*giggles like a fangirl*
Jaffa looks like such a bishibishinekokawaiisamatentaclechan in his icon. ^_^;;;
That's too bad. Although I've never liked Star Trekzers.
I had a MoFo dream recently, if that makes any sense. No idea how the hell to describe it, but it was weird.
OMG HELLO!!!111 Don't mind my musical elitism. That's just who I am. Oh, right. ECW and the like.
Off subject, but your signature still has the ability to hypnotise me.
Yes it is. What type of sick, twisted reality are you living in, Shadow Hog?!?/1/
I believe that if everything exploded, that would include myself. Thus, I am unable to come up with a witty response to such a scenario. Thank you f...
I don't think Metallica is all you listen to, Scott. 🙁 Just for the most part. Right now, "Right Here Waiting" by Richard Marx. YES I'M A WIMP 🙁
"Man, I've always wanted to meet Hilary Clinton!" Scenario: You find yourself in the middle of a nudist colony. And all of the nudists around you ar...
Ah... that's too bad. Injuries are no fun. I'm just glad it was only a leg injury and nothing serious.
That's horrible. Maybe someone should hit his head and groin with a baseball? Or maybe a bowling ball.
"Borderline" by Brad Sucks, yo.
I used to get adverts for viagra rip-offs in my e-mails all the time. It does get tiring. They must get responses from these things, or they wouldn't...
Little girls do that. They call it "practicing" for when they fall in love with guys. Little do they know that the joke is on them! Everyone knows t...
Yes, but that's just how we are, I'm afraid. 🙁 Question: What's your favorite breakfast cereal? What's your least favorite? LOL TELL ME
Dear God that's disturbing. And strangely sexy.
Guns N' Roses' "Use Your Illusions Part 1" album.
"Wow. I wish I had a favorite band!" Scenario: Your favorite band just broke up. And they all died. Because of me. AHAHAHAHhaah.
Yeah, being a music elitist is MY bit. Err. But I've been trying to stop doing that. Really.
Sounds good. I loved Futurama. I hate the Simpsons. :X
Snow Patrol. Some song by them on the radio. ..These guys sound exactly like Coldplay.
Calm down, children, calm down! Daddy's trying to sleep!
<i>And Jimmy Eat World is emo. :3</i> Wrong answer. YOU'RE OFF THE CASE. And I'm not listening to everything because MY COMPUTER FREAKI...
Okay, dad.
I've been explaining why I don't like it. I also said I'd stop critiquing, in case you can't read. And your meaning of emo is flawed. "Master of th...
What is this? If they're lyrics, it'd be better if you spaced the lines out.
You never told me if I could have a bridesmaid. 🙁
*HUUUUUUUUUUUUGS* I love you Wesu! DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE! DUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE what? Right this minute, "Just Like Heaven" by The Cure.
Please lock it. PLEASE. Edit: hay look third page
Abi crossed out "not" so her message read "That's true!" Was that intentional? NO ONE KNOWS!!!1111
I'm guessing it's a totally new person, since I don't remember the old Rapidfire typing quite like that.
Don't listen to Wes...he not only bites he consumes and devours the very souls of newcomers. I'm not a newbie eater. YOU'RE OFF THE CASE!!111
"Man Who Sold The World" ~ David Bowie
HTML R PHAIL I fix, I fix.
*spanks wes very, VERY hard* Hope that was enough! It was. 😀
The line that gives it away is: "I woke up and my breasts had disappeared." There are plenty of logical explanations for this, Jin. They could have....
Depends on the person in question and the room full of people. 😛 No, SH. No. XD
I don't like how the official used the word "gender" to describe these physical changes. Gender has nothing to do with what's between your legs. Agre...
Yes, yes they do. I just plan on being a professional critic so I'm trying to get all the practice I can. 😀 Right now, "Slither" by Velvet Revolver...
You're right. I'm a horrible person and need to get sent to the police RIGHT AWAY! :O
Why, yes. Yes I have. I've listened to all three of their mainstream EPs as recommended by some friends. They're repititive, lack talent on their i...
You know sometimes girls do that to guys, too. Just not as frequent. I think. I think.
Did you find any cute bridesmaids yet? If so, can I have one as a pet?
GOOD GOD IT'S INHUMAN Yes, I need to shave. Yes, my hair's wet. Yes, that lighting makes me look ghostly pale. Yes, my glasses magnify my eyes. N...
Bonjour! 🙂 Allez-vous tre mon copain de plaisir? 😉 Err. Right. Hello, there. I'm Wes. I don't bite.