Mobius Forum Archive

Estimable Member
Joined: Oct 17, 2002
Topics: 6 / Replies: 125
RE: Teen charged with having sex...with dummy?

Maybe we can't really blame him then... that barbera's pretty hot.

19 years ago
RE: The Kingdom Hearts thread

Heh! I don't mind it being there. ;P Just gonne feel a bit weird for me, HB being my favorite level and all.

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Sprites, backrounds, and sounds.

I was about to say, you can rip the sounds from roms, but I'm not allowed to put any links here under EZlaw.

19 years ago
RE: The Kingdom Hearts thread

-Does that mean that it will be a world we will frequently pay visits to? HB will be to KHII what Traverse Town was to KH so yes. Hmm. Interesting, h...

19 years ago
RE: Teen charged with having sex...with dummy?

One can only assume not. Unless it has someone to speak on its behalf

19 years ago
RE: Teen charged with having sex...with dummy?

Ohnoes! He was attracted to something that was womanshaped.. :0 Well at least vaguely so.... Still, I doubt he's ever gonna be able to live this one...

19 years ago
RE: What'cha playin'?

Soul Calibur 3. o_O Got all the characters now, but cannot freakin beat the last enemy in Chronicles for love or moneys...

19 years ago
RE: A Small Thanksgiving Special

Great skit. ^^ Quote: Mmmmmmm....CeeeeeJaaaay......*drools* :0 ... You're in there, CJ!!!!

19 years ago
RE: The Kingdom Hearts thread

I certainly hope Yuna isn't looking for Tidus, cuz she's in for a shock.

19 years ago
RE: >.> I feel as if I'm hated.

Tails Doll: If you should die before you wake, SCHLURRRPY! :S

19 years ago
RE: The Kingdom Hearts thread

Quote: <3 @ Pegleg Pete. Looks like he'll be a reoccuring villain throughout the game if he has a Lion King form and a "Disney World" fo...

19 years ago
RE: Mary-Joo-Wanna or Mary-Joo-Don't-Wanna?

Slightly off topic but seeings as you mentioned cigarettes in that light, not too long back here in the UK there was some food colouring of somesuch t...

19 years ago
RE: &quot;Ten Reasons Why Gay Marriage Is Wrong&quot;

I loved it! XD Really made me smile. Then again I love this kind of sattire anyway.

19 years ago

Hating one group isn't enough to be a hitler! You have to have everything but blue eyes blond people who are of your nationality! :0

19 years ago
RE: Holy crap! I knew sugar was bad for you.....

OHNOEZ! Eating way too much of something can kill?! SURELY you jest? :0 <-- That's all I have to say about it.

19 years ago
RE: The Not-So-Great International Netsplit?

Blind panic, maybe? The change of something a lot of people hold dear is gonna create upset and lead to hasty conclusions. >_> And yeah I realis...

19 years ago
RE: UNICEF Bombs the Smurfs! (Oh, the smurfanity!)

Quote:That's all well and good, but it'll never defeat the Se7en episode of The Smurfs from Robot Chicken, now THAT is an adult episode of The Smurfs....

19 years ago
RE: The Not-So-Great International Netsplit?

I always saw the internet as kinda its a kind of phantom anarchic nation in a way. o_O I somehow doubt the changes will be as dramatic as feared, bu...

19 years ago
RE: Ah...New fall shows.

I wanna see how they handle the underpants duck. :0 Is it a duck, or is it a pair of pants!? WE DON'T KNOW!

19 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 12
RE: I think it's safe to say I'm an &quot;oldbie&quot;...

:0 im older thn u bai a month lol omg n00b (;P)

19 years ago
RE: This is a Super Puppy!

How the 'eck did it eat it?

19 years ago
RE: Owner Feeds Kitten to Pit Bull

o_O It never ceases to amaze me how people can treat animals.. Still, we treat each other bad enough.. x_x

19 years ago
RE: Pentagon plans new strike-first nuclear policy

Quote: On the other hand, if we didn't make them and instead delcared them illegal under international law, we'd find it a bit easier to stop other co...

