If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say it was permanently retired a long time ago. The heart and soul of the site was always the forum anyway.
I'm speechless. @__@
Wait, wait, hang on: I knew I'd seen this before. Didn't make the connection between the two different usernames until just now, I must admi...
...Are they asking to be bombed or something? I'm seriously beginning to wonder now. Something major's going to give within the next 100 years an...
Oh jeez. Do you remember the one time I tried to RP with you? That was a total disaster and I was such an ass. Very funny to reminisce abou...
That match was [very long list of naughty words that would get me permabanned] [sexually explicit insults] [trolling the England team] bad. Never...
I had absolutely no trouble making either of those out.
It's going to take me until next E3 to get over the sheer awesomeness of Nintendo's showing this year, and E3 isn't even over yet.
The short version: Music is necessarily performed objectively, although the accuracy of the replication can be accidentally or deliberately flawe...
Lib Dems FTW. Labour would be business as usual and business has not been awesome lately. Conservatives would dump all over the country and we'...
Thanks, though I've not actually left at all since my original return post, I'm just lurking here more often than not these days. After all, the place...
Would this be a bad time to mention that I have legitimately completed the Pokédex and own everything (excluding obviously prevolutions that evolved ...
Huh? Your profile says you joined on the 2nd of April this year. Are you supposed to be someone else's alt account or something? *sigh* Nic...
*drags this up* Psst. I have a new username now that I use everywhere, so I decided to update here too. If this wasn't obvious before this post, ...
I feel sorry for the poor new folks who don't get this ancient in-joke. But though I feel sorry for them, this is also hilarious.
Hey guys! Here's some deluxe blasphemy for you! Comedy Central really need to stop being complete pansies, or South Park needs a new channel.
I'm excited as all hell for this despite not being the biggest Who fan in the world. Here's hoping it's not a complete clunker. ^_^
Title: Pride of the Fleet