Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Jan 21, 2002
Topics: 22 / Replies: 171
RE: What is patriotism?

Patriotism: love for one's country. Re: Veckums, I don't believe that patriotism is an attack on individuality and rationality, any more than any oth...

19 years ago
RE: Musicial Association!: another game, guys.

The DEVIL Went Down to Georgia - Charlie Daniels Band Oh, can we banish "the" "to" "is" and words like that from this game? It's rather silly.

19 years ago
RE: Are we sure women are being treated inferiorly?

Personally, I think whoever invites the other person out to dinner should pay for the other person. It's only polite, regardless of gender. Yes, wome...

19 years ago
RE: random Lord of the Rings related question.

Quote:Just out of curiosity, have you seen Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell? No, what are those?

19 years ago
RE: The War on Terror (Everyone, PLAY NICE.)

Quote:Is Bush somehow equal to Hitler for pursuing a war in Iraq? No one is equal to Hitler.

19 years ago
RE: A brush with an escapee

Wow, that's crazy. I hope he wasn't a violent criminal or anything. What I'm wondering though is why they had him partitioned from his jailer in the...

19 years ago
RE: America First

Heeeyy, there's a second page! I didn't know there was a second page! Quote:The problem isn't providing opportunity to Blacks, the problem is not eno...

19 years ago
RE: Tribal leader rallies for abortion clinic on reservation

I think we're all a little off topic... what do people think about the actual article? That is, using the self-sovereignty of Native American reservat...

19 years ago
RE: America First

Quote:It's easy to make money, there is this thing called a "JOB" that people get to exchange their labor for this stuff called money, that they can u...

19 years ago
RE: America First

Quote:If you erased all borders today, and allowed people free movement, do you think that there would be a mass exodus FROM the US? Or do you think t...

19 years ago
RE: 12 Dead in Bus Crash

The last one dates from 2003, so I'd say no to that. The other three... it is kind of weird, but unless someone gets statistics on total number of bus...

19 years ago
RE: America First

Quote:Social inequality? The only way to "liberate" us from "social inequality" is to FORCE everyone into an "equal state". Jimro, sorry if I come of...

19 years ago
RE: An argument.

Obligatory "Kasumi is Sex" screenshot.

19 years ago
RE: Pancakes Delay End of World War II

Quote:I prefer powdered sugar over syrup and butter, personally. Normal syrup is already ridiculously sweet, why powdered sugar too? And everyone kn...

19 years ago
RE: Full metal alchemist: the aftermath (spoilers a plenty)

I finished the series a long while ago, thanks to fansubbing. I don't like the American voices at all. Uh.. good ending. Definitely not what I expec...

19 years ago
RE: How much do you know about London?

MQuote:You've done a human transmutation?!! that's the greatest sin of all! May a flaming zeppelin fall on your automobile.

19 years ago
RE: Children's author caught "playing with" her dog

Quote:Cosmopolitan city girl moves to the country befriends a boy and dies. I remember that I thought the book was going to be fantasy and it wasn't....

19 years ago
RE: America First

How about our vast social inequality?

19 years ago
RE: An argument.

Declarative statement of great generality. Cited example involving Nazis. Link to Wikipedia article. Whoever disagrees is a bigot. Exclamation mark ex...

19 years ago
RE: random Lord of the Rings related question.

I liked the Houses of Healing montage in the extended ROTK, that's it. They should've kept Christopher Lee and his corny death out, despite his grumpi...

19 years ago
RE: Children's author caught "playing with" her dog

.. I read "Bridge to Terebithia." However, I don't remember the slightest thing about it. That's the bad thing about good children's books.. it's not...

19 years ago
RE: This Wiki I wrote..

"Uncyclopedia isn't funny." -Oscar Wilde

19 years ago
19 years ago
Replies: 21
Views: 114
RE: The American Dream

Public schools may be good in principle because the poor kids are "equal" to the rich kids intellectually, but that is really not the case. Poorer sch...

19 years ago
RE: Act your race!

First off, wiggers annoy me not because they're transgressing some racial boundary, but because gangster rap in general annoys me. It's crass, vulgar,...

19 years ago
RE: The American Dream

I do think the American dream is possible. Our country is one of the few in the world built on this unique combination of hope, vision, innovation, ...

19 years ago
RE: Pancakes Delay End of World War II

Quote:I certainly couldn't turn down some pancakes even if I DID know the importance of what I was carrying, so 😛 That is why you should have pancak...

19 years ago
RE: This Wiki I wrote..

Of course it is. Everything you see on Wikipedia is true. (As an aside, it got removed.. did one of you people here do it? While it's nice to know th...

19 years ago
RE: random Lord of the Rings related question.

I would get the extended for both the Fellowship of the Ring and the Two Towers, as I think it will help you understand the plot a bit more. Return o...

19 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 91
Replies: 10
Views: 123
RE: A What should be/could be Movie Question

I want to see a Warcraft movie. Except without their novelization writer writing the script. Please please please not Richard A Knaak. I'd like to ...

19 years ago
RE: Saturn moon may have water

What do you want to bet that in the next few years, a company will be created just to bottle that water? (heh, very cool news post, btw)

19 years ago
Replies: 21
Views: 151

I don't think the Japanese one is all that hilarious. It's a live-action Spider-Man. In Japanese. *shrug* It's not any cheesier than any other live...

19 years ago
RE: Who out there still Likes the Berenstian Bears?

Quote: You're not alone, Wonderbat. There's just something very wrong with their hands and faces... I know what you mean. I was always disturbed how ...

19 years ago
RE: And so the Church decided to spice up their signs...

Quote:For all you Family Guy fans out there... That's great! XD

19 years ago
RE: I am not making a kilopost.

Quote:I am not making a post for announcing my 1000th post. ever. That's good. Kiloposts are stupid.

19 years ago
RE: Sago Mines

Quote:May God and his grace comfort these families. May the souls of the departed reach their destination. Amen. What I sincerely hope for is the sp...

19 years ago
RE: Self-Censorship

I personally don't see that informal moral qualms are necessarily a bad thing in science. Especially if it's publicly funded research- taxpayers have...

19 years ago
RE: Self-Censorship

I personally don't see that informal moral qualms are necessarily a bad thing in science. Especially if it's publicly funded research- taxpayers have...

19 years ago
RE: US Judge rules against intelligent design in schools

Theory of Intelligent School-Board Design Disproven DOVER, PAThe controversial "theory of intelligent school-board design," which holds that local sc...

19 years ago
RE: US Judge rules against intelligent design in schools

Theory of Intelligent School-Board Design Disproven DOVER, PAThe controversial "theory of intelligent school-board design," which holds that local sc...

19 years ago
RE: UNICEF Bombs the Smurfs! (Oh, the smurfanity!)

This is a bit like that one in the sixties where they dropped an atomic bomb on a little girl picking daisies. A bit heavy-handed, don't you think? ...

19 years ago

Spreading the Bible via text message sounds like a great idea... but the slang? Not so much. It's disrespectful. I know there was a great debate "ba...

19 years ago
RE: The Wallace and Gromit Movie!

Quote: i saw it friday, i did laugh at the "may contain nuts" scene. "Angry Mob supplies" 😛 A lot of the humor is in the visual gags and signs/cap...

19 years ago
RE: See. Serenity. Now.

Quote:Apparently, me getting into the screening is dependent on my regurgitating a much of marketing hype on my website. Once I've done this and noti...

19 years ago
RE: Eat for the Red Cross!

Quote: Personally I just donate a day's income every month to charity. It works. But eating and socializing is so much more fun! ... Did anyone pa...

19 years ago
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