Mobius Forum Archive

Violet Whirlwind
Honorable Member
Joined: Nov 4, 2002
Topics: 11 / Replies: 470
RE: The Trackers (Pokemon Trainer RP, Placeholder title)

(OOC: Bare with me (again) trying to think of a better name for the Abra than Ace (my original choice) and still have to get those movesets...)

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Wow...amazing post, James.  But, just a note of warning, sometimes my character Serenity's nickname Reni, gets shortened even more to Ren, ...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

IC: Serenity blinked. "I, uh...don't really pay much attention to history or legends..." Although, now that she heard the story...sounde...

13 years ago
RE: My Little Mofo: Group Mission

(OOC: ACK! How could I have not noticed the three whole posts before my last one? O_o; Oh well...not that anything contradictory happened or anything....

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

IC: Serenity had been about to reply to the fox's query about her sin with a resounding, "Non'yo'!" when the battle started, taking her completely by...

13 years ago
13 years ago
RE: Mind your language!

I don't swear much at all personally...(occasionally say 'crap'...but in a hushed mumble XD I didn't even like saying 'suck' for the longest time XD; ...

13 years ago
RE: My Little Mofo: Group Mission

(OOC: Heehee...Reni's still a walking pastry-rack XP @ all the stuff stuck to her quills) IC: As the dust and flour embers settled, Serenity walked o...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

IC: "Authors? What's the Authors?" Serenity tilted her head in confusion. TBC (GAH! One-liner again!)

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Curse my muse...making me write at 3:30 in the morning...But I couldn't sleep until I posted something...) IC: Serenity was distracted...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Shot...candy...out his eyes?  Pffftt...hahah! What a mental picture....XDXDXD  Made me laugh, IRL.)

13 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

>>>> Break his computer and release him from his fetid curse of Trollness. He can't be a troll without internets! ( the April...

13 years ago
RE: Forest of the Future

(OOC: still here...still blocked. *shrug*)

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

(OOC: Wait...I am Zeta talking to Raia or Reni? Edit: My question was answered, now I can post XP) IC: Serenity stiffened slightly at...

13 years ago
RE: Mind your language!

If I think it's gonna get caught by the filter, I just turn it into asterisks to begin with.

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: got Reni right on! XD The part with Julien getting fed up with her and just throwing her in....XDXD Brilliant.) IC: "Stupid vam...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

IC: "@_@ Whoa, calm down, lady..."  Serenity said in response to being abruptly and exuberantly hugged. "You DO realize you're hugging a hedgeho...

13 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

(OOC: Ahhahah...I love the random of this. XDXD)

13 years ago
RE: Experiment for the Males

I'm not a guy, but I have about the same amount of fashion-interest as, not very much. I'd be with those that said "I'll wait outside" XD Ev...

13 years ago
RE: Hollow Stone: Slaves of the Apocalypse

(OOC: Eeheehee...wait...what? XD Also........No, Surge, you can't be in this. *sigh* Darn characters. XP)

13 years ago
RE: The Trackers (Pokemon Trainer RP, Placeholder title)

(OOC: Still working on Movesets.  Will edit my first post when I get them done.  For now, I better enter.) IC: To the side of the battle s...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

IC: "Rude." Serenity over heard what the other hedgehog had said last, and couldn't resist a quip in his direction, even though he hadn't actually s...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: Good idea @ posting refs; Full body pic of Reni (beware, OLD but it's the only thing close to a ref I have in color): The next one's newer and ...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

IC: "Not that I'm aware least for me.  I'm..."  She caught herself about to give away her title and stopped. " out-of-town-er....

13 years ago
RE: Hollow Stone: Slaves of the Apocalypse

IC: Serenity, beginning to get her shaking under control, couldn't believe her ears.  A guard...wanted to set her free?  Much as she apprec...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

IC: Serenity stiffened imperceptibly. Police?!  Oh no! What have I gotten myself into? She said nothing of that out loud however, though she did...

13 years ago
RE: My Little Mofo: Group Mission

IC: Serenity stood up, glancing down at the now-flat ladle-bug, shaking flour-ash from her purple coat. The confections that had adhered to her ...

13 years ago
RE: 9.8 (Survival)

(OOC: Seems to me this RP was a victim of poor timing, what with recent events in Japan and all. That said, I wish it luck anyway. I'm not really in...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

IC: "Oops...Bussssted..."  Serenity muttered, trying to scramble back behind the boxes, as if that would have erased her from ever having been s...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

(OOC: Ahahah...babelfish.  Also, I lack inspiration right now.  May edit if I think of something before anyone else posts...)

13 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

> There is a spork on the ground. It is the perfect weapon.

13 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

IC: "...Yeah well...Yerweirdtoo." As if the retort really would mean anything. There was an awkward silence. "And...uh...well...nobody really ...

13 years ago
RE: Black Rainbows

(OOC: this all centered around one particular world, or is it multiple worlds and/or multiple universes?) IC: "The hand that feeds me,...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

IC: Serenity glanced around as if suddenly realizing where she was. "Yeah...I second that." She mumbled.  It certainly wouldn't do to be discov...

13 years ago
RE: The Trackers (Pokemon Trainer RP, Placeholder title)

(OOC: What have I gotten myself into...XD I still have to work on those movesets...)

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

IC: Ancient Arcadian?  Was that that class in royalty-school I was always skipping back at home because it was boring and I didn't think I'd nee...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

IC: "So sue me for being curious!" Serenity hissed back, righting herself and making sure the cloak covered her mark. "What IS that?" TBC

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

IC: Serenity watched as Raia spoke with the odd little bird. What's she getting so excited about? Her curiosity was growing. She stood, careful...

13 years ago
RE: Hollow Stone: Slaves of the Apocalypse

(OOC: I really need to think up a name for this appraiser guy...) IC: The appraiser cursed under his breath. Who let Shinji in here? Turnin...

13 years ago
RE: My Little Mofo: Group Mission

(OOC: XDXD Mayhem! O.o Flour explodes when burnt? Ah well...for the lols I guess.) IC: Serenity was busy turning the ladle into a missha...

13 years ago
RE: My Little Mofo: Group Mission

(OOC: Ahahah. till 2 am? awesome post though. I just finished a large post in the regular RP forum, so I'm a bit RPed out for now, but....will get b...

13 years ago
RE: Hollow Stone: Slaves of the Apocalypse

IC: Serenity had pressed herself against the walls in the corner of the cell when she curled up; her quills faced outward, so she didn't see the wea...

13 years ago
RE: ReiRei's Scribble Book

awww...happy peg and 'learing ing to fly' are soooo cute! ...I need to scan stuff.

13 years ago
RE: Chao...IN SPACE!

IC: Dove looked at Khatt, her chao-ball turning first into a spiral, then a question-mark, and then back to a spiral. Strange dark chao... Turn...

13 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

>Go back into the cells and steal the guard's clothing.

13 years ago
RE: Forest of the Future

(OOC: Still here...still low on ideas. *shrug*)

13 years ago
RE: The Trackers (Pokemon Trainer RP, Placeholder title)

(OOC: I'm in!  Even though I won't know what the heck I'm doing. XD; Also...question:  Do we give the pokemon names of their own also? OOC:...

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

(OOC: I am such an overachiever...I know what it said. XP I just figured it out. XP)

13 years ago
RE: Legacy of the Authors

IC: Serenity had been about to doze off, as sitting in the hold as a stowaway was incredibly dull.  She yawned as the final box was loaded and ...

13 years ago
RE: The Great Mofo Text Adventure

>Open the chest and see if there's anything of import in the notebook.

13 years ago
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