Mobius Forum Archive

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Joined: May 21, 2005
Topics: 1 / Replies: 66
RE: The Legend of Zelda: Agahnim's Treachery

"Y-yeah, we'll save problem..." With one sigh, Kerel felt all his bravado leaving him. Their father was dying, their kingdom w...

16 years ago
RE: The Legend of Zelda: Agahnim's Treachery

"You expected us to stay in bed, after you left like that?" Kerel bit his lip, trying to hide his increasing fear and unease. They should ha...

16 years ago
RE: The Legend of Zelda: Agahnim's Treachery

"That's what I said." Glowering at his brother and sister, Kerel tried to swallow the unease that was welling up in his own throat. He ...

16 years ago
RE: The Legend of Zelda: Agahnim's Treachery

"Of course he did," Kerel huffed, finally escaping from his sister's grasp and moving away, disgruntled look on his face. "Where e...

16 years ago
RE: The Legend of Zelda: Agahnim's Treachery

"Stop dragging me around," Kerel couldn't help but mutter, even as the dark sillhouette of the heavily armoured guard sent a shiver dow...

16 years ago
RE: The Legend of Zelda: Agahnim's Treachery

Smiling truimphantly with his small victory, Kerel moved quickly after Hiro, making sure the older boy didn't get too far ahead. Just wait; he�...

16 years ago
RE: The Legend of Zelda: Agahnim's Treachery

"Now look what you did! You gone and woke Kerel up!" He scoffed at his older brother's words, marching up to the older boy and glaring ...

16 years ago
RE: The Legend of Zelda: Agahnim's Treachery

"And you're planning to leave me behind?" came a small but defiant voice from the door of the bedroom. It wasn't like anyone w...

16 years ago
RE: The Legend of Zelda: Agahnim's Treachery

OOC: Wow, I haven't done this in a while. But this one looks like it should run longer than the other one, so as soon as I get a character I'...

16 years ago
RE: The Legend of ZELDA: Heavens Rising

Dead. Their father was dead, forever dead, forever gone, and they were alone. Milithadril stood before the body, numb, unfeeling, unthinking

18 years ago
RE: The Legend of ZELDA: Heavens Rising

OOC: I'm glad this is up and running again! It's too late for me to do anything now, but I'll try and post an IC tomorrow. Laterz. ^^ IC: Milithadri...

18 years ago
RE: The Legend of ZELDA: Heavens Rising

Milithadril made a valiant attempt to follow his borthers' grace as they leapt down the hill, and succeeded until the landing. As he touched down, his...

18 years ago
RE: Phoenix Wright's Forum Tally v4.0 - (2006)

I'm here! Dunno if anyone noticed, but I really am here!

18 years ago
RE: Secret City

Kage glowered at Jekkyl as he left the Arena, silently shouting insults at the mans retreating back. The nerve! Leaving his apprentice alone when ther...

18 years ago
RE: The Legend of ZELDA: Heavens Rising

He had nothing to protect him from the storm, and frankly, Milithadril prefered it that way. The torrent of rain and shrieking wind seemed to mirror t...

18 years ago
RE: Secret City

OOC: Yes...While Inu's unable to participate, life(or Death! =D) will be a teensy bit difficult. But as long as I manage to force him onto a computer ...

18 years ago
RE: The Legend of ZELDA: Heavens Rising

Milithadril hesitated, watching Auric strap on his weapon, then his own hand closed over a hilt-the hilt of the light long sword. Picking it up, he ra...

18 years ago
RE: The Legend of ZELDA: Heavens Rising

People don't bring weapons on evening outings. It just wasn't done. Wherever their father had gone, it was nowhere good, nowhere safe...Nowhere their ...

18 years ago
RE: The Legend of ZELDA: Heavens Rising

"You're not leaving me alone," Milithadril said softly, coming to stand beside Mateo. "Something's happened to Father, and I won't rest...

18 years ago
RE: The Legend of ZELDA: Heavens Rising

"It's-it's NOT different!" The outburst escaped, along with the fear, before the younger boy could gain control on it. "He just went fo...

18 years ago
RE: The Legend of ZELDA: Heavens Rising

OOC: This looks cool! ^^ I haven't really played Legend of Zelda, but I've watched my brother and I know the basic storyline. Think I can pull it off?...