19 years ago
RE: Ah...New fall shows.

Bobobo ROCKS >=D He could whoop anyone with his nosehairs.. Sexiest. Afro. EVER.

19 years ago
RE: Ah...New fall shows.

Diehard Naruto Fan I be at current. c_C; Waiting to see episodes 128 to the most recent. And when I have the time, Ultra, I may just look at your fa...

19 years ago
RE: My family

All I can say is... DUDE o_o;; That's just beyond incredible...

19 years ago
RE: Ah...New fall shows.

>:O You wanna get rid of the Rock Lee and Gaara fight? The Naruto and Neji one? Trying not to spoil... The opening part of the 3rd exam was the bit...

19 years ago
RE: Ah...New fall shows.

I wonder what they're gonna do about Jiraiya, aka Ero Sennin o.o; Mess about with that too much and much of the comedy's gonna be killed.. Gonna have ...

19 years ago
RE: Random Login Prompt

Heh... ^^ Seems so. *points to edit* Not ever seen it before mind you... That's what you get for hotlinking from a site you don't own I guess..

19 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 18
RE: GCSE Results

Not bad at all. ^^ Lovely selection of As there..

19 years ago
RE: Girl in bikini falling through bubbles

Fountd this about a week or so before.. Maarvellously well scripted this. ^.^

19 years ago
RE: Declaration of Revocation! 😛 So sez mr.Cleese!

Ahh.. tripped by urban legend. Ah well. 😛 Still incredibl;y funny, yeah

19 years ago

Craig, seems in both your cases you were pretty well provoked. o_O First one particularly, but.. yeah.. even when there's justification for it, freaki...

19 years ago
Replies: 26
Views: 27
RE: tentative UN approval of GM crops

Interesting.. Course that might not be the case under say carefully controlled harvest, but whose to say everyone's gonna be real careful with this st...

19 years ago
RE: tentative UN approval of GM crops

Media hype, you gotta 'love' it... Dude, I don't personally know any major flaws with it. Only know the risks that I've heard through hearsay that ha...

19 years ago
RE: tentative UN approval of GM crops

Sounds fun, dunnit? X_x And eh, I might not be sitting around on the fence too long. 😛 A major flaw could be found any time, but when it is found I ...

19 years ago
RE: tentative UN approval of GM crops

On a side note, I think it might be better to use the edit button in future. *shrug* Still.. that aside. Interesting stuff. Personally I can see the ...

19 years ago
RE: A union of two persons: Canada approves gay marriage

To be perfectly honest, I really don't care. o_O If gays wanna be gay, it'd be no use trying to force them to be straight. Likewise it'd be near impos...

19 years ago
RE: We're going to eat out of a WHAT?

I like it.. 😛 You don't have to walk anywhere if you need to puke...

19 years ago
RE: Michael Jackson case: decision reached

The prosecution was a complete joke when it came down to it, the mother a clear liar. o_O It was a money scam, they've happened before and will no dou...

19 years ago
RE: Manga Head

YEah, there's billboards in my area too. o_O If it does yours it'll do mine. Now there's an equation you can shake a stick at

19 years ago
19 years ago
Replies: 18
Views: 23
RE: STORYTIME *with espy on rugby and narcotics*

And here is where I think I'm rather lucky my arm joints are loose. o.o Seriously, I can dislocate joints almost voluntarily.. That aside, interestin...

19 years ago
RE: Questions for all of ye on the other side o the pond

Quote:And Weirdo, it IS a big issue, but not that big one. The problem is, why didnt ANY of his advisors, or even his BROTHER say "no, wear somet...

19 years ago
RE: Questions for all of ye on the other side o the pond

Going slightly off topic, with concerns that harry pic.. WHAT THE $@#%!? They're making a hell of a fuss about a freaking costume party aren't they!? ...

19 years ago
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