I love how only Ultra seems able to spell "Veloticore" properly. :3 Also I intend to make elaborate water features and more besides eventua...
For the record, as I got there just before the server died: Crim's link to the underground tunnel network is fully functional, although the hatch is a...
It's standard procedure as it's the only security system vanilla Minecraft actually has, so honestly I assumed you'd already have one which is why I a...
Server died about 6am UK time in the middle of my major project. D: Leaving this here to see what happened if I can't get back on tonight.
Ah so this server is actually going somewhere? If you have a whitelist, could you put Velotix on it? I'll come say hello, I've put off playing SMP f...
FYI, this guy's married to none other than the Queen. How she puts up with him I have no idea.
Political Performance Index 45% Rational % 32 Authoritarian % 9 Adventurous % 14 Inspired % 9 There's a reason I avoid politics.
If it's on a warning label, someone, somewhere, once sued them or someone else for it.
You left out Terraria, the new hotness. 😮
What constitutes an actual "troll"? Hukos.
The forums could do with skins that don't look like they were designed for a site from 2002. Now that we're all over here OK it's worth a look. 1080p...
You're right Jin. I'm sure "jin" means "eight" somewhere in the universe. n_n
I'm not sure all the latest posts have made it across OK, but other than that it's looking mighty fine.
"Tragically, the bog monster didn't notice the sexual predator sneaking up on him behind the fence."
For just a moment, it felt like 2004 all over again. Thanks for that, Vec.
I most remember the brief time I was banned. Significant because it lead me to discover What Came Before My Time. Shortly after I entered this stra...
Eurovision is an international song contest held (almost) every year since 1954. At this point most of Europe participates.
May 2013. Which is a lot sooner than it sounds.
Hackers have finally had enough of the megacorp's crap over the years, I guess.
Rarely is anyone on the MoFo actually a Sonic fan these days. And yes, that is so incredibly ironic
Once, I had a username that was all too common. And I like being a special snowflake. This name is my latest attempt at doing just that.
It's nice to be somewhere quiet where you're technically an oldbie.
My joyface is on permanently today. Great news.
(Interesting that he thinks I'm joking.) Regarding the actual topic: aside from Doctor Who, I haven't actually watched TV in a long time. Instead I...
Your opinion is already invalid. Good day. 😉
In this thread, Hukos rips on Dethklok, officially making his musical opinion invalid forever regardless of previous legitimacy or credentials. Con...
In this thread: joking member makes original post targeting a specific member in jest, accidentally hits a raw nerve and summons the unholy wrath of t...
i'm really surprised at how many people want to know where i am, is it cause you really like me or cause i'm so strange you need a reason or or is it ...
i'm really surprised at how many people want to know where i am, is it cause you really like me or cause i'm so strange you need a reason or or is it ...
*headshots Pachamac from outside the universe with a sniper rifle* Game over. Also, no *mighty NO* in this thread? I am disappoint. (inb4 Pac...
IIRC, I called CJ a jerk. Or something equally trivial. The MoFo was hardcore PG at the time, this was 2003 and all, before Facebook, Youtube, and ...
15 when I joined. Banned for a week within my first six months. (The chat ban was broken at the time.) 23 now. Time flies. 😮
Velotix Lexovetikan wrote: The three generations are confirmed as ~1991, ~1999 and ~2010, or Classic, Early 3D and HD eras respectively. 2 out of 3 s...
The three generations are confirmed as ~1991, ~1999 and ~2010, or Classic, Early 3D and HD eras respectively.
Curiosity got the better of me and I did a Google search on "8000 monthly teacher salary" Overwhelmingly, advertisements for Chinese positions came...
Whilst I recognise the rather blunt analogy, changing the shape of your ears isn't exactly going to affect your personality any, is it now? 😛
For those of us in the dumb department, you might want to elaborate on what this means for the greater industry. My understanding was that Tokyopop...
That surgery seems pretty justified to me. ^^ *all I have to say on this*
Failed at the third image.
ohai I wonder where you dug that from Needless to say, I'm pissed, and I'm looking for a solution. *rage*
I'll believe it when it see it. Watching the outcome of this one like a hawk, trust me.
I have to hold myself back enormously around here, seeing as my family (and myself) use cluster f-bombs in polite family conversation. You people...
I love this thread, except... Does anyone even have a 56k modem anymore? Seriously?
I didn't realise Srol was a capable troll. o.o
Everyone actually does have a tail. Well, the tail bones, anyway. They're just too small to stick out of the body and be a visible appendage anym...
I'm sure the parallels are a coincidence actually but it's really odd. XD
We have KFC. What you might find interesting is that a while back there was some controversy about a KFC in the UK switching to halal food preparation...
I'll be honest. I'm more interested in the model than the costume. n_n