18 years ago
RE: Secret City

OOC: Sorry you dropped out, Joel... Ah well. It was hard to keep all the characters together and on the same pace, and I'm sorry if you felt you wer...

18 years ago
RE: Secret City

Two young apprentices walked warily along the banks of Styx, a dagger held in the hand of one, an opened spiritualsm vial clutched in the fist of the ...

18 years ago
RE: Secret City

As if. Soulbroker halted his steps, watching the two apprentices as they pushed forward into the oppresive gloom of the underworld. As if rules and re...

18 years ago
RE: Secret City

Damn! Soulbroker swore loudly as he stepped out of the Gates, entering a small stretch of rock between the dark cave walls and the misty expanse of ri...

18 years ago
RE: Secret City

Fourty teams, fourty apprentices... A dark shape paced the edge of the misty river, red eyes the only colour in the grey-toned landscape. Find the app...

18 years ago
RE: Secret City

OOC: Welcome to the party, Joel! Now that we have full teams, I think its well past time to start this show! *grabs a cup of kcaffe and puts on necrom...

18 years ago
RE: Secret City

OOC: Um, just to warn you, this is uber long...^^; But it brings in our antagonist, which is always exciting! So read on- if you dare! *evil laugh* I...

18 years ago
RE: Secret City

OOC: Well here we are, bakc from spring break and ready to get this show on the road! Regardless of whether Joel joins right away or not, I think it's...

18 years ago
RE: Secret City

OOC: Welcome to the RP, CY! Hopefully a team mate will show up for you soon, otherwise I'm sure we can figure something out. Anyway, I cant' start the...

19 years ago
RE: Secret City

Yay, someone joined! I'll do my profiles now, since it seems I actually have someone to do the story with. Name: Kage Montgomery Age: 21 Rank: A...

19 years ago
19 years ago
Replies: 36
Views: 74
RE: The Black Knight

OOC: Sure, why not? I'll be on holiday soon, so it's fine with me. ^^

19 years ago
RE: The Black Knight

The fire slowly began to die down, aided by the cloaked figure's ice magic. Blitz watched in silence, hand resting on her rescued weapon, now hanging ...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

Kage followed Damien at a slight distance, sighing irritably. Typical teenager; unable to hold still for more than a moment. But heck, he had nothing ...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

Kage looked silently at the bag of money in his hands, more money than he had ever held in his life. Sure, there was the expensive leather jacket on h...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

"It's not as harsh a thing you make it seem." Kage shoved his hands into his pockets, lowering his gaze to the ground. "When she agreed...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

So he wasn't the only one who had planned it. Kage examined the cat girl's dejected expression out of the corner of his eye, musing silently. Her almo...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

"Hmph. I should have known this mad search would lead us to chasing legends." Kage leant against the wall, lowering his head and crossing hi...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

The rest of the spirits seemed to only want to elaborate on the other's statements, which Kage gave into eventually. "It shouldn't go to the go...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

Kage wandered down the hallway, wondering what could be worth looking at. Sure, it was a anti-government group's base, but things can only be new and ...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

OOC: Sorry...I died. ^^; All that school work can really finish you off... *brings herself back to life* Right! Now, where were we? IC: "Hmph...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

Kage gave the boy a withering glance, standing up on his own sweet time. "Her loss of life isn't overly threatening," he noted coldly, str...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

"Hmm..." Kage noticed the cat girl's blood but said nothing of it, prefering to lie back on the bed and hum softly under his breath. The sal...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

The knife was back in his hand, his feet once more planted on the ground. Kage was back in control. He swung at the zombies, taunting them closer, whi...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

An arm reached out, flesh falling off the finger bones, clawing for the sweet life in front of it...Kage slapped it away irritably, sighing as Farris ...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

Kage sighed, seemingly bored by the preceedings. Why isn't anything ever easy?" He flicked a spectral bone towards the Duke, watching as it bou...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

"Heh. Perhaps." The instant the cat girl had turned her back, Kage let the scowl cover his face. So the creature wasn't tied to the language...

19 years ago
RE: The Buried World

Old broken wings, wings that should never have taken to the sky again flapped once, making Damien wobble on his perch pecariously. Dry skin snapped an...

19 years ago
RE: NEW MOBIUS: enslaved and hopeless

Kami sniffed as a raindrop splashed onto his nose, then swung the pick harder as the crack of a whip and the yell of an Overlander sounded behind him....

19 years ago
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