Mobius Forum Archive

Violet Whirlwind
Honorable Member
Joined: Nov 4, 2002
Topics: 11 / Replies: 470
Re: Legacy of the Authors

(OOC: get Reni lost again...rising...must fight it...not sure what else to do right now though XP)

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

IC: "Ugh...Who threw that?!" Serenity flattened her ears and glared at the crowds. Sighing, she realized it would be useless to pursue...

13 years ago
Re: For the Future we Fight

(OOC: Ok...trying to get back in the swing of things here...bare with me, I have a little headache right now. Not too bad, but, I dunno if I can thin...

13 years ago
Re: Gate to Nothing

(OOC: Sounds interesting. I might have to think up something. But the million-dollar-question iiiiiiis...........why is there a pony-post-icon? XP)

13 years ago
Re: Legacy of the Authors

IC: "...Surge? What are you doing here?" But before Surge could even reply, he felt Reni's arms around him. "'s no...

13 years ago
Re: My Little Mofo: Group Mission

(OOC: Hmmm....*trying to think of a post...* Nope...I still got nothing. :/ Wanna keep this going though.)

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

(OOC: I didn't say I didn't like fight scenes...just...I'm not very good at them, that's all. XP) IC: I just standing here...doing nothing....

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Ah now I see why you were so upset at my failpost, Pach. And with good reason...that was an amazing post! Also, your theory about one world/di...

13 years ago
Re: Legacy of the Authors

IC: Surge was about to retreat and go searching for Reni elsewhere, when he noticed something. Hey wait...there she is...Wait...What's going on?! ...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Ok, question. I don't want to write myself into a corner again, so...I should probably ask this before I post, as it's confusing me. the RBC'...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

(OOC: thanks for being understanding, guys. I was kinda upset after I read your complaint, but at the same time, after re-reading that post I made, I...

13 years ago
Re: For the Future we Fight

(OOC: Terribly sorry for disappearing. I'm gonna have to do this in little the thought of posting for both characters at once is intimida...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

(OOC: All your points are valid. I have edited out my last post. Brain fart on my part, I don't know what I was doing. I did kinda think that sinc...

13 years ago
Re: Twisted World: Reborn into the Darkness

(OOC: Ok...lessee if I can get back into this...been so long since I used these characters...) IC: "Is that it?" Zephyr asked increadul...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Editing out last post. Sorry it upset people.)

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Actually...Reni's concience was refering to her killing the doppleganger...not to anything from her past, though I do have something planned f...

13 years ago
Re: Twisted World OOC Recruiting Players

VW, reporting for duty. Ah geez...i hope I can remember what I was doing...

13 years ago
Re: Twisted World: Reborn into the Darkness

(OOC: Now...if I can just remember what I was doing and who my characters were...XD)

13 years ago
Re: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

(OOC: I still have nothing. May have to pull out of this for now. (Not giving up on it completely, but...I was finding it hard to keep up with it))

13 years ago
Re: For the Future we Fight

(OOC: That actually helps a bit, as I was confused as to whether or not she was a fox or a squirrel. Still not quite up to epic-postage right now (i...

13 years ago
Re: Twisted World: Reborn into the Darkness

OOC: Whoa...i thought this had died. I'd love to see it come back though. )

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Nah...I'm better now. I think it was a combination of too much sitting in front of the computer and not enough sleep XD; There was a lot of re...

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Just a quick note...I'm still going to get to my next part...but right now I'm getting eye-strain, so it's probably not a good idea for me to p...

13 years ago
Re: Of Beasts and Men

(OOC: Aw man...i so could do something with that...if I wasn't suffering from an inability to figure out how to get my character in contact with eith...

13 years ago
Re: Legacy of the Authors

(OOC: Hmmm...what to do...) IC: As interested as she initially was by the news from Arcadia, Serenity was now getting bored. And hungry. She dec...

13 years ago
Re: Ken Penders claims rights issues to some major Archie So

This thing is STILL going on? D'geez. Drop it, Ken, and come up with some NEW characters for your new stories....Sheesh. And his arguement about no...

