What's with the 3D outdoor wrestling ring? o.o
Quote: Does it really matter? We all hate Sonic X anyway. No, no, good sir. I hate everything from Japan. 😀
@Luke: I might, I might not. 😀 @Jaffa: I'm fine. Lick me again and you won't be. 😀
I had a dream I was a superhero once. I died and was teleported to a hospital where I had to run past two city zones to get back to the place I died ...
Rock on, brother.
I've been listening to an unknown singer who has a habit of underappreciating his own abilities. Be aware, his music is very.. interesting; chances a...
"I like fire. :D" Scenario: You realize that you're not wearing pants. And you're at the mall. And everyone is watching. ahahahah.
I was only kidding, Sam. 😛
*looked back at the pic of Trish* dJHWKDJHASjshja hot. 😀
I'm listening to music so great your poor minds can't even begin to comprehend it. In short, I'm listening to Van Halen.
oh entire ezboard that isnt good not at all 🙁
Does anyone know who we were hacked by? Maybe our good buddies from CulT? And since I don't like giving out my AIM publicly, you'd have to tell me y...
It's alright for me. I hate anime. 😀 Although this definitely doesn't bode well for anime fans, considering most American TV dubs suck worse than t...
Quote: He's saying for discussion purposes, Sweetie. :3 Moooooooom, I told you, don't call me that in public.
Anyone who talks to me frequently (or who look at my website) knows I cuss quite a bit, although I try not to in public due to the fact that some peop...