Mobius Forum Archive

Violet Whirlwind
Honorable Member
Joined: Nov 4, 2002
Topics: 11 / Replies: 470
RE: My Little Mofo: Group Mission

(OOC: Also still in this...but still nothing to post Also...XD Leraku's new creeperface av...XD;)

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Ahahah...@ Kenneth. XD Reni would be facepalming at that if she was there. XP That said...I don't really have anything to add at the moment. *...

13 years ago
RE: For the Future we Fight

(OOC: Heeheehee...exactly @ Cody. No time to post right now...I have GOT to get back on a semi-normal I'll be going to bed now. XD...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: No necro right now...I have to make this short so I'm actually able to sleep before dawn this time XP I really need to start making my posts ear...

13 years ago
RE: For the Future we Fight

(OOC: I should be asleep right now, but...I got an idea for Cody. I'll hold off on Liayra's part for now...not like she's going anywhere ei...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: 'And nevermind that sound you heard...' Great, now I've got that stuck in my head. XD; Anyway, glad you like...I have no particular plans for ...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Heehee...You got it exactly @ Reni sardonically summing up the situation all while snarking about how rotten her life is.... XD; ) IC: Road to...

13 years ago
RE: For the Future we Fight

(OOC: Wow...I miss RPing for a day yesterday (due to fretting about a phone interview this morning that didn't go anywhere anyway) and all heck breaks...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

( touring. That takes me back. If I could spend my life as a perpetual student, I would...but, alas, I would not be able to afford that...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

(OOC: I was wondering what happened to Gem. Computer problems are never fun. Had some a couple months ago. Drove me crazy to not be able to use it. XD...

13 years ago
RE: Brainstorming: Trying to Turn FC into OC...

hmm...teleporting...I already have a character that has that in a different story/world that I'm working on...and frankly...I'm not sure how plausible...

13 years ago
RE: Brainstorming: Trying to Turn FC into OC...

hmm...teleporting...I already have a character that has that in a different story/world that I'm working on...and frankly...I'm not sure how plausible...

13 years ago
RE: Hollow Stone: Slaves of the Apocalypse

(OOC: Good to know you're still here! Ooh being sick is never fun. Well, take your time, get better, and maybe your writer's block will go away whe...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Heehee...glad you liked it...I don't have much experience writing creepy stuff, oddly felt a little...odd. XP)

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Whereas...Reni WOULD smack him for the 'chick' comment. XP But she's not there (yet), so....XP ...Slight gross/creepy warning in this.) IC: ...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: I have figured out something for my necromancer...but I have a party to go to in an hour, so I don't think I can intro him just yet...can you le...

13 years ago
RE: For the Future we Fight

(OOC: Aww man...I just realized...this would have been a perfect RP for Cody...Well...maybe I can bring him in later.) IC: Present: Liayra aw...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Wheee....time to see how Reni deals with a spooking horse...) IC: Serenity quickly had to switch her attention from the newcomers back to her h...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Now THERE'S a switch...a princess keeping a dragon in a tower. XP Also...Reni's always had superspeed (with the exception of HS)...but I guess ...

13 years ago
RE: My Little Mofo: Group Mission

IC: Serenity sweatdrop'd, mumbling, "That's...not what I meant...Nevermind..." She looked up as her name was mentioned. She flattened her ears mo...

13 years ago
RE: So if you could, what superpower would you have?

teleport and shapeshift. Shapeshift because, well, I already am a shapeshifter (when it comes to persona) and teleport because then I wouldn't have to...

13 years ago
RE: The Trackers (Pokemon Trainer RP, Placeholder title)

(OOC: IC: Silence and her Abra watched the battle with mild interest. Silence didn't really care to battle much hers...

13 years ago
RE: Brainstorming: Trying to Turn FC into OC...

I think I've got it!...Maybe. How about this...digging speed, as opposed to running speed. She can still be a runner...but more along the lines of nor...

