Mobius Forum Archive

Active Member
Joined: Sep 16, 2005
Topics: 1 / Replies: 11
RE: My high hopes for the build-up to #200

I'd like to see Spectre make a come back. That guy is a total badass. I can't believe how long the Brotherhood has been gone... Come back, f...

16 years ago
RE: Sonic X 11 and Sonic The Hedgehog 165 Previw

Yes for the first time in years, a Knux solo. I'm crying tears of joy.

19 years ago
RE: Ken Penders says "Bygones"

That's kind of a shame. As alot of people have said he's spun his fair share of losers, but he's also shocked me with some of his winners. Pretty much...

19 years ago
RE: Fifth Season of Digimon in 2007 (Release Date Changed)

OMG!!!!! This is like a dream come true! I hope they release box sets of the old seasons now. This was one of the best cartoons out there for a while....

19 years ago
RE: Pick your Best / Worst Archie Sonic stories for 2005

I personally like the Chosen One story arc. Or maybe I was just way to happy when they decided to resolve that plot point ALMOST TEN YEARS LATER... Ug...

19 years ago
RE: #156 Arrives (SPOILERS)

^Yes please! Something has got to be done with this dude!I need to find out what happened to Remington!

19 years ago
RE: #155 Arrives (Here There Be Spoilers!)

When are they going to relise that the comic was at it's best when the love tirangle aspect was a very tiny one. Ugh... It's going to be a rough coupl...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic #158 and SX #5 Preview

I think the army has something to do with the weird grape vine/matrix thing the echidnas are trapped in. But then again I could be just way too eager ...

19 years ago
Replies: 18
Views: 176
RE: Sonic #157 Preview

Well as bad as Ron is, he is leagues above Many Hands... ugh Many Hands.

19 years ago
RE: Archie Sonic characters who got the shaft...

How long do you thing it will take them to patch up all the loose ends created in RTAI? I wish they'd hurry up I miss Knuckles. I really hope they res...

19 years ago
RE: Archie Sonic characters who got the shaft...

While we're at it, does Knuckles and the Echidnas in general have a continuation to RTAI in the works?

19 years ago