Mobius Forum Archive

Violet Whirlwind
Honorable Member
Joined: Nov 4, 2002
Topics: 11 / Replies: 470
RE: Chao...IN SPACE!

IC: By the river, sat a young white chao...not quite an adult, but showing signs of getting there, the lavendar head-feathers of a fly-type hero cha...

14 years ago
RE: Hollow Stone: Slaves of the Apocalypse

IC: "Hi, I'm Janette!" Serenity blinked at her new cellmate, surprised.  So happy...didn't she even realize where they were? What they were th...

14 years ago
RE: Forest of the Future

(OOC: Ok hmm...time to use a character I haven't used in a while...if I can remember what she's particular plan...just making it up a...

14 years ago
RE: Forest of the Future

(OOC: this looks interesting! I'll have to think of something..but I have a headache right now. >.< I'll be back to this though)

14 years ago
RE: Hollow Stone: Slaves of the Apocalypse

IC: Serenity grimaced as some of the swine's ample spittle landed on her face, wiping it off. She made no effort to move from where she was however,...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

(OOC: Ok...location is...Infleci. I may regret not going to the place where most of the other characters currently are, but...well...we'll see I guess...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

(OOC: I still feel like I'm jumping in without enough info..since this left me in the dust when my computer died for 2 weeks, but....*shrug* Here goes...

14 years ago
RE: Hollow Stone: Slaves of the Apocalypse

IC: Things were not going according to plan.  She was supposed to get in with the other slaves.  Instead they had singled her out as a hig...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

(OOC: -- Edit: Please disregard this post. Or delete it. Made a mistake. XD;)

14 years ago
RE: Hollow Stone: Slaves of the Apocalypse

(OOC:ooh! My kind of RP!  new!Reni, get over here... and by "new!Reni" I mean a more OC-ish version of her.  I've been trying to figure out ...

14 years ago
RE: Chao...IN SPACE!

(OOC: Ahahah! Like all the posters around in SA! XD I GOTTA join this! But I'll have to go into SA again and figure out which Chao to put in this firs...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

(OOC: Sorry for vanishing there for 2 weeks. My computer decided to die unexpectedly, and I just got it back.  I will be continuing this shortly,...

14 years ago
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

(OOC: Oh man...a lot has happened since I was last here. I'd still like to join, but the pages of story are kinda daunting me. My computer just HAD to...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

IC: "I...see.  You are proposing a diversion then?" Nimbus rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Serenity watched her captor conversing with the infam...

14 years ago
RE: Shriek (PM Rei-Rei for joining details) plz check updated post

(OOC: Sorry to hear that, but glad you're keeping it open for the future. I'd love to see this go farther! )

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

(OOC...Ohhhhh....NOW I get it....Had to re-read that last bit as it confused me a little at first.  Moros is proposing a diversion?  Correct...

14 years ago
Replies: 22
Views: 359
RE: The Empty Throne That Cries for Silence

(OOC: Hmm...sounds interesting and slightly shakesperean (the plot, not the wording XD) I'm guessing there are anthros and humans involved...but what ...

14 years ago
RE: Accepting drawing commissions (and requests - see inside!)

hmm...I'm not making a request right now...and I apollogize if my comment is slightly off topic...but...I was just wondering if you had any pointers o...

14 years ago
RE: Last Night, I Dreamt!

XD I actually had a dream that was similar to that sunken-amusement-park one! XD with parts of the roller coaster sticking out of the water just like...

14 years ago
RE: Shriek (PM Rei-Rei for joining details) plz check updated post

(OOC: Yikes!  When it rains, it pours I guess, huh?  RIP, your laptop.  Don't worry, I think we're used to waiting some time for posts ...

14 years ago
RE: Of Beasts and Men

(OOC: Still's just crazy around here right now...may not be until the holidays are over)

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

(OOC: Heh...I couldn't wait to post this...but then I go and not get to it until two days later than I had originally come up with it.  My life i...

14 years ago
RE: Shriek (PM Rei-Rei for joining details) plz check updated post

IC: Pirraya examined the remaining weaponry. Both railguns and one scatter-shot were left (OOC: If I'm not mistaken). She picked up one of the...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

(OOC: I'm back.  NaNo is over, so I can spend more time on this.  Also, I should be sleeping now, but my muse won't let me until I post (aga...

