

To a large extent, the hunting of the Dodo and Great Auk was more for sport than for profit. But those were cases of unchecked hunting, which led to e...

19 years ago
RE: Sport hunting and conservation.

Hunting within reason is OK - if there is need to keep populations in check, and/or the animals killed are then used for some benefit to those still l...

19 years ago
RE: What is your favourite keyboard shortcut?

Probably between Alt-Tab and Alt-F4 for mine - don't tend to use the others much, although I sometimes have cause to invoke Ctr-Alt-Del. After all, I ...

19 years ago
RE: What is respect?

Just some of my thoughts on respect, and apologies for the somewhat dis-jointed nature of them It's something that should be earned, but also strange...

19 years ago
RE: Casualties of War? They pale in comparison to this...

If I remember my Richard Attenborough correctly, Bonobos use sex as a way of maintaining peace within the community. Whenever there's a potential argu...

19 years ago
RE: A friend and Pot

As far as things to do would be, just make sure she knows that you're not that comfortable with them taking drugs, say why, but otherwise be supportiv...

19 years ago
RE: Casualties of War? They pale in comparison to this...

Quote:That's a VERY dangerous line of thinking SX. Down that line of thought lies... -Euthanizing children with birth defects, mental or physical. -E...

19 years ago
RE: Lessons in Spork Fu! (kilopost? nevaah~) have three hands? o.o; What, doesn't everyone? Just something I don't make too big a deal of. Comes in useful though... (and for those...

19 years ago
RE: Lessons in Spork Fu! (kilopost? nevaah~)

*Selects three sporks from training rack, holds one in each hand, and then performs each move simultaneously* Hmm... *Rotates which hand performs wh...

19 years ago
RE: Tetris. DS. Online. Read.

Slightly off-topic, but if you enjoy tetris, then one of the best clones I've come across is EITtris ( Only supports 4...

19 years ago
RE: The kibble and cat biscuits "Hi, I'm New!"

Hmm... a resourceful one... Welcome to the MoFo. I tend to lurk more than I post, so you probably won't see me around too much. Just thought I'd say ...

19 years ago
RE: Forumers: drop your SNs - or face the consequences!

This also doesn't take into account the problems with potential hacking of accounts to post messages anonymously, which could also be a viable defence...

19 years ago

My only comment on the theme: This is the first time I've ended up using the quick-link to get into the forum. My computer didn't like the flash anim...

19 years ago
RE: Mastermind.

The 9 move was more luck than judgement - it was a fairly friendly combination. The average is based around a fairly systematic process - I've done to...

19 years ago
RE: Mastermind.

Well, best I managed was 9 moves. However, no screen-grab - you'll just have to take my word for it... Tend to average about 13 moves, though...

19 years ago
RE: Is sacrifice a sin?

Cyc, not really. I think I pretty much picked up on exactly what he was saying in the last one... Maybe you think I was giving it more credit than it...

19 years ago
RE: What are your Political Leanings? (Quiz)

For Ultra's quiz: Liberal Statist (50%-10% for Personal-Economic) For Cyc's quiz: Economic -2.25, Social -1.85 More or less as I expected...

19 years ago
RE: Is sacrifice a sin?

But if we are already in hell, then hell must exist for us to be in it. Unless you are implying that we ourselves do not exist... More seriously, lif...

19 years ago
RE: Peta: Are they really doing what they say they're doing?

However, if all those few million decide that, even if everyone else continues to support the industry they will stop doing so, then suddenly it all s...

19 years ago
RE: What flight? (Sowell's Take on Diversity and Groups)

No prob. Just should think a bit more about how soundbites will be read by others in future

19 years ago
RE: Ohhhh how I want to break free...

Probably the only thing I can suggest for avoiding obsessiveness is to find something to ground yourself, so that you have something to pull you out o...

19 years ago
RE: ...I can't...keep this a secret any longer!

Technical nitpick, Xag, but you merely describe popularity contests, while implying contests in general. Of course, given this piece of news, it's oh...

19 years ago
RE: What flight? (Sowell's Take on Diversity and Groups)

Equal opportunity certainly seems fine - but this means everyone has the same opportunities, so in that sense "equal" and "same" m...

19 years ago
RE: Hollywood Impossibilities (Movies bend Reality!)

Very true, Craig. I was watching Last Action Hero recently with a few friends, and one of them just didn't get the point that the Slater portion of th...

19 years ago
RE: What flight? (Sowell's Take on Diversity and Groups)

I believe that a fairly recent (as in mostly 20th Century) issue in the USA was built around the discovery that treating people in a way that was &quo...

19 years ago
RE: Hollywood Impossibilities (Movies bend Reality!)

While it is possible to destroy rocks, etc. without doing injury to your fist, it will still hurt in the short-term. As someone who has some experienc...

19 years ago
RE: What flight? (Sowell's Take on Diversity and Groups)

One interesting note a lecturer I had last year has made in our student newspaper recently on the topic of diversity: "... the promotion of dive...

19 years ago
RE: Hollywood Impossibilities (Movies bend Reality!)

Well, the vast majority of science-talk in movies is (as far as I've heard, not being a dedicated scientist myself) generally inaccurate, if not entir...

19 years ago
RE: Revenge of the Sith now on DVD :

Let's take another look at that last sentence: Quote:Hence, while the official order may be set, it doesn't change assertions about what the best vie...

19 years ago
RE: Nudity - what's the big deal?

Fair enough. Not sure how good it would be as transparent underwear, though. Probably a bit too clingy...

19 years ago
RE: Nudity - what's the big deal?

The invisible underwear would either be so loose as to have no real effect, or would have some obvious effect. Also, what solid materials do you know ...

19 years ago
RE: The Craziness of the MoFo: A Somber Recollection

Bill Bailey is one of the few comedians who fairly reliably makes me laugh - he is truly a genius of comedy. Jim Carrey is also great, and not just fo...

19 years ago
RE: Revenge of the Sith now on DVD :

While the official order may be numerical, and originally conceived as such, Eps. 4-6 were made under the belief that the other episodes would not get...

19 years ago
RE: Physical evidence of Hell

I have plyed Doom, I am not one who randomly wanders around with the BFG, and I do indeed value the shotgun highly - good ammo efficiency and highly e...

19 years ago
RE: AOL and Time Warner to air old TV shows online... FREE?

Babylon 5 is the only one that really leaps out at me from that list. If they can find a few more classics like that, then I'd be a lot more intereste...

19 years ago
RE: Revenge of the Sith now on DVD :

True. Some people will watch a given thing for the best part of a day quite happily - normally TV series, but LotR and similar have brought the concep...

19 years ago
RE: Revenge of the Sith now on DVD :

I'd say that there's something to be said for viewing the films for the first time for both 4-5-6-1-2-3 and 1-2-3-4-5-6. Given that the original trilo...

19 years ago
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