13 years ago
RE: Hollow Stone: Slaves of the Apocalypse

OOC: Still would like to continue this. IC: Serenity watched the friend that she had just been reunited with briefly as the skunk was escorted ...

13 years ago
RE: My Little Mofo: Group Mission

(OOC: Still here...still blocked)

13 years ago
RE: For the Future we Fight

(OOC: Ah, so it's kind of like a 'hive-mind' situation with the lay persons, then? Was wondering about that myself.)

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: FYI, I'm a little leery of the move myself, but...there's not really anything I can DO about it, so...Also, I think the name spelling change to...

13 years ago
RE: ReiRei's Scribble Book IS approaching Peeps-season....I already have 4 boxes of them. XD have a bit of a weakness for marshmallows. >.>

13 years ago
RE: Faith in humanity

I don't know anything about this Zeitgeist movie, but I tend to not believe conspieracy theories in general...because of ther nature...Conspiracists h...

13 years ago
RE: For the Future we Fight

(OOC: Sounds interesting. I'll have to think of something...but for now I have to sleep. XD Edit: confounded muse...won't let me sleep until I post t...

13 years ago
RE: The Unofficial RP Discussion Thread!

@ Black Rainbows: Still trying to figure out what exactly Reni did to get herself into this mess...even --I-- don't exactly know. XD; Ah well...ho...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

(OOC: Must post something...must post something...Sorry, I got nothing. :/ )

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: So I DID call it then? XD Anyway, no post for now, as it's 5:30 in the morning and I should be sleeping, but... I just had a Lightbulb Moment....

13 years ago
13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

OOC: Ohhhhh boy...fight scene. I'm not sure if I can do this...I am TERRIBLE at fight scenes...XD; IC: Right now, Serenity was wishing Lani HA...

13 years ago
RE: Brainstorming: Trying to Turn FC into OC...

Yknow...I'm not sure it WOULD matter (not that that completely assuages my missgivings about it...)...and I have two reasons that would prove it. I...

13 years ago
RE: ReiRei's Scribble Book

XDXD The globe-ish-thing at the top of the machine reminds me of Hal, from 2001 space odyssey

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Scorpan, huh? XDXD Sorry, longtime MLP fan. And the first show had a character by that name. XD; XD Also...spit-take time! XP) IC: Re...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

IC: Before the cat that was acting as server had left, Serenity had grabbed his attention briefly. "You got any pizza?" To which the cat had give...

13 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

>>Who needs established games? Make up your own!

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Yipe! This took off without me again! Spent all weekend sick and didn't really feel up to RPing, but I'm back now. Also, slight ick warning.) ...

13 years ago
RE: The Trackers (Pokemon Trainer RP, Placeholder title)

(OOC: Still here...somewhat uninspired at the moment *shrug*)

13 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

(OOC: Still here...still have writer's block/waiting for Mike)

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Still here...but not feeling well. x__x)

13 years ago
RE: My Little Mofo: Group Mission

(OOC: bleh....this may not be the best RP to be posting in while sick and not wanting to deal with even the thought of food...but...) IC: Sereni...

13 years ago
RE: The Trackers (Pokemon Trainer RP, Placeholder title)

(OOC: Ok...movesets are done, I can now play! Still not sure the Abra's name is very good, but...I couldn't think of anything better. Oh well.) I...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Eh...must just be me then....@ the whole possession thing. Guess it just makes me uncomfortable. *shrug* Oh well. My misgivings aside, will...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

IC: Serenity was immediately reminded of home when she saw the opulence around her. Not that she particularly wanted to be. Man...All this takes m...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Slightly ooc for Reni there, Rex...She might be scared, but she's not going to show it if she can help it, instead covering with snark, but not ...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

(OOC: Arrraaaaguaaah....JUST as I was ABOUT to post in this, my mom calls...and we end up talking for who knows how long about Farmville.  NEVER ...

13 years ago
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