13 years ago
Re: The Book of the Metanthro

(OOC: Hmm...interesting. I'm not joining right I want to see where this goes (and I don't have a character thought up yet) But...I will be ...

13 years ago
Re: Legacy of the Authors

IC: The sudden blanking of the news feed startled Serenity a little, though she recovered quickly enough. "Aww, man...I'm never gonna see what ...

13 years ago
Re: For the Future we Fight

(OOC: Whooo...boy...time travel is confusing. Ah well. I have a lot to write I have to update for both my characters in both timelines....

13 years ago
Re: Black Rainbows

IC: The doppleganger smirked, crossing her arms. "Intriguing. I'll win you know. I have the power of the Underworld on my side. It'd be easie...

13 years ago
Re: Of Beasts and Men

(OOC: Hmm...forget the previous riddle idea. I just don't want to bother with it right now XP But...still debating on how my character can get her m...

13 years ago
Re: Legacy of the Authors

(OOC: I got something! I think... Reni: Oh yeah? Too bad there's no cur--*closeted* ) IC: The sheer size of this place...It made Serenity nervous....

13 years ago
Re: For the Future we Fight

(OOC: XDXD Ohhh man...O'shea's in over his head here, isn't he? Made me giggle. Classic action-comedy here. No post from me yet, I have to think wh...

13 years ago
Re: Legacy of the Authors

(OOC: Welcome back! I'm...still not sure what to post right now, but... ...Hmm..this board is going to take some getting used to. I looked for th...

13 years ago
Re: Citizens of the SPA, you have been sent on a perilous mi

Easy...put on a endless loop of "It's a Small World" EVERYBODY hates that song. XP

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: ... Eheheheee...I just had an idea...a horrible, awful idea...But I'll save it for later. XP As it's 5 AM and I should be asleep, there will be ...

13 years ago
RE: For the Future we Fight

(OOC: I just had a brainstorm. Was trying to come up with how present!Liayra supports herself for a while now (what with living alone at the age of ...

13 years ago
RE: Brainstorming: Trying to Turn FC into OC...

that's exactly it. And maybe I worry too much, but....I don't want to get sued by Sega!

13 years ago
RE: Of Beasts and Men

(OOC: Still interested, but low on ideas right now. *shrug*)

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: The line...the LIIIIIINE....:D *squee*...*cough* Ahem.  I'm over it. XP  Hoo boy...fight scene.  I still suck at fight scenes. @....

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Did somebody say Whirlwind? *pose*  XP  ...Ok that was terrible. XP)IC:"'Sieze them!'?  Seriously?  That's all you can come ...

13 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

(OOC: What did this turn into Mike's last HS post? O_o *go fix*) Repost: (OOC: Apologies for abandoning this for so long. I go and nag pe...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

IC: Serenity narrowed her eyes and glared as the Overlord made his grand appearance. Show-off. She flattened her ears and flared her quills. &quo...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: parents are visiting...So I'm a bit distracted. Thus, postage is slower. Heehee...I know what those two riddles were from...And I know the ans...

13 years ago
RE: For the Future we Fight

(OOC: Imagined the Indiana Jones theme playing with that whole O'Shea jumping and grabbing the curtain scene. XD  Anyway...parents are visiting f...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

IC: Guess I better choose something... Serenity walked around, eying the different weapons and trying to imagine herself with them. Glancing at a bo...

13 years ago
RE: The Trackers (Pokemon Trainer RP, Placeholder title)

OOC: goes. I still don't know what I'm doing, but... IC: Silence exchanged a glance with her Abra. Tace nodded and aimed a blast of ...

13 years ago
RE: Brainstorming: Trying to Turn FC into OC...

hmm...good point. Maybe I should just leave her as a FC for now and concentrate on developing other OCs...And maybe things will fall into place for ...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

Lani starts to draw her sword, falling into a fighter's stance as she appears, and only relaxing slowly. "Kenneth! Good, we're all together now -- w...

13 years ago
RE: Brainstorming: Trying to Turn FC into OC...

Hmm...I suppose that might work...there IS a certain game that has designated teleport spots...but that means that anybody can use them...unless...she...

13 years ago
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