14 years ago
RE: Shriek (PM Rei-Rei for joining details) plz check updated post

(OOC: Welcome back!  XD I definitely see Pratchet influence in your writing (this is a good thing) via footnote usage. However, My reply post wi...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

(OOC: Probably the last post before I'm heavily distracted by NaNo...but I HAD to get it out there...) IC: "NO!" Nimbus and Serenity bo...

14 years ago
RE: Shriek (PM Rei-Rei for joining details) plz check updated post

IC: Pir rummaged in her pack, bringing out a small dagger and a strip of leather.  She willed her tail to stop twitching as she grabbed it and ...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

(OOC:  I can put this on pause until you're ready (though there's a post that I REALLY want to get to (the next one)) Gah, nested parenthesis! XD...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

(OOC: Sorry I haven't posted lately...haven't felt well the past couple days...but I feel better friend just gave me Portal, so I was p...

14 years ago
RE: Zodiac [Action, Espionage]

(OOC: o.o;; Sorry to hear it.  I haven't been paying much attention to this either, but I'm still interested in it.  I dunno what happened, ...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

(OOC: I meant to get to this before I went on my trip last week, but my 'net died before I could get to it. It's fixed now though so everything's good...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

(OOC: "Yay, I are smart!" XDXD that made me giggle.  I had to go back and reread what Tatiatna asked several posts ago. Also, bare with me, there...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

IC: "...But first, we really must do something about THIS eyesore."  Nimbus motioned to the heavy iron chains on Serenity's wrists and ankles. H...

14 years ago
RE: Shriek (PM Rei-Rei for joining details) plz check updated post

(OOC: Still a little low on ideas, so this may be short again. *shrug* ) IC: Noticing that the mouse was no longer playing hot potato with...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

(OOC: BTW, feel free to play as any of the orriginal Freedom Fighters I haven't brought up (and even if I do eventually bring them up) if you want. It...

14 years ago
RE: Custom Title request thread.

 Can my new one be this: Reni: *runs into wall* ... I meant to do that ... Ow ... >.>

14 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 208
RE: Shriek (PM Rei-Rei for joining details) plz check updated post

(OOC: XDXD Priceless, Castor. I could just see it. XD  Hmm...not sure what to add...but I have to do SOMETHING...) IC: Pir stopped abruptly in...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

(OOC: Ok, here we go. The big one. Maybe. XP Also...more info I came up with on the world. The Haven (name subject to change, if I think of someth...

14 years ago
RE: Shriek (PM Rei-Rei for joining details) plz check updated post

IC: " hour, huh? Guess I'll be back then..."  The kangarroo rat made a b-line for the exit. Ordinarily, she might have stayed a li...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

(OOC: I WON! =D My faith in the justice system has been restored! (not that it was ever really lost, but...still...)) IC: "Put yer BACKS into it!" ...

14 years ago
RE: Shriek (PM Rei-Rei for joining details) plz check updated post

(OOC: "Weapon of mass audio disruption" XDXD Brilliant, Mobi. NOt quite sure what to have my character do right now, so this may be short...) IC: Des...

14 years ago
RE: Shriek (PM Rei-Rei for joining details) plz check updated post

IC:  Pir had been thinking of suggesting to Max that she shove a bomb down Robotnik's throat just for her, since she probably lacked the courage ...

14 years ago
RE: Shriek (PM Rei-Rei for joining details) plz check updated post

(OOC: Ack!  I'm getting left behind!  Ok...maybe not. But I missed getting in in the intros.  Also...I'm guessing my char might have ...

14 years ago
RE: Fused Worlds and Shattered Dreams (OC-world/Sonic Crossover, escape, survival)

(OOC: Heh...that's why I copy-paste before I hit 'post' XP  Anyway...I'm thinking I should have not made a crossover and just gotten into the act...

14 years ago
RE: Shriek (PM Rei-Rei for joining details) plz check updated post

(ooc: Ok...implementing some of the PM suggestions I got.  Pir's fear of Robotnik evolved into downright hate over the years, which has the poten...

14 years ago
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