Heh heh heh, That's funny. "big lizard".
Topic's back, huh? Anybody signed the petition?
use the Wikkipedia.
Sonic and Fiona are making out? This comic rally is going to the dogs.
Dan's all for Ash/Mina? Damn.
What do you think of the fact sweet Mina and Ash the jerk were together?
There weak bombs that can only hurt the most pathetic of lifeforms.
Sonic kissing Fiona?? WHAT? This issue sounds aweful! ANd Ash is still alive!
Maybe he'll come back, like Axer. If Axer really is coming back...
...Or he could have used a tiny poision dart.
All it says to me is that Ash is loyal but stupid. Like my dog.
One more complain. I HATE ASH/MINA! Ash is an I D I O T! He just caried the bomb instead of chucking it! Why oh why did poor Mina (Who is awesome) ha...
153. They made a fool of Nack:">
I got a Ball python, and it died the first day I got it. But, no, it did not explode...
Hospitalized characters are the best! I love seeine characters get hurt! It's more emotional! But what was with Quack's beak O_O and plus, Ash isn't ...
But the guy in back of him saw the him fire. If Nack hadn't run, he would have yelled, "get him!" And if he had hidden, he could have used a...
I know Nack just appeared, but he's always getting kicked around. He's suposed to be intellegent, and 153 made him look so stupid! I mean, firing a &q...
I just read it and NACK DOESENT ESCAPE! Sally went back on her word and left nack to be beaten up by his former mates! Come on, Nack, KICK SONIC"...
What happened to nack? I guess Sally went back on her word and left him to be bruttaly beated by his own team mates. Man, I hpe she really dies...
Quote:...but then the Sword of Acorns comes flying... And donks Nack out of the way, but he manages another shot...
Quote:...only to reveal that it was actually Anti-Sally all along! And then finds the real Sally and kills her.
Quote:I know scarecrow,more ron lim is depressing but at least hes better than dawn best or whatever her name is.(or at least i think so.) Al Bigley...
I hope Nack breaks out of prison and fires another shot at Sally...
I will now change my sig. Hooray 4 me!
The Ultra Devil Chao has come! So, we just post a bunch of pointless things about things like chicken and Sith Lords?
I couldn't get it to load >_<
Are you going to do one of Nack?
I hope Evil Sonic doesen't get sent back to his home planet just to get beat up. I want him to stay with Rouge and have a face-off with Shadow. Who is...
Quote:I feel your pain. Really? Does it feel anything... Like this? Heh heh... Had to say that.... sorry. I want to see Nic back, too and Nack becom...
Oh man, the X voice dubs are AWFUL! Especialy Shadow and Rouge. Please tell me this is a nightmare!
Drago the Wolf and his gang. He's a cool bad guy that hasn't been seen since #117.
She better marry Anti-Ant.
can somebody help me?
Great art, Mongooza. BTW, did you name yourself after "mongoose" or something?
Why not include Nack? Nack is awesome, and has a gun to boot!
LOL, can't stop laughing!
I realizet that too, myself. I hope the site is back up soon *crosses fingers*
here are the gems of my collection. And my rare Metal Sonic plushie, the true gem:
I think I have that one...
they won't let me ask for a plush maker on the forms, and I don't like the classified ads page.
I'm getting my copy tosay ^^
here is one pic, more coming soon. not all of it is for trade, though...
too late ><
hehheh, this one took ten times longer to scan, put up on the web, and get the url than it took to draw... just a bad 1 minute sketch, just done so it...
It didn't work...
let me just select "notification of replies" and end the contest in a week. Looking good!
Nice Nack plush. Sorry, I totally forgot, but got it on ebay. It is now on display